Sunday, September 15, 2024

....Him, or Your Lying Eyes??

 The new (D) election tacticGaslight, Gaslight, Gaslight.

During an interview with Michigan’s Fox 17 WXMI on Friday, 2024 Democratic vice presidential candidate Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz (D) stated that Americans are better off economically than they were four years ago....

Are Americans better off then they were 4 years ago?

... “Yeah, well, certainly, an economy that works for the middle class. Donald Trump has been clear, I’ll give him this, the one thing he’s been clear about is he promised his rich friends in Mar-a-Lago, he said, you’re rich as heck, and you’re going to get a tax cut. He did that, he did. He decimated the middle class. He made it more difficult. He put more burdens on middle-class folks....

Well, Timmy, not if the proposal is like Trump's 2017 cuts:

 ...The 2017 tax cut law signed by former President Donald Trump cut income tax rates essentially across the board.

From 2017 to 2018, the average rate dropped from 4% to 3.4% for the bottom half of income earners and from 26.8% to 25.4% for the top 1%, according to the Tax Foundation.

In 2018, the Tax Policy Center estimated, 65% of households paid lower taxes....

Tampon Timmy appears to think that small businesses and families are "the rich."  But those entities want to preserve the Trump cuts.  

(It is a matter of record that Marxists despise small businesses and families, which--along with the churches--provide a bulwark against their Totalitarian statism.)

The rest of his response is Kamala-like word salad peppered with lies, avoiding the obvious:  the Harris/Biden regime has inflated the cost of food, fuel, electricity, and housing so much that other purchases are receding fast.  People are not buying cars, not patronizing fast-food outlets, and staying away from home improvements.

Gaslight:  it's what's for lunch!!  You can't afford food, anyway.....

Saturday, September 14, 2024

The Non-Profit Haitian Rackets

Let's hope that the Catholic Bishops are not involved in this.

...the so-called "businesses" that want the Haitians here (and yes there are) are cheating.  I looked into this; they are trying to pay $17.50/hr for American labor, which can work (that's $35k/yr) if there are $750/mo one-bedroom apartments.  These jobs are not "McJobs" for kids; they're no-BS adult jobs that someone could hold for a lifetime.  They then get a "deal" with an NGO, which got a direct government contract to do it and thus is being paid with your stolen money to pay $9/hr with no benefits or employment taxes because they're not an "employer" anymore (the job shop is), the job shop sticks a $2/hr override on it and makes money that way, the Haitians get $10 and $1,000 a month of direct subsidy and another $700 or so of rent subsidy.  The Haitians then live 4 to a one-bedroom apartment driving the cost of those up to $2,000 a month which instantly makes it impossible for any American to live on that $17.50/hr as that's more than half their pay.  All of these "subsidies" and game-playing are directly and forcibly stolen from the American people and the manufacturer and landlords are the ones doing the stealing.  For this they should all be destroyed and their ashes scattered to the four winds; they're screwing every actual American in the ass, on purpose, and they're gushing over how "wonderful" it is that they're literally screwing every one of their neighbors. ...

The Harris-Biden-Obama tyranny strikes again.

Least Surprising Factoid About WI Atheists

Surber reads all the news.  I read Surber and pick the good stuff.

ITEM 5: The New York Post reported, “5 in 6 Wisconsinites who don’t believe in God back Kamala Harris in new battleground poll.”

Choosy atheists choose Kamala.

Actually, they believe in A godJust not THE God.

Hot-Tempered Kitty

 Sourced from Surber

A Salute to "MAGA People"

Creative look at "MAGA People" financed by RFKjr's ex-running-mate Nicole Shanahan.

Almost enough to make you blush.

Kamala: Truly Awful Candidate

Kammy finally took an interview.  It did not go well.

.....TAFF: Talk about bringing down prices and making life more affordable for people. What are one or two specific things you have in mind for that?

...HARRIS: Well, I'll start with this. I grew up a middle-class kid. My mother raised my sister and me. She worked very hard. She was able to finally save up enough money to buy our first house when I was a teenager. I grew up in a community of hardworking people. You know, construction workers and nurses and teachers. I try to explain to some people who might not have had the same experience, but a lot of people will relate to this.

    You know,
I grew up in a neighborhood of people who were really proud of their lawn, you know, and I was raised to believe and to know that all people deserve dignity and that we as Americans have a beautiful character. You know, we have ambitions and aspirations and dreams, but not everyone necessarily has access to the resources that can help them fuel those dreams and ambitions. So, when I talk about building an opportunity economy, it is very much with the mind of investing in the ambitions and aspirations and the incredible work ethic of the American people and creating opportunity for people, for example, to start a small business. ...

There are a number of people in this area who have "HARRIS-WALZ" yard signs.

We won't judge, but  "Utterly stupid" and "WTF's the Matter With You?"  come to mind when driving by.

What Happens in D.C.? Blackmail.

A Republican congressman from Tennessee has filed for divorce after 35 years of marriage.  

His wife sent a message to all the other Congressional wives.  But they are not the only people who should read it.  You may notice that your "Conservative" Congressman or Senator is voting differently than his/her "Principles"There's a reason:

...Camie Green said she had attempted reconciling with her husband, but that he “insisted” on ending their marriage.

