Sunday, October 20, 2024

Transitioning Towards the End of the Deep State

This will warm the hearts of any actual American.

...For election 2024, President Trump’s transition team is now saying they are likely to go it alone and skip any federal transition assistance in advance of inauguration day.  That decision is making the deepest parts of the Deep State apparatus very nervous. That decision has major ramifications and could, likely would, include the incoming Trump administration setting up offices outside Washington DC....

IOW, they're not going to 'team up' with the Deep State bureaucrats normally involved with the transition process.

That means the Deep State bureaucrats worms, chiggers, ticks, and bloodsuckers will not have any input into the questions of "Who Stays" and "Who Goes."


Boozing Is Back!!

Interesting little chart hereDrinking is coming back!

Jay Heck, Lying??

 As usual, the Extreme Left makes assertions that it cannot prove.  Usually, that's called "LYING."

Opponents of Wisconsin’s November ballot proposal are intensifying efforts to dissuade voters from approving the measure meant to prevent non-citizens from voting.

Currently, the Wisconsin constitution states that “Every United States citizen age 18 or older who is a resident of an election district” is a qualified voter; the ballot proposal would replace the phrase “every United States citizen” with “only a United States citizen.”

Executive Director of Common Cause Wisconsin Jay Heck painted the initiative as a conspiracy-driven effort.

“Republicans, under the control and manipulation of Donald Trump, are hoping to frighten more people to the polls by raising the possibility of undocumented immigrants illegally voting – even though they can’t and don’t,” Heck said in a statement.....

Sure, Jay.  The speed limit sign says 35, so you can't and don't drive 36?  

Can you hear yourself, Jay?

You have no idea whether non-citizens are voting, because "voting" is not the issueBallots are the issue.  When a "registered voter" requests a ballot by mail, no one checks their papers, Jay.  The ballot (not "the voter") comes back and is processed.

"Can't and don't".  Sure.  Let's see your driving record, Jay.

The Truth From Lizzo

Some singer named Lizzo tells us that "America will look just like Detroit" if Kamala is elected.

Your future with Kamala: (plenty more at the link, especially the video)

A shattered chair sits in the eerie old Grande Ballroom; a venue where music legends like Led Zeppelin, Janis Joplin, Pink Floyd and John Coltrane once performed. Brooky described Detroit as: 'Once a symbol of the nation’s industrialization and growth, it has become a veritable ghost town.’ 


 A former radio station has been completely ransacked. Detroit once had an illustrious music scene, home to Berry Gordy's iconic Motown Music, Eminem and The White Stripes 

Kammy and Tammy Rip Off Seniors

 Ignore the "Tammy loves us" stuff.  Look at the reality--which applies to Kammy, too.

...Inflation is wreaking havoc on seniors, but the Biden-Harris response has been woefully negligent. Their solution was the misnamed Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). They promised seniors that prices would come down if it passed. ...They rammed it through Congress with Harris’ tie-breaking vote delivering it to Joe Biden to sign into law. However,...the IRA stole hundreds of billions from Medicare to subsidize electric vehicles, benefiting the Chinese manufacturers.... The IRA was never about lowering costs for seniors....

So, seniors’ bills got even bigger. The IRA caused a massive spike in Medicare premiums. Thanks to Biden and Harris [and Tammy Baldwin], seniors faced a staggering 20 percent increase this year, with projections indicating an additional 50 percent increase next year—or potentially even higher....

Tammy voted FOR this.  Kammy voted FOR this

Due to some last-minute fund-fudging, that increase in Medicare premiums scheduled for this year will not happen until after the election--of course.  Kammy & Tammy want you ignorant of what they actually did. 

Now you know. 

Saturday, October 19, 2024

Used Car Prices? Going UP!!

 Wolf pays attention to the car marketplace.

...Retail inventory of used vehicles at the start of October dipped to 2.15 million units, well below the 2019 range of 2.8 million to 3.0 million vehicles, and about 27% below September 2019, according to data from Cox Automotive today....

[During CoVid]  ...Supply to the used vehicle market of 2-to-3-year-old vehicles comes largely from rental fleets that take units out of service, lease returns when 2 or 3-year leases mature, and regular trade-ins. But this supply pipeline was severely disrupted at the beginning of the pipeline by the new-vehicle production cuts due to the semiconductor shortages. From Q2 2021 through Q1 2023, automakers sold 6 million fewer new vehicles than over the same period before the pandemic. These 6 million units didn’t go into the pipeline toward the used vehicle market and are now not coming out at the other end.

