Friday, July 26, 2024


 You may think it's humor.  It's not.

What To Remember

Remember THIS:   (HT RedState)


Kammy's "$81 Million": Fake and Gay

This lady has exactly the same thoughts as we did regarding Kamala Harris' $81 million in small donations" that materialized within a couple of days of her coronation.

The Act Blue scam he mentions was also obvious in Tony Evers' campaign finance reports, and those of Janet (BabyKiller) Protasiewicz.

Democrats Lie.  All.  The.  Time.

That is your lesson for the day.

Kammy Will Make Equity Happen!

 Playing to the lowest common denominator (and lying).

Kammy's program:  to ram "equity" down the throats of Americans.

No wonder she hates the Second Amendment.

Democrats Lie (!) About "Cat Ladies" Remarks

 It's not a surprise that the Democrats/Extreme Left lie all the time.  In this case, they lie by omission, just as they did regarding Trump's 'blood in the streets' comments in Detroit.

...A clip of Vance from a July 2021 interview on the former hit Fox News show, Tucker Carlson Tonight, is going viral, where he stated, “We’re effectively run in this country, via the Democrats, via our corporate oligarchs, by a bunch of childless cat ladies” is being twisted out of context....

 ...He added these people are “miserable at their own lives and the choices that they’ve made, and so they want to make of the rest of the country miserable too,” as part of a larger argument asking why “we’ve turned our country over to people who don’t really have a direct stake in it.”...

That IS what he said, and he is absolutely correct.

Here's what the Extreme Left/Democrats (BIRM) omitted:

... Look, a lot of people are unable to have kids for very complicated and important reasons. I know there are good friends of mine who have struggled to find the girl, to find the right guy, there are people of course for biological reasons, medical reasons that can’t have children. The target of these remarks is not them — it’s important to point that out. There have always been people like that, who even though they would like to have kids, are unable to have them. Let’s set them to the side....

To be clear:  Lindsey Graham is not a biological cat lady.

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Make Nice? Or Scorched Earth?

This is part of a post describing how to treat the Left.  The post is a response to a "make nice" request from another Right-oriented guy.

The author is Sam Hyde.  Some phrases and words have been deleted, but the meaning remains.

...These people have spent the past DECADE proving that they are irredeemably UGLY inside, and they won’t relent until they can make you feel some semblance of the pain and bitterness they feel every day towards God....

The only time they care about rules, civility, unity, etc., is when those things can be used to HANDCUFF you while your kids are transed and your money is stolen to pay for some fag war or some group of people that hates you and is replacing you....

So far, he's right.

... Their moral lassitude is the reason why American cities are unlivable. Their virtue signalling comes at the expense of child abuse, medical malpractice, and a couple hundred thousand dead Ukrainians. They will ALWAYS play dirty no matter how much we play fair. They need to be politically disenfranchised, publicly shamed...

"Electric shock therapy" might be over the top in some cases, Sam.  That's why I deleted it.

 ...These are not people who think critically from first principles, they are THE mob you speak of. They are mob mentality incarnate—that is why they are called normies, NPCs, and the like. The idea of them exercising “free speech” is a joke, because the only thing loaded into their software is CNN talking points....

And yes, we're wearing the Trump Resurgent!! tee shirt, but not when representing an employer.

We Can Live With This

Kelsey Grammer reveals that Planned Parenthood Prefers Rapists.

..."Frasier" star Kelsey Grammer just said, "If someone has to die as a result of rape, then we should kill the rapist, not the unborn child."...

He's right.

Wray, Evading, and Losing the Battle

The FBI utilized a "security screening" which asked employees about their feelings on Trump and Teh Vaxxx.

..."So, the document you are asking about is an interview outline we only recently learned about and, in my view, is completely inappropriate," Wray told the House Judiciary Committee, in response to a question from Wisconsin GOP Rep. Tom Tiffany. 

"I asked my team to get to the bottom of what happened and to ensure that it doesn't happen again. And, I've learned that its not an FBI form, its use was isolated, and that it was created, not by an FBI employee, but an outside contractor and that individual is no longer affiliated with the FBI." ...


So, Director Wray, NO ONE from the FBI reviewed that form before it was sprung on your employees or applicants?

What kind of crap organization do you run, Mr. Wray?  (That's rhetorical.  We already know.)

Tiffany should have jumped on that.