“Satan has rewritten our marriage in his mind. I am being quite open about this as 1) I cherish the prayer of any who are willing and 2)
I want to make others aware of how readily available  ‘predators’ are for our husbands,” said Camie Green, who did not respond after being contacted by the Washington Examiner. “If my story can prevent this tragedy from happening to someone else, I will tell it.”...

...Camie Green warned that Congress could make lawmakers vulnerable to attention outside their marriage.

“Our husbands are often isolated from others who might hold them accountable and on top of that they can become intoxicated with power and adoration,” wrote Camie Green. “Mine is a classic case of this as he pushed God out of his life, me out of his life, and developed friendships with other congressmen and women having affairs and getting divorces, drinking, parties, all while hosting a weekly Bible study in the basement of our home.”...

 If you're dumb enough to think that 'there is no video', or that "nobody knows" that your Congressman is not playing on the home court, you really need to step back.  This is one of the ways the Deep State wins votes in Congress.

And it's a damn good method, too.

ObamaCare Is Destroying You

 Keep your doctor, and lower healthcare costs.

Uh-huh.  Only Kamala lies more than Obama, but it's a very close call.

Here's the 'lower' cost picture:

Average US family health insurance premium...
1999: $6k
2002: $8k
2005: $11k
2008: $13k
2011: $15k
2014: $17k
2017: $19k
2020: $21k
2023: $24k

That's a 314% increase since 1999 (6.1% per year).

(Note: US CPI inflation has increased 2.5%/year)

ObamaCare became law in 2010.  Using 2011's cost as a basis, we see that ObamaCare reduced your health costs by increasing them 60%.

See how that works?  Your lying eyes are lying.

Be sure to thank Paul Ryan, and to piss on John McCain's grave.

Friday, September 13, 2024

Have the Tucker Subscription?

You may be able to get his visit with Megyn Kelly from this link; but you may have to subscribe.

Either way, it's a MUST WATCH.  She lays out the Groomer/Pedo/ChildRape situation--not to mention how she flays and fillets the pop-singer Taylor Swift.....VERY strong language, NSFW or kids.

Watch Tucker's reaction.  I think he's very uncomfortable with Kelly's rant.

Pp. Franny Serenades the Crowd--With Heresy

That Jesuit training he got......what a wonderful thing, eh?  In Singapore, he pontificated:

...All religions are a path to arrive at God. They are, of a comparison, like different languages, different idioms, to arrive there. But God is God for everyone. And since God is God for everyone, we are all children of God. “But my God is more important than yours!” Is this true? There is only one God, and we, our religions are languages, paths to arrive at God. Some Sikh, some Muslim, some Hindu, some Christian, but they are different paths....

Most of you caught the obvious problems with that right off the top.

But here's an analysis by Louie:

...There are two heresies here. The most blatant concerns his profession of equality between the false religions (by name no less!) and Christianity, presenting them as merely different paths to the one true God. Perhaps less obvious to some is the assertion that the unbaptized enjoy divine sonship along with those who are baptized in Christ....

You'd think Pp. Franny is running for office, wouldn't you?

Maybe that's what he thinks is the summum bonum.

Enjoying the Harris/Biden Immigration-Crime Rate??

 The FEEBS (of all people) released the latest crime numbers.

...In 2020, Trump’s last full year in office, 1,569,390 violent crimes, excluding simple assaults, were recorded. The figure had risen to 2,485,830 by 2023. (Simple assaults are also up, from 2,988,770 to 3,933,230.)

Rapes and sexual assaults, in particular, are up from 319,950 in 2020 to 481,020 in 2023. Robberies are up from 437,260 to 731,620, and so-called “stranger violence” is up from 1,973,200 to an astonishing 3,233,400.

While some may argue crime could have been lower than usual in 2020 due to coronavirus restrictions limiting people’s movements, every non-domestic violent crime type listed in the Justice Department’s report is also up compared to 2019, before the pandemic....

This is not just Tren de Aragua terrorizing Dane County (yes, they're there) or Aurora, CO.  And it's not just Haitians with their voodoo santeria.

It's exactly what Trump tried to prevent, and what Paul Ryan (and others) asked for.

War Before Election Day (?)

 We've mentioned the possibility before, so it's not a shock here.

   ... I had a very interesting exchange of emails with Ray McGovern yesterday in which he insisted that Mr Putin is not going to react in a dramatic way or in a manner that could cause a further escalation before November 5th. On reflection I think Ray is right. What we have been saying among ourselves--that the Americans are trying to bait the Russians to get them to do something drastic and dire that would justify an American counterattack of devastating nature against Russia before the elections or that would effectively have a war going before the elections to make sure that Kamala gets over the top and wins. I think the Russians have equally capable analysts who are saying the same thing and for that very reason will not carry out their attack on the United States or in Western Europe before November 5th....Wauck quoting Gil Doctorow
The history is that America very rarely changes Government during a war.  So allowing the Grifter-Dictator of Ukraine to fire US-made long-range missiles into--say--Moscow,  using US-provided satellite guidance and US-provided training.......well.......that should get Putin all fired up, right?