So in terms of future retail prices, this is not a good inventory situation. Dealers will be motivated to bid up auction prices to replenish their tight inventories...

Get that cute little 3-year-old now.  It won't be as easy in February.

The New Old Saying

Surber gives us a new Old Saying!

There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and anything the deep state says.

Good, because I really didn't like statistics whichever time I took it.

Kamala's Single MOST Stupid Remark

 In what she thought was a wisecrack, Kamala made the single most stupid remark in her entire campaign.

About 20 minutes into Harris' speech, [in LaCrosse, WI.] a number of attendees were escorted out, while shouting "Jesus is Lord" at those around them.

 ...Harris stopped her remarks and countered. "Oh, you guys are at the wrong rally," she said....

Harris is right, by the wayThose kids were at the wrong Party's rally.  

The video she sent to the Al Smith dinner mocking Catholics lines up perfectly with her remark, as did Gov. Whitmer's blasphemous mockery of Catholics' Holy Communion.   

You don't have to be Catholic to understand that Kamala's Party is totally anti-Christian, as she made clear with her offhand wisecrack.  Hers is the Party of killing babies right up until (and after) birth.  Hers is the Party which is creepily friendly to child porn.  Hers is the Party which believes that boys can be girls and girls can be boys, contrary to the design of Nature's God. 

Harris' Party is the Party of Satan.  And Kamala just affirmed that.  Tammy Baldwin--and all the rest of her Party's bigwigs--must have had heart attacks.

That brings up the question:  how can "Catholic" and "Christian" prelates support Kamala's Party after she made it clear that Christians are in the wrong room when they're at her rally?

The single most stupid campaign remark?

She just made it.

Now let's see which Cardinals, Bishops, priests, nuns, and Protestant ministers continue to support Kamala's "Not Jesus" Party.

Vox comments further. 

Walgreen Tells Truth: It's a CRIME Problem

We knew that the Walgreen's on 27th/National was going to close due to crime, but Walgreen avoided mentioning that in their formal press release of a few days ago.

But the store closed yesterday--a few weeks early--and Walgreen stepped up and told the truth.  It's crime, pure and simple; something about which the local alderwoman did nothing.  Zero.  Zip.  Nada. In the video, a customer acknowledges the crime problem.

Another customer--who may not be able to read very well--rants and raves about the closing, declaring that she will not be able to obtain her prescription.  Really?  She's shaking her fist at the pharmacist behind the drive-in window WHICH IS OPEN FOR BUSINESS AND WHICH ALSO SERVES WALK-UP CUSTOMERS.

The woman is obviously a Milwaukee Public Schools graduate.....

Fox6 Disappoints

Generally speaking, Fox6 News has been fair in its politics coverage.

Not this time.

After reading a few grafs, we scrolled up to find the author, and it was Scott "I'm a Communist" Bauer--who was so biased that even the Journal-Sentinel couldn't keep him on their staff.

Need an example of Bauer's deceptive scribbling?

...Hovde previously said he supported the overturning of Roe v. Wade, but now says he would not vote for a federal ban on abortion. Instead, he says, states should decide. That is a change of position from 2012, when Hovde last ran for Senate as someone "totally opposed" to abortion....

 Bauer's analysis is wrong.  Hovde can be "totally opposed" to abortion AND at the same time not vote for a Federal ban.  Bauer hopes you are stupid enough to believe his bullshit.

The Democrats Babykillers also lie about Trump's intentions; Trump has repeatedly insisted that he would not propose, nor sign, a Federal abortion ban.

Lying.  It's what Bauer and the (D)'s do.

Too bad Fox6 runs that stuff.

The (D)'s Now Threatening MAGA Folk?

Hasn't happened here.  Yet.

The story is half-credible.  Could be entirely made up by the alleged victim; could be a false-flag op.

But it also could be true.

A new report confirms that the dirty tricks appearing in the 2024 presidential election race now include threatening letters sent to supporters of President Donald Trump.