MKE Teachers' Union Spreads Crapola Over Recall

Since the Milwaukee Teachers' Union owns several of the MPS board members, and those board members are likely to be recalled, the Teachers' Union is spreading Beee Essss.

And, of course, the totally manipulated "news" dutifully reports their slanders, calling them "ethics questions."

The reporter from Channel 12 was put in her place:

...WISN 12 News obtained the campaign finance reports the group submitted to the state, which includes the mailing address for a mailbox in Bayside. There's documentation for donations of food and drinks for volunteers, but no documentation of the amount of money paid to canvassers.

"The voters of Milwaukee deserve to know who is actually funding those canvassers," Walker Henry said.  [Henry is President of Da Yooonion of Featherbedders Teachers]

In a news release, MPS School Board Recall Collaborative detailed paid canvassing work that started last week.

"Our deepest gratitude goes to all our committed volunteers and those who signed up for paid canvassing work, which started this past Saturday, July 19th, at both Brady Fest and Garfield's Day," The MPS School Board Recall Collaborative said.

At a Wednesday news conference at Gordon Park, WISN 12 News reporter Kendall Keys asked leaders of the group about the paid canvassers.

"Why are those payments not included in your campaign finance reports?" Keys asked.

"Nothing is being paid by us," Nicole Johnson said.

"But it's through the campaign. Typically you would have to report that," Keys said.

"Because they haven't been paid," Johnson said.

Leaders of the group went on to say canvassers would eventually be paid by "anonymous donors" when the group verifies the signatures collected.

"Once we have monies that are given to us, that information will be on the financial reports," Johnson said....

Oh.  Well.  Doh!

See, Ms. Keys, campaign finance reports are on a "cash basis."  If money comes in it is reported.  If money goes out, it is reported.  Your Yooooonion Stooge manipulated you but good.

Learn from it!! 

But Keys wasn't the only one.  Adam Rife (the coat-collar guy) also got sucked in.  But his reporting is far more misleading.  Rife is not stupid; he knows exactly why he's playing it the way he does.

...The group has donors, but they insist they don't know who they are, how they got connected, or even who may have answers to those questions....

They don't know because they haven't received any checks, Adam.

 ... their efforts require them to follow state laws that some people claim they are now breaking....

Yah well, Adam, I think you break the law with the stupid way you turn up your coat collar.  Does that mean you ARE breaking the law?  Nope.  But you have masters; I get it.

 ...The group's state-required campaign finance disclosures are incomplete and do not list money received other than minor food, website, and printing expenses.

Missy Zombor -one of the targeted board members- filed an ethics complaint citing seven violations, including incomplete reports....

If they did not GET any cash or checks, they cannot REPORT any cash or checks, Adam.

Notice how Coat-Collar Adam assumes that the Yoooonion Stooge Board member's complaint is a valid predicate for his accusations?  Not even smooth, AdamYou need a lot more practice before you get to a major market.

But all this is really just a Squirrel!!!!! distraction from the real problem:  the MPS Board knew about the $80++ million dollar problem; they knew that the reports were long overdue; and they also knew that the District's "education performance" has sucked for the last 20 years or so.  Despite all that, they pushed through a $250 MILLION referendum.

Think they should still be in office, collecting paychecks and approving whatever Da Yooonion wants?

Kammy Is Waaaaayyy Out There

Kammy's been interviewed by the MSM.

But they're not playing these clips any moreWonder why?

Eliminate cars, cut meat from American diets, free healthcare for anyone including illegals, defund the cops and the Border Patrol.......and an 80++% income tax?

She makes Obama look like Ron Reagan.

Triggering Whoopi Not Hard at All

Vance raises an interesting question.

...On Fox News in 2021, Vance said, “We’re effective ruining this country via the Democrats via our corporate oligarchs by a bunch of childless cat ladies miserable at their own lives and the choices they made so want to make the rest of the country miserable to. It’s a basic fact. Look at Kamala Harris, Pete Buttigieg, AOC, the entire future of the Democrats is controlled by people without children. How does it make any sense that we’ve turned our country over to people who don’t really have a direct stake in it.”...

Goldberg's hair was on fire over that.

But Vance's question applies just as well to Lindsey Graham (who may or may not own cats.)  He has no children, and therefore no real stake in the future of the countryMaybe that's why Lindsey wants to send YOUR children and grand-children into distant wars where there is no vital US interest at stake.