OTOH, Putin--no slouch at chess--wants to do nothing at all until Kammy is defeated on 11/5, figuring that Trump will put an end to the Ukraine slaughter (and NATO, thank God!!!) on the day he takes office.

Of course, that will happen only if the Blob--the Deep State--doesn't manage to kill him first.

But there is an alternative:  cut and run.

Walz Speaks Truth (!!)

Perhaps Minnesotans will become embarrassed over their choice of Governor.  There's plenty to be embarrassed about, ya'know.

That said, it seems as though he is capable of telling the truth once in a great while.

During a campaign speech in Grand Rapids, Michigan on Thursday, where their campaign is desperately trying to win back the disaffected Muslim vote, Walz remarked that Harris had begun [her] career as a...

 Listen for yourself here.   Do NOT take a gulp of coffee before playing that sound track

Fact-checkers at ABC did not challenge that statement.

Busing Them In to Harris Rallys


At least 10 coach buses.  50/bus (or more) capacity.  Note that the rally is in North Carolina, yet the tee-shirts are labeled "Jacksonville" and "Oklahoma."  (There are others).

Well........since all she does is lie, this fits.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

A Plaintive Meow


Total Perversion of Values

This is the sum of Nietzsche's "Transvaluation of all values".

The father of an 11-year-old boy who was killed by a Haitian immigrant in Springfield, Ohio, said during a city commission meeting on Tuesday that he wishes his son was instead killed by an “old white man.”

Aiden Clark was killed in August 2023, when a Haitian immigrant, Hermanio Joseph, 36, crossed over the center dividing line and crashed into a full school bus. The 11-year-old was ejected from the bus, which flipped over and then landed on him. More than 20 children were taken to the hospital. Joseph is now facing nine years behind bars after being convicted of involuntary manslaughter. He was not licensed to drive in Ohio....

The "father" of Aiden stepped up to address the city council:

... “Ya know, I wish that my son Aiden Clark was killed by a 60-year-old white man,” the boy’s father, Nathan Clark, said. “I bet you never thought anyone would ever say something so blunt. But if that guy killed my 11-year-old son, the incessant group of hate-spewing people would leave us alone.”...

Guess who's to blame here?

...“Speaking of morally bankrupt politicians Bernie Moreno, Chip Roy, JD Vance, and Donald Trump: they have spoken my son’s name and used his death for political gain,” the father continued.

“They can vomit all the hate they want about illegal immigrants, the border crisis, and even untrue claims about fluffy pets being ravaged and eaten by community members,” he said. “But they are … not allowed to mention Aiden Clark.”

My son Aiden Clark was not murdered. He was accidentally killed by an immigrant from Haiti,” the father added. “In order to live like Aiden, you need to accept everyone.”...

Maybe Aiden will forgive the sperm-donor claiming fatherhood here.  But it will be a lost easier for him to forgive the illegal alien who killed him.

The "father" is far too evil for mere prison.  He should be shunned.  Tossed out of the town and told to never return.  May 1,000 illegals piss on his grave.

Dust In Your Eye?

 Most of us don't remember that there were a lot of rescue dogs used at the scene of 9/11.

Here's the story of just one.

...And, of course, there was Bretagne. Golden Retriever. Easygoing. Dutiful. Obsessed with food. Her owner and trainer, Denise Corliss, a firefighter from Harris County, Texas, brought Bretagne to Ground Zero while the rubble was still hot.

Bretagne went straight to work. She worked for 10 days solid. Ten agonizing days. Bretagne never quit. She napped onsite.

Denise recalls: “...There are images of Bretagne going to where she was directed to search, into the unknown, the chaotic environment. But even then, she knew who needed the comfort of a dog, and which firefighter needed to hold her close and stroke her fur.”

After 9/11, Bretagne also helped recovery efforts during the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, and Ivan. She retired at age 9.

Old age finally overtook her, she had a hard time using stairs, so Denise installed an above-ground pool to keep Bretagne’s joints limber.

In retirement, Bretagne became a reading dog at a local elementary school. First graders, too shy to read aloud, would read to a white-faced, elderly retriever who looked them in the eyes and smiled.

Bretagne visited students with special needs. She visited students with autism. She visited everyone.

She suffered kidney failure at age 16. She was put to sleep on June 7, 2016, and became the last of the 9/11 rescue dogs to end her earthly career.

Bretagne hobbled into the Cypress, Texas, animal hospital, one sunny Monday, only to discover the sidewalks and hallways were lined with firefighters, first responders, and rescue workers who saluted her.

Her remains were later escorted from the hospital, draped in an American flag....
That would meet with Grim's approval, I think.

Reality in Four Squares


Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Taylor Swift, Eh?

It appears that Taylor Swift has endorsed Kammy.

Well.  That pretty much settles it, right?

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Killed Off by Green Crapola

Last Refuge points to an essay in Politico (of all places!) which points to a large--and growing--problem in the industrialized West.

...[Managing Director] Keim entered a troubling new normal, where energy prices are double those of overseas rivals.

That reality is slowly eroding thousands of similar companies across Europe’s industrial heartland. Germany, Europe’s manufacturing powerhouse, has fallen into a recession expected to extend through the year’s end. Even global German stalwarts like Volkswagen, a name almost synonymous with the mighty Das Auto itself, are staring at unprecedented plant closures.