The letters say, “Your vote for this guy is seen as treading on my rights. You tread on me at your peril…” and then adds an obscenity.

“We look forward to visiting in the future,” the letter, signed by “Patriotic citizen and a true American,” threatens.

It is the Post Millennial that reports the letters have been appearing in the Philadelphia region....

Wait.......wait!!  It's Trump who is the terror-and-violence guy, right?

 ...Then the threats surface: “We know where you live, you are in the data base,” “There is no knowing what may happen,” and “Your family may be impacted, your cat may get shot.”

The letter rants: “Your candidate is a felon, rapist, desecrator, an immoral flawed man. He is major reason (sic) violence us (sic) up, remember January 6th and Charlottesville? By supporting him you are declaring your public support for a disregard of the law, civil discourse, and unity. You are indicating your hatred for minorities, immigrants, foreigners, women, education, the rights of your fellow citizens, the rights of women to make decisions of their own healthcare needs. Oh and yes a hatred for Taylor Swift, who has contributed nothing but joy to the world.”...

We're not sure that this story is accurate.

But then, neither were the "results" of the '20 election.

Breitbart's "403" Loser

 Apparently Breitbart's management decided that people shouldn't read their stories.  Hit a link, get "403 Forbidden"

The same applies to their "Contact Us" link.

OK.  We can take a hint.

ATTAGIRL!! to U of Nevada VolleyLadies!

These women get it-and deserve praise.

The University of Nevada Women’s volleyball team has remained defiant in their decision to forfeit the match against a team with a transgender player despite the school’s insistence they go through with it....

...Sia Liillii, a senior and team captain for Nevada, said that the team will not meet San Jose State on the court....

Good on you!  Corragio!!

Here's the gutless simpering stupidity of the University:

... “The University and its athletic programs are governed by the Nevada Constitution and Nevada law, which strictly protect equality of rights under the law, and that equality of rights shall not be denied or abridged by this state or any of its subdivisions on account of race, color, creed, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, disability, ancestry or national origin,”...

However, the University will not punish its athletes who boycott the match.

Friday, October 18, 2024

Martha Raddatz: "It's Just a Little Blood. No Big Deal"

It is reported that Martha Raddatz saw the (below) picture of a Colorado apartment manager after he spent some 'quality time' with Tren de Aragua gang members.  

Raddatz remarked that "It's just a little blood, a sign of affection from Tren de Aragua.  No big deal."

We may have made that up.

Shocking video shows Venezuelan gang beating Colorado property manager to a pulp

Israel Bombs Catholic Church

No matter what propaganda is out there, remember that Israel does NOT have clean hands.

 On Wednesday night, October 9, an Israeli air attack destroyed Saint George’s church in Dardghaya, in Southern Lebanon, reported the “Aid to the Church in Need” (ACN) organization. This church, which belonged to the Melkite Greek-Catholic Archeparchy of Tyre, not only was destroyed but the parish’s offices and the local priest’s residence were also lost. Moreover, the adjacent rooms, which were being used as refuge for displaced people given the crisis in the region, were also reached by missiles. The attack left at least eight dead, among them five members of the Civil Defense Rescue Team....

IDF will tell the world that the church was crawling with Hezbollah terrorists.

Sure.  Uh-huh.  No doubt.

On Wednesday night, October 9, an Israeli air attack destroyed Saint George’s church in Dardghaya, in Southern Lebanon, reported the “Aid to the Church in Need” (ACN) organization. This church, which belonged to the Melkite Greek-Catholic Archeparchy of Tyre, not only was destroyed but the parish’s offices and the local priest’s residence were also lost. Moreover, the adjacent rooms, which were being used as refuge for displaced people given the crisis in the region, were also reached by missiles. The attack left at least eight dead, among them five members of the Civil Defense Rescue Team.

Israel Bombs Catholic Church in Lebanon and Attacks UN Blue Helmets | ZENIT - English
On Wednesday night, October 9, an Israeli air attack destroyed Saint George’s church in Dardghaya, in Southern Lebanon, reported the “Aid to the Church in Need” (ACN) organization. This church, which belonged to the Melkite Greek-Catholic Archeparchy of Tyre, not only was destroyed but the parish’s offices and the local priest’s residence were also lost. Moreover, the adjacent rooms, which were being used as refuge for displaced people given the crisis in the region, were also reached by missiles. The attack left at least eight dead, among them five members of the Civil Defense Rescue Team.