Kamala and the Jesuits

Side-note on how Kamala actually works.

Peter Schweizer........argued presumptive Democrat presidential nominee Kamala Harris has shown a willingness to do the bidding of her donors and the so-called political establishment....

... “In 2003, a district attorney in San Francisco named Terence Hallinan was investigating Mayor Willie Brown’s friends. He was also investigating the priest scandal of sexual abuse in San Francisco, and that touched some very powerful institutions, including an elite prep school that involved the Gettys, Gov. Jerry Brown, etc. Their involvement with that school.”...

 ...“The priestly abuse scandal that was taking place, she never prosecuted a single case, Sean,” Schweizer added. “Of the 50 largest cities in America, San Francisco was the only one that that didn’t prosecute a single case, and she covered it up by deep-sixing documents that her predecessor had obtained. So, Kamala Harris has always been about doing the bidding of the donors and of the political establishment....

The 'elite prep school' was Ignatius Academy,  a Jesuit high school.  Among others, Gov. Newsom is a graduate, and Newsom is part of the Elite Mafia of California--the Browns, Pelosis, and Gettys.

Kamala's very loose moral & ethical map is one thing.  Letting homosexual abuse drop into the memory hole is another.

But that's the Democrat Party.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

The Whodunit Gets Very Dark

 Yes, we know that Scott Ritter is......ahhh......controversial.  But that doesn't mean he's stupid, or out of the loop.  Wauck found this stuff.

He thinks someone (or two or three) in the Secret Service was part of the Trump assassination.

    ...Somebody sitting in their mother's basement looking at videos and then executing it perfectly the first time out is unlikely. There had to be rehearsals, there had to be training, there had to be some sort of coaching taking place. This didn't happen by itself and so the idea that this is a lone shooter ... I mean, to be honest, nobody should be taking that seriously. I mean, if it turns out that that's the case you should only reach that after you've exhausted every other potential option. You don't lead with "lone shooter", you lead with, 'This is a coordinated assassination attempt by a team of highly qualified personnel who have probably infiltrated the inner workings of the presidential security details,' so that ... you have to assess, that the Secret Service was in on this....

Well, OK, then.

Ritter has a few contacts within Russia.

...the Russians are viewing this as part and parcel of a systemic breakdown on the part of the United States. They view the attempted assassination against Donald Trump as being of the same being part of ... what they're calling a soft coup against Joe Biden. Basically, elements within the establishment that are opting to take matters into their own hands to eliminate candidates that aren't going to fulfill their purpose the physical elimination of Donald Trump and now we have the political nullification of Joe Biden. From the Russian perspective this is all part and parcel of the systemic failure of American democracy....

If you're surprised, you've been living under a rock for the last several years, particularly since the last Election Fraud-cum-Fake Fatal Flu.

By the way:  Kamala understands what happened to Biden can happen to her, too.  She also understands that what happened to Trump is on the table for her.  Trump is now aware that impeachment is NOT the last move on the chessboard.

Nice little country you have here.  It would be a shame.........

Larry Johnson is an ex-spook.  He spoke with Napolitano

...It's not just incompetence. I started off saying it was either incompetence or something darker. It's something darker.

What do you mean by something darker, Larry?

It was an organized plot by people beyond Crooks to kill Donald Trump. Real simple....

 ...This is not just incompetence--failure to conduct an advance well. How do you make sure you get a failure to conduct an advance? You put a person in charge of it that's never done it--which appears to have been the case. My understanding is that the Secret Service agent in charge of the Pittsburgh office--who was put in charge of this--he was a cyber crime guy...

Johnson doesn't address the Biden firing.  Too bad. 

Is it certain that it's someone in the SS?  NoIs it possible that this pimple-pocked kid pulled it off all on his own?

You be the judge.

Kammy Spendit!!

And here we go!!

...Vice President Kamala Harris has used her first days as Democrats' likely nominee for president to make it clear that she'll pursue big — and expensive — parts of Joe Biden's domestic agenda that never made it across the finish line.

Why it matters: Harris is signaling that even as Democrats play defense on Biden's mixed economic record, she's eager to go on offense for the next four years.

Her plans include pushing for nearly $2 trillion to establish universal pre-K education and improve elderly care and child care — as well as a permanent tax cut for working-class families.