More broadly
across the EU, output from key energy-intensive sectors like chemicals and steel is declining. Plants are shutting down. Industrial champions are announcing layoffs....--
quoting Politico

This is something that Trump saw; it's the reason he supported "Drill, baby, drill!!", albeit only in  the energy sectors of petroleum and natural gas.

Harris/Biden have attempted the kill shot on US industry with their Green Energy bill.  That's the one they called "Recovery" or some other crapola.  And if you don't believe it, take another look at the electric bill you're paying.  Notice how much those KWH's have increased in the last 10 years?  5 years?  2 years?

That's the Harris/Biden/Green Goddess kill shot, and yes, it's just as bad for industry as it is for you.

Last Refuge also notes that Big Ag (and Big Food, and Big Pharma) have moved their capital investments to Third World countries.  There's a reason:  the Third World is not stupid.  They don't mandate sun-catchers and windmills on the blatantly-false theory of "Climate Change."

But your Congress did.  Your most recent Presidents did.

And you?  You got the hindmost.  Congratulations!

Of COURSE It's Theater. It's What They DO.

Cong. Tom Massie calls a spade a spade.

...on Monday, Rep. Thomas Massie criticized the ongoing political charade surrounding the impending spending bill and the inclusion of the SAVE Act. Massie described the situation as “political theater,” asserting that both Democrats and Republicans engage in a cycle of posturing and faux conflict.

“Can we be honest with the American people about what’s going on here? This is political theater,” Massie said. “I’m going to call out both sides right here. It’s all posturing, it’s fake fighting, we all know where it ends up,” he exclaimed....

He's right.

Republicans have no interest whatsoever in passing the SAVE Act, especially if it gets in the way of super-spending on their favorite cause, which is always "Getting Re-Elected." 

As to "reforming Government"?  If you believe that, you are delusional.  Massie:

"...Most democrats are fine with this totalitarian state that the bureaucrats are pushing on us, but Republicans at least pretend to be against these things. But what are we going to do this September? We are going to fund every freaking one of those things that we have exposed.”...

It has nothing to do with principles, or right/wrong stuff.  It has ONLY to do with re-election.  The debt-bomb won't explode for another 10 years, when most of those cretins will not be running, anyhow.

Only your children and grand-children will be affected.  Do them a favor:  teach them how to live off the land.

The Lasting Wisdom of H. L. Mencken

In an essay about the Old Right, Mencken is quoted.  Although his remark is about FDR's New (Socialist/Statist) Deal, it proves to be perennial in its wisdom:

...It was opposition to FDR’s New Deal that brought much of the Old Right together. As their sharpest wit, H.L. Mencken, put it: “The New Deal began, like the Salvation Army, by promising to save humanity. It ended, again like the Salvation Army, by running flophouses and disturbing the peace.”...

Yes.  That's the Harris/Biden regime, too.  But under Harris/Biden, "disturbing the peace" includes murders, deadly drug running, and child sex-trafficking.

We do not think that's "Progress."


Sunday, September 08, 2024

Predictable: Kamala Goes to Penzey's

Up here, we know about Penzey's.

Kamala Harris on Saturday visited a spice store in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and it was a total PR nightmare.

This is why Kamala Harris’s handlers try to hide her from the public.

A reporter asked Kamala Harris about her debate prep.

“Best part of debate prep for you? What’s your favorite part?” a sycophantic reporter asked Harris.

“Being at this spice store!” Kamala Harris said as she cackled....

There you are!!  Another Kammy non-answer.

Lilliput Strikes Back at Tucker

 A Certain (very small) Group of People is determined to pound Tucker Carlson into the ground for his greatest sin to date:  promoting free discussion of war-mongers.  

You know why, right?  

Those war-mongers are frightened to death that a Certain Middle-Eastern State might have trouble dragging the US into the next Forever War.

Google "Tucker Carlson WWII interview."  You'll find items from Mediaite, the Hill, the Atlantic, CNN, and MSNBC all repeating the same talking points.  Imagine that!

Here's the condensed version:  Tucker interviews some dude who doesn't like Churchill, so it's obvious that the dude is a Holocaust denier anti-Semite HATRRRRRAnd so is TuckerPlus PJ Buchanan, and maybe Tulsi Gabbard, too.   

(Rend garments here.)

This is called the "S**t against the wall" play.  They'd love to run the De-Monitize Play against him, but Tucker is subscriber-supported--and those subscribers are not going away.

What's the over/under on the date when noisy, disruptive, demonstrations begin?

The Empire Steals Stalin's Cookbook

This is not surprising at all.  The Empire of D.C. is imitating Stalin in almost every way except the physical brutality and purging-by-gun.  (So far.)

