Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Which CoVid Story Should We Believe?

The dissonance, it hurts.

From the Milwaukee branch office of Pravda Today:

With COVID-19 vaccines and therapeutics now widely available, Wisconsin health professionals are cautiously optimistic that even if cases rise, they won't result in overwhelming hospitalizations and deaths....

Oh, good!

Also from the Milwaukee branch office of Pravda Today:

 ...Data still shows that the unvaccinated are more likely to suffer severe illness or death compared to the vaccinated, but it is clear that vaccinated people made up a significant portion of recent COVID deaths...

So COVID-19 will not result in deaths, unless you die.

Got it.



Anonymous said...

In Waukesha on a layover. If you’re ever in OH, let me know and we’ll shoot some groundhogs and coyotes

Anonymous said...

Couldn’t land at MKE because of winds

Anonymous said...

Best to read as much as possible about Covid....

1. Exterminating the Young via coerced poisoning in Italy

2. Unvaxxed are testing positive for Covid-19 at the lowest rate, Triple Vaxxed at the highest rate

3. Walgreens – Unvaxxed are testing positive for Covid-19 at the lowest rate, Triple Vaxxed at the highest

4. Research suggests COVID jabs are actually killing more people than they save

5.High vaxx, High case….. it's getting too big to hide

6. The NIH Doled out $30 Billion Last Year in Grants and the Entity and Its Scientists Received an Estimated $350 million or More in Royalties from 2010 to 2020

7. COVID Vaccines May Bring Avalanche of Neurological Disease

8. Previously healthy gorilla dies of multiple organ failure following covid vaccination


9. Urgent Pfizer News: Malone And McCullough Speak Out On Pfizer/CDC Fraud

10. Out of 27 women that were accidentally pregnant during the vacc program. Outcome: 23 spontaneous abortions. 2 premature with neonatal death. 1 spontaneous abortion with neonatal death. 1 living baby Pfizer doc 5.3.6 page 12 “Safe and effective”

Anonymous said...

11. Flashback: 2018 Video Shows ‘Public Health Expert’ Admitting Masks Only Work To ‘Cause Alarm’

12. Did Moderna Trial Data Predict ‘Pandemic of the Vaccinated?’ A new study based on Moderna’s Phase 3 clinical trial data suggests recipients of Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine may be more likely to suffer repeated infections, perhaps indefinitely.

13. Fauci, NIH, scientists got $350 million from '3rd party payers'

14. ALERT: Covid Pills Cause Deadly Relapses and Supercharge Mutations

15. Chief Depopulationist and Vaccine-Pushing Prince of Darkness Bill Gates Has Symptomatic Covid-19

16. Buried Bombshell: New Israeli Study Shows Massive Spike in Heart Attacks Among the Young and Jabbed
17. VAXXING THE SHEEPLE: Covid-19 Is the Largest Asch Conformity Experiment Ever Conducted

18. Sudden Rise of Children with Liver Damage Were Breastfed By Vaccinated Mothers

19. Health Authorities Tracked Movements of Canadians via Cellphones During Pandemic
20. Report: CDC Spied On Americans To See If They Were Complying With Lockdowns

21. COVID-19 And The Global Predators: We Are The Prey by Peter R. Breggin, MD