Her instincts are to go further than Biden's attempt to raise corporate taxes to 28%, according to people familiar with the matter who recall that Harris backed raising them to 35% in 2020....  Thinker quoting Axios

It's very difficult to find ANY Big Gummint program where Mo' Spending has actually improved results.  Trump's massive spend on CoVid created huge problems, and we're not done measuring the excess deaths and arterial/coronary problems yet.  Government schools spend more every year and cannot get better results.  Pentagon spends like.......well......drunken sailors......and cannot defeat a bunch of flea-bitten camel jocks in Yemen.

Let's let Kammy run on that. 

Trump-Hating Essayist on Kamala's Burden

Oh, yes, she will be burdened.

...the biggest problem facing Harris will be the failed Biden legacy. Despite the protestations of partisan crackpots like Paul Krugman and much of the Pravda media, Biden has not been seen by most Americans as the second coming of FDR, as his progressive worshippers like to claim. The traditional Democratic Party was focussed on helping both the working class and the economy, with bold infrastructure plans that both made America more efficient but also provided work for roughly eight million people during the Great Depression.

This is not what the Biden-Harris spending splurge has accomplished. It has done little to improve, at least in the short run, the lives of average people. Inflation since Biden has grown faster than incomes for most, and high prices are particularly felt most among the less affluent. The news from the small-business front is particularly grim, with bankruptcies running at the highest level since 2010. Rather than invigorating the private sector, most employment growth is now concentrated in government and largely publicly funded healthcare. Overall, one in four Americans fear losing their job in the next year....

There's a lot more worth reading in that column.

Did I say "Trump-Hating"?  You want proof?

....there will be some immediate gains for the Democrats from Harris’s ascension, not least in that it takes away the age issue that plagued Biden. They would then be able to focus fully on the hulking mess that is Donald Trump....

Looks like he's not sending Trump a Christmas card--assuming he believes in Christmas.


Need Cash? Advise Biden/Harris!

Nothing to see here.  Move along.

...four leading environmental justice organizations—WE ACT for Environmental Justice, the Bullard Center for Environmental & Climate Justice at Texas Southern University, the Deep South Center for Environmental Justice, and Kean University's Center for the Urban Environment—have been awarded a staggering $229 million in Environmental Protection Agency grants and have been named as partners to grantees awarded another $200 million. Leaders of those groups serve on the White House's so-called Environmental Justice Advisory Council, which is formally housed at EPA, the same agency doling out the grants....


Expect Harris to do things differently?

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Cheatle Failed, Quits

 Here ya go:

The director of the Secret Service resigned Tuesday

She failed in her mission.

You may ask "What was her mission, Dad?"

Well, sonny, it certainly was NOT to protect Donald Trump. 

Not directly related:

 “Joe Biden is not being pulled from the presidency because he has dementia. They don’t care about that.. He’s being pulled because the American people found out about it.”  --Jack Posobiec.

Speaker Johnson Revises History

There are some statements so stupid that you hope it was a horrible accident.

...“It is an important principle that America and Israel stand together resolutely. That is part of who we are as a country. It’s one of our founding principles. I believe that we maintain peace through strength, and I think that the relationship with Israel is essential to who we are as Americans,” Johnson said....

Granted, Johnson was flapping his jaw before a heavy-hitter Jewish/Republican audience, and granted, Johnson's version of the Bible is..........slightly irregular.

Now Johnson has his own personal version of the Declaration and Constitution, too!


"Democracy", Democrat Style

 "Protecting democracy"....

All the little penguins lined up and marched into the Antarctic.  Herd instinct.

Democracy, eh?

Monday, July 22, 2024

$90.00 Is the New $50.00

The long, long, long-suffering Mrs. Dad complained yesterday over the phone that when she thinks she's going to drop $50.00 on groceries, it turns out to be $90.00.

That's BidenFlation in the last couple of years.

But if you want a longer-term measure, in the mid-1980's I accurately estimated Mrs. Dad's grocery-spend by the number of minutes she spent in the storeIt was $1.00/minute then; it's about $3.00/minute now.

Go back a little further, to the late '50's, when you could buy a new car for about $1.00/lb.  All the necessities were in those cars, too.  No foo-foo dust satellite radios (and FedGov tracking devices), no automatic speed-reduction braking (because back then we had to actually drive the damn car.)