...Washington has doubled and tripled down on statism, in everything from NATO expansion to foreign “forever war” military interventions to an almost parabolic expansion of the federal bureaucracy. Rather than a peace dividend, the U.S. government now runs nine-figure deficits annually as a matter of course, and meddles in citizens’ lives in everything from vaccine mandates and (corporate lobbying–distorted) nutrition guidelines, to who is allowed to use boys’ and girls’ bathrooms in public institutions, to the water pressure of showers and toilets at home, to Title IX policing of speech and behavior in workplaces and on college campuses—and then spends still more taxpayer money promoting similarly questionable policies around the world. The U.S. capital is more imperial than ever before, its obscenely expensive suburbs occupied by unaccountable employees of the 429 federal agencies of the permanent administrative state, who vote lockstep in numbers approaching 100 percent for the “party of government”—America’s undeclared version of a ruling Communist party – while blithely ignoring the social pathologies and miseries affecting the provincial peons whose taxes pay their generous six-figure salaries....

Don't forget:  Kamala will install price controls and set up a tax eat the rich protocol, doubling down on all of the above "adjustments" to your lifestyle.

But that's hardly the end.

...Perhaps most shocking of all has been the embrace of Communist-style censorship policies by the U.S. and other Western governments once pledged to uphold freedom of speech and the press...

 ...Robert Reich, a former U.S. Secretary of Labor, demanded in the Guardian that “regulators around the world should threaten Musk with arrest”...

 ...Mark Zuckerberg, founder of social media giant Facebook, confessed in a public letter to Congress that “in 2021, senior officials from the Biden Administration, including the White House, repeatedly pressured our teams for months to censor certain COVID-19 content, including humor and satire.”...

Trump says he will clean the stables.

Not likely.  He won't have the time, nor the tools, necessary for a thorough cleaning.  

Too bad.

NFL Country? Fascist.

 The NFL chose Brazil for its foreign adventure/money-grab this year.

Brazil is ruled by a fascist governmentThat's why 100,000 people turned out to protest.

The NFL?  It chose poorly.

88 Ultra-Rich For Kamala

These 88 "Top 1%'ers" are all for Kamala.  

They are not brain-dead.  They know which side of the bread has the butter--for them 

As for the rest of the citizens of the US?  Let them eat cake!