Israel Bombs Catholic Church in Lebanon and Attacks UN Blue Helmets | ZENIT - English

Thursday, October 17, 2024

The Growing Real Estate Problem

This is not surprising at all.

The extent to which demand for existing homes has collapsed and remains collapsed is astounding, but ultimately not surprising: Demand plunged in 2022 when mortgage rates soared, and plunged a lot further in 2023 as mortgage rates continued to rise to almost 8% by October 2023. But then as mortgage rates dropped starting in November, and kept dropping in 2024, demand stayed at these collapsed levels through September, despite mortgage rates having dropped to near 6%. And now that mortgage rates have bounced off the September lows since the rate cut, demand has collapsed further, even as inventories have been rising all year (look below the article at the top of the comments for inventory and supply charts of existing homes and new houses).

And everyone knows why: Prices are too high. 

An acquaintance put his home up for sale several months ago.  He acknowledged that he had priced it slightly above market, but insisted that he 'would get his price' no matter.

We see the "For Sale/FSBO" sign several times a week.

That merry-go-round had to stop sometimeAnd it finally did.

Post-Election (D) Violence: Prepared??

 Harris and her party are setting the table.

...on one particular subject she’s been consistent and forceful throughout her campaign. She’s adamant that Donald Trump will destroy America if he’s reelected. And not “destroy” in the sense of enact bad policies, but that he’ll round people up with the military and put them in camps.

 She talks about this all the time now. At one point during her Wednesday evening interview with Bret Baier on Fox News, she became visibly upset after Baier played a clip of former President Donald Trump calling out the weaponization of government and the endless investigations and lawfare he’s been subjected to....

 ...Earlier this week, during an audio town hall with Charlamagne Tha God, Harris claimed without a hint of irony that if Trump is elected he’ll use the Department of Justice “as a weapon against his political enemies,” adding, “You know who does that? Dictators do that.” At one point during the show, she agreed with a caller who said Trump will lock “anyone who doesn’t look white into camps,” replying, “You’ve hit on a really important point and expressed it I think so well.”...

These are all lies (the natural emission of Democrats) or gross distortions of what Trump has actually stated.

So what?

 ...The purpose of it isn’t just to scare voters into casting their ballot against the former president, or to provoke some unstable would-be assassin into taking a shot at Trump (although some Democrats [and the Deep State:  CIA, FBI, and State Department] no doubt see that as a happy by-product of this Trump-as-dictator rhetoric).

Its main purpose is to prime Democrat voters for violent resistance should Trump win in November....

This is not her first rodeo.

... During the BLM riots in the summer of 2020, Harris herself was out in front egging on the rioters, infamously working to raise bail money for those who had been arrested. Of the protests, she said this in a June 2020 interview with Stephen Colbert: “Everyone beware. They’re not gonna stop before Election Day in November, and they’re not gonna stop after Election Day … They’re not gonna let up, and they should not.”...

Are you prepared?

Tariffs and Milwaukee

There's a lot of stupid (Democrat) talk about Trump and tariffs.


...billionaire Howard Lutnick explains how Trump's tariffs will be used as a negotiation tactic to make the U.S. a “bunch of money.” Lutnick shot down the media narrative that tariffs would increase inflation.

“It’s a bargaining chip. We can’t sell a Ford or GM in Europe. You go to Europe, you can’t sell a Ford.

“They’re gonna come and negotiate and their tariffs are gonna come down. And finally, Ford and General Motors are gonna be able to sell in these places. How’s that sound? This is just negotiating strategically.

“When you’re running for office, you make broad statements so people understand you. Tariffs are an amazing tool for the president to use. Use tariffs to build in America. If we want to make it in America, tariff it. We need to protect the American worker....--CNBC interview quoted at Surber

Did I mention "Milwaukee" in the title of this post?

Yes.  Yes, I did.  And there are a couple thousand people here who should LOVE tariffs......

Reagan saved Harley-Davidson by slapping a tariff on certain Japanese motorcycles.

You'll never see that (or hear it) in the local "News" these days.  But you saw it here.

Money Where Mouth Is.....

As PowerLine points out, the money is now on Trump.  More important, the trend is, too.