Roger Altman, Founder & Senior Chairman of Evercore
    Shellye Archambeau, former CEO of MetricStream
    Carl Bass, former CEO of Autodesk
    Tom Bernstein, President and Co-Founder of Chelsea Piers
    Afasaneh Beschloss, Founder & CEO of Rock Creek
    Jeff Bewkes, former CEO of Time Warner
    W. Michael Blumenthal, 64th U.S. Secretary of the Treasury and former CEO of both Bendix and Unisys
    Rosalind “Roz” Brewer, former CEO of Sam’s Club; former CEO of Walgreens Boots Alliance; former COO of Starbucks
    Ursula Burns, former CEO of Xerox; Chairwoman of Teneo; Founding Partner of Integrum Holdings
    Maverick Carter, CEO of The SpringHill Company
    Ken Chenault, Chairman & Managing Director of General Catalyst; former Chairman & CEO of American Express
    Peter Chernin, Co-Founder & Partner of TCG
    Tony Coles, Chairperson & former CEO of Cerevel
    Tim Collins, Founder, CEO, and Senior Managing Director of Ripplewood
    Ron Conway, Founder & Managing Partner of SV Angel
    Robert Crandall, former President and Chairman of American Airlines
    Mark Cuban, Various entrepreneurial endeavors and a “shark” on Shark Tank
    Richelieu Dennis, Founder and Executive Chair of Sundial Group of Companies
    Barry Diller, Chairman & Senior Executive of IAC and Senior Executive of Expedia; Former Chairman and CEO of Paramount Pictures and Fox, Inc.
    John Doerr, Chairman of Kleiner Perkins
    Arnold Donald, former CEO of Carnival Corporation
    Blair Effron, Partner & Co-Founder of Centerview Partners
    José E. Feliciano, Co-Founder and Managing Partner of Clearlake Capital Group
    David P. Fialkow, Co-Founder & Managing Director of General Catalyst
    Anne Finucane, former Vice Chair of Bank of America
    Lynn Forester de Rothschild, Chief Executive of E.L. Rothschild
    Ken Frazier, former Executive Chairman, President & CEO of Merck
    Mark Gallogly, Co-Founder and Managing Principal of Three Cairns Group; Co-Founder of Centerbridge Partners
    Chad Gifford, Former Chairman of Bank of America
    David Grain, Founder and CEO of Grain Management
    Logan Green, Chairman and former CEO of Lyft
    Daniel J. Halpern, Co-founder and CEO of Jackmont Hospitality
    Bruce Heyman, Former U.S. Ambassador to Canada and former Managing Director of Private Wealth at Goldman Sachs
    Mellody Hobson, Co-CEO and President of Ariel Investments; Chairman of Starbucks
    Roger Hochschild, former CEO and President of Discover Financial Services
    Reid Hoffman, Partner at Greylock Partners and Co-Founder and Executive Chairman of LinkedIn
    Glenn Hutchins, Chairman of North Island or Co-Founder of Silver Lake
    Blake Irving, former CEO of GoDaddy
    Tony James, former President, CEO & Executive Vice Chairman of Blackstone; Founder of Jefferson River Capital
    David Jacobson, Senior Advisor and former Vice Chair of BMO Financial Group; Former U.S. Ambassador to Canada
    Earvin “Magic” Johnson, Chairman and CEO, Magic Johnson Enterprises
    Brad Karp, Chairman of Paul, Weiss
    Jeffrey Katzenberg, Founder & Managing Partner of WndrCo
    Ellen Kullman, President and CEO of Carbon3; former Chair and CEO of DuPont
    Todd Lachman, Founder of Sovos Brands
    Chris Larsen, Co-Founder and Executive Chairman of Ripple
    Jeff Lawson, former CEO of Twilio
    Ted Leonsis, CEO of Monumental Sports & Entertainment
    Aaron Levie, Co-Founder & CEO of Box
    Ed Lewis, former Chairman and CEO of Essence Communications, co-founder Essence Magazine
    William M. Lewis, Jr.
    Michael Lynton, Chairman of Snap, Inc., former CEO of Sony Entertainment
    Tracy V. Maitland, President and Chief Investment Officer of Advent Capital Management
    Helena Maus, CEO of Archetype and Marker Collective
    Marissa Mayer, co-founder and CEO of Sunshine Products, former CEO of Yahoo!
    T.J. McGill, Co-Founder of Evergreen Pacific Partners and Suzanne Sinegal McGill, Co-Founder of Rwanda Girls Initiative
    Danny Meyer, Founder & Executive Chairman of Union Square Hospitality Group
    Dustin Moskovitz, Co-founder and CEO of Asana
    Alan Mulally, former CEO of Ford
    Anne Mulcahy, former Chairman and CEO of Xerox
    James Murdoch, Founder & CEO of Lupa Systems; former CEO of 21st Century Fox
    Laxman Narasimhan, former CEO of Starbucks
    Indra Nooyi, former Chairman and CEO of PepsiCo
    Peter Orszag, former Director of the United States Office of Management and Budget and CEO of Lazard
    Deven J. Parekh, Managing Director of Insight Partners
    Sean Parker, Founder of Napster; Founder and Chairman of Parker Institute for Cancer Immunotherapy
    Charles Phillips, Co-founder and Managing Partner of Recognize; former President of Oracle and former CEO of Infor;
    Laurene Powell Jobs, Founder and President of Emerson Collective
    Penny Pritzker, 38th U.S. Secretary of Commerce; founder and Chairman of PSP Partners
    Vasant Prabhu, former CFO and Vice-Chair of Visa
    Spencer Rascoff, Founder and CEO of 75 & Sunny Ventures; Co-Founder and former CEO of Zillow
    Punit Renjen
    Rachel Romer, Founder of Guild Education
    Robert Rubin, former U.S. Treasury Secretary; Senior Counselor at Centerview Partners
    Kevin P. Ryan, Co-founder, MongoDB, Business Insider, GILT Groupe, Zola, Pearl Health, Affect Therapeutics, and Transcend Therapeutics
    Faiza J. Saeed
    Dan Schulman, former President & CEO of PayPal
    Jim Sinegal, Co-Founder and Former CEO of Costco
    Dan Springer, former CEO of Docusign
    Tom Steyer, Founder and former Co-Senior-Managing-Partner of Farallon Capital
    Jeremy Stoppelman, CEO of Yelp
    Scott Stuart, Founding & Managing Partner of Sageview Capital
    Larry Summers, 71st United States Secretary of the Treasury and President Emeritus of Harvard University
    Hamdi Ulukaya, Founder & CEO of Chobani
    Daniel Weiss, Co-Founder and Managing Partner of Angeleno Group
    Steve Westly, Founder and Managing Partner of The Westly Group
    Ron Williams, former CEO of Aetna
    Robert Wolf, former CEO of UBS Americas
Now you know.  Knowledge is power.

Saturday, September 07, 2024

Aurora, CO., Now Dane County?

Dane County is a sanctuary county, you know.

A suspected Venezualan gang member who is not a U.S. citizen now has an ICE detainer hold after he was accused of sexually assaulting a juvenile female in Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin, according to Prairie du Chien Police Chief Kyle Teynor.

The suspect, Alejandro Jose Coronel Zarate, 26 of Venezuela, is believed to be a member of “Tren de Aragua,” a violent Venezuelan gang...

... since 2023, Zarate has been wanted on warrants out of Dane County, where he was charged, but never showed up for court, with a slew of violent crimes....

And stupid is as stupid does:

... Mr. Coronel Zarate was brought to Prairie du Chien from the Dane County area. The victims in this case knew Mr. Coronel Zarate, this was not a random event,” Teynor wrote. “This incident highlights the need to be aware of the dangers that affiliates of these transnational criminal organizations pose to our communities...

These are not nice people.

But Harris/Biden and the lunatics in Dane County Government love them.

Scott Johnson on Schneerson: Declare!!

While Johnson is at it, he should "declare" his position on Rabbi Schneerson.

...Schneerson describes the difference between a Jew and a non-Jew and he says:Thus we do not have a case of profound change in which a person is merely on a superior level. The body of a Jewish person is of totally different quality from the body of all nations of the world.’  

And he talks about ‘the substance of the Jewish body’ versus the substance of non-Jews, saying that the inner quality ‘is so different and so great that the bod[ies] should be considered completely different species.  

So that is a belief, and you can go through his speeches and you will see that he continually talks about how non-Jews should be treated and that again we are a different species.  ...

It has been proposed that Schneerson's theories are prime motivators in the Israeli government's Zionism.

We all know that Schneerson and his ilk--Talmud follower--are "fringe."

Johnson should say so.  You know:  DECLARE.

Friday, September 06, 2024

Scott Johnson on the Talmud? Declare!!!

Since Mr. Johnson of PowerLine has a snippy little question for JD Vance:

...Senator Vance issued this statement to Jewish Insider yesterday: “Senator Vance doesn’t believe in guilt-by-association cancel culture but he obviously does not share the views of the guest interviewed by Tucker Carlson. There are no stronger supporters of our allies in Israel or the Jewish community in America than Senator Vance and President Trump.”

That “guilt-by-association” thing is an unbecoming dodge. Carlson wasn’t “associating” with Cooper. He was promoting him.

The Vance statement went on: “As Senator Vance and President Trump stand steadfastly in support of our allies in Israel, radical Kamala Harris continues to cater to the antisemitic Hamas wing of her party.” True, but what about your buddy Tucker? It’s time to declare....

 Well, let's get around to "declarations," Mr. Johnson.

...The Talmud teaches that Jesus Christ was illegitimate and was conceived during menstruation; that he had the soul of Esau; that he was a fool, a conjurer, a seducer; that he was crucified, buried in hell and set up as an idol ever since by his followers....

That's just the start.  Here's a bit more:

...Since Christians are regarded by the Jews as idolaters, all their forms of worship are idolatrous.  Their priests are called priests of Baal; their temples are called houses of lies and idolatry, and everything they contain, such as chalices, statues and books, are regarded as made for the serving of idols; their prayers, both private and public, are sinful and offensive to God; and their festivals are called days of evil....
The Talmud is 'the book' of modern Judaism.  Its teachings are believed and followed by almost all practicing Jews.

So Mr. Johnson:  it's time to declare.  Talmud for you??

Cdl. Newman on Liberalism

The Liberalism practiced in Cdl. Newman's day is the very same Liberalism we see today.  So we thought we'd post his points as a help to those of you who are swimming in an ocean of the stuff.  Newman was primarily concerned with the religious 'liberalism,' but note that it bleeds over into the political.

1. No religious tenet is important, unless reason shows it to be so.

Therefore, e.g. the doctrine of the Athanasian Creed is not to be insisted on, unless it tends to convert the soul; and the doctrine of the Atonement is to be insisted on, if it does convert the soul.

2. No one can believe what he does not understand.

Therefore, e.g. there are no mysteries in true religion.

3. No theological doctrine is any thing more than an opinion which happens to be held by bodies of men.

Therefore, e.g. no creed, as such, is necessary for salvation.

4. It is dishonest in a man to make an act of faith in what he has not had brought home to him by actual proof.

Therefore, e.g. the mass of men ought not absolutely to believe in the divine authority of the Bible.

5. It is immoral in a man to believe more than he can spontaneously receive as being congenial to his moral and mental nature.

Therefore, e.g. a given individual is not bound to believe in eternal punishment. {295}

6. No revealed doctrines or precepts may reasonably stand in the way of scientific conclusions.

Therefore, e.g. Political Economy may reverse our Lord's declarations about poverty and riches, or a system of Ethics may teach that the highest condition of body is ordinarily essential to the highest state of mind.

7. Christianity is necessarily modified by the growth of civilization, and the exigencies of times.

Therefore, e.g. the Catholic priesthood, though necessary in the Middle Ages, may be superseded now.

8. There is a system of religion more simply true than Christianity as it has ever been received.

Therefore, e.g. we may advance that Christianity is the "corn of wheat " which has been dead for 1800 years, but at length will bear fruit; and that Mahometanism is the manly religion, and existing Christianity the womanish.

9. There is a right of Private Judgment: that is, there is no existing authority on earth competent to interfere with the liberty of individuals in reasoning and judging for themselves about the Bible and its contents, as they severally please.

Therefore, e.g. religious establishments requiring subscription are Anti-christian.

10. There are rights of conscience such, that every one may lawfully advance a claim to profess and teach what is false and wrong in matters, religious, social, and moral, provided that to his private conscience it seems absolutely true and right.

Therefore, e.g. individuals have a right to preach and practise fornication and polygamy.

11. There is no such thing as a national or state conscience.

Therefore, e.g. no judgments can fall upon a sinful or infidel nation. {296}

12. The civil power has no positive duty, in a normal state of things, to maintain religious truth.

Therefore, e.g. blasphemy and sabbath-breaking are not rightly punishable by law.

13. Utility and expedience are the measure of political duty.

Therefore, e.g. no punishment may be enacted, on the ground that God commands it: e.g. on the text, "Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed."

14. The Civil Power may dispose of Church property without sacrilege.

Therefore, e.g. Henry VIII. committed no sin in his spoliations.

15. The Civil Power has the right of ecclesiastical jurisdiction and administration.

Therefore, e.g. Parliament may impose articles of faith on the Church or suppress Dioceses.

16. It is lawful to rise in arms against legitimate princes.

Therefore, e.g. the Puritans in the 17th century, and the French in the 18th, were justifiable in their Rebellion and Revolution respectively.

17. The people are the legitimate source of power.

Therefore, e.g. Universal Suffrage is among the natural rights of man.

18. Virtue is the child of knowledge, and vice of ignorance.

Therefore, e.g. education, periodical literature, railroad travelling, ventilation, drainage, and the arts of life, when fully carried out, serve to make a population moral and happy.

Note well:  in #16 he said "LEGITIMATE" princes.  That excludes those who, e.g., cheated like crazy to win an election in 2020.

Thursday, September 05, 2024

That CTA Slaughter in Chicago?

A few days ago, someone shot and killed four riders, execution-style, on the CTA.*

The MSM failed to come up with a reason for the shootings.

There was onethe shooter is a tranny.  And they are all mentally unstable in the extreme.

*  How many of you know that "Chicago Transit Authority" is the first name of the band Chicago?

Bidenomics Is Working!!

Kamala told us, so it must be true:  Bidenomics Is Working!!

America's employers posted fewer job openings in July than they had the previous month, a sign that hiring could further cool in the coming months....

You will have no job and be happy, peasant!

Tren de Aragua Does Home Delivery!!

That Venezuelan bunch which has taken over an Aurora apartment complex* and is moving in on Chicago and Dallas has a side-hustle:  food delivery and ride-sharing!

 ...   “As a investigation revealed, Venezuelan migrants have infiltrated food delivery and ride-share apps, renting or buying accounts that do not belong to them and showing up at your door illegally.

    In many cases, the migrants working under assumed names and identities don’t have authorization to work in the US or a driver license to legally operate a vehicle.

    It raises huge concerns about the safety of the home delivery apps and the consumer’s ability to trust who is actually delivering food to their home and family – with customers’ personal information potentially placed in the hands of dangerous street gangs.”...

Well, they're here because they were refugees from Venezuela, where they were persecuted or sumpin'sumpin.  That's the story from Harris/Biden, and they're sticking to it.  

And these guys are "good for business"--the story from the Chamber of Commerce, and they're sticking to it, as well.

See!!  This is all to YOUR benefit!  Now sit down and STFU, raaaaycisssss!

*The actual owners of those Aurora apartments have never been revealed by "the press."  It's well-known that various cartels have purchased lots of properties in Arizona (and lots of politicians there, too) so are they expanding their real-estate holdings northward?  Inquiring minds, and all that.

VDHanson's Defense of Churchill, and PowerLine Jumps In

VDH pens an essay more-or-less defending Churchill's approach to WWII.  He argues that Hitler actually started WWII, claiming that Hitler's promises of peace after taking France and Poland were fake, as were his promises regarding the Sudetenland.  It is true that the question of Hitler's veracity--and his real intentions--are always going to be the most important contentious issue about "who started this."

We'll look at the terror-bombing section of his post:

...Who started a systematic campaign of terror bombing? 

The Luftwaffe first indiscriminately bombed civilian targets in Poland to instill panic, terror, and mass death. It continued that tactic unapologetically in Holland by destroying the center of Rotterdam during the first two weeks of May 1940. And despite Hitler’s false claims that the Allies had started bombing civilians first, he soon honed his air strategy of incinerating civilians against Coventry and London. 

In terms of soldiers lost versus civilians killed, Britain waged a less lethal war than most of the other belligerents, losing fewer soldiers than its two allies and killing far fewer of their enemies as well. Dresden and Hamburg paled before the American incendiary campaigns against Japanese cities between March and July 1945, followed by the two atomic bombs.... would be nice if VDH addressed the issue raised by Cooper:  that England, under Churchill's regime, was bombing the living Hell out of non-industrial German cities and its countryside--like the Black Forest.  VDH also deflects, doing the "who's worse?" dance, comparing the US nuclear bombing of Japan to Churchill's fire-bombing of Dresden.  Well, then, Victor, who WAS worse?  Further, VDH blows foo-foo dust over the London bombings, conveniently 'forgetting' that London was a major industrial center--that is, that taking out London's industry was a legitimate strategic objective.  

In brief, VDH succeeds in blaming Hitler, but fails in his attempt to exonerate Churchill, unless you agree that Truman was even more a war criminal.

One wonders why.  Why is Churchill some sort of icon in the American mind?

There is another, very persuasive, element here, posted at PowerLine:

... For those who are wondering: yes, it is true, and denied by no historian of the period, that in June 1940 Hitler made a sincere offer of peace and rapprochement to Great-Britain.

Even apart from the fact that after Munich and everything else it was quite rational to doubt Hitler’s sincerity, there is a simpler and much more fundamental reason why neither Winston Churchill, nor any other prime minister of the United Kingdom, could have taken this offer: ever since it emerged as a coherent state, the overriding security imperative of the British government has been to prevent, at all costs, the appearance of a hegemonic power on the European continent....

IOW, Churchill stiff-armed Hitler's proposal on geopolitical grounds.

Maybe VDH should have included that in his essay!

Along the way, Hayward (PowerLine) takes all the usual swipes at PJ Buchanan that we expect from bitter old men whose comfy Republican Party has gone populist--exactly as PJB wanted it.

Too bad, so sad.