No seat belts, no air bags, and no KIA boyzzzzz.

Nostalgia can really ruin your day, ya'know.

Biden's BFFs in Ukraine

We'll use "Biden" as a nominee for "Whoever the Hell Is Running the Country" here.

Biden's BFFs:

...Our latest investigation revealed that the significant numbers of NATO weapons exported from Ukraine are coming to the Italian illegal arms market, falling into the hands of criminal groups in southern Italy, especially the Camorra, Ndrangheta and Sacra Corona Unita. The current investigation exposed the role of the Consulate General of Ukraine in Naples, which became an intermediary between Italian mafia organizations and the Ukrainian government. In addition to “black deals” on reselling Western weapons received by Ukraine as part of international aid, the Ukrainian Consulate General is involved in child and human organs trafficking....Wauck quoting Mira Terada

10% goes to the Big Guy, of course.

"Cheeto" Cheatle: Liar and Bad At It, Too

 Only a horrible liar could come up with a "sloped roof" excuse for total failure.

"Cheeto" Cheatle is exactly that.

Pat Fallon: What is telling is it is chilling. We have satellite images from the Butler Fairgrounds. Have you visited the site?

Cheatle: No, I have not.

Pat Fallon: Nine days, and you have not visited the site. You should have been there that night. That evening, did you talk to the team, the heroes that surrounded the President? Did you call them that night?

Cheatle: They were still operational working.

Pat Fallon: So that’s the answer. No. Did you call them the next day?

Cheatle: Yes, I spoke with-

Pat Fallon: You called them the very next day, not the day of. Or was it 72 hours after?

Cheatle: I don’t know the timeline, but I spoke with them immediately following.

Pat Fallon: Okay, because you’re under oath. I think it was 72 hours after you waited three days.

She won't resign because she has no shame.


The NEW (D) Cheat in Wisconsin

Yes, there is a new Cheat from Wisconsin Democrats.  Yes, they will continue to use the old ones, such as requesting ballots be mailed to non-existent voters--then collecting those unmarked ballots, marking them, and putting them into drop-boxes.

But that may not be enough for them.  So they've come up with a new one!!

Your November Senatorial choices will be Eric Hovde, Tammy (Useless) Baldwin, and a nominee of the "America First" party.

Never heard of that party?

Well, they will have a line on the ballot.  And it's put there to draw votes away from Eric Hovde, so that Tammy (Useless) Baldwin won't need as many Ballot Fraud votes.


Sunday, July 21, 2024

A Few Questions About J-13 Answered. Maybe.

There have been a number of questions raised over the J-13 assassination attempt.  In the last couple of days, some answers have come forth.

1)  There were at least 2 rifles fired during the episode.  Were there two assassins?

No.  The FBI says that two different counter-sniper teams fired at the assassin.

2)   It seems that radio comms warning of the assassin were ignored.  Why?

Actually, many of the radios were NOT on the same channel, thus 'complete security team' announcements could not be made.

3)  Is the Secret Service that incompetent?

Due to Cheeto-Guard's denials of additional trained agents for Trump over a period of months and an event featuring "Dr." Jill Biden nearby, many of Trump's security/guards were NOT trained USSS agents.  They came from Homeland "Security."

...The whistleblowers revealed that they were not patrolling the perimeter with canines as they were supposed to do, leaving huge gaps in security.

Whistleblowers also revealed that people were allowed into the grounds unchecked. There was no monitoring of who was getting up around the stage.

Hawley also discovered that law enforcement officers were on different communication channels and weren’t coordinated. He believes someone needs to resign over this disaster....

That's what the FBI, some whistleblowers, and the locals told Sen. Hawley, anyway.  

I'll trust the whistleblowers and the locals.  Do you believe the FBI's findings?

(Quoting Sen. Hawley)

... the FBI has got more security on that site now than they did the night that Trump was shot at. A little late. I mean, the FBI, totally late. They’re trying to control the information. Sean, they tried to kick me off of the site. They said, ‘Get out of here. You shouldn’t be on the site. We don’t want you here. Get out of here.’

They are trying to control the information. Absolutely. They brought local cops, Sean. Get this, I’m there on site. I had permission from the local security operator to be there, and the FBI came out and said, ‘You have got to leave. We do not want you here.’ That’s what they’re trying to do.

You be the judge. 

N.B: a good deal of thoughtful analysis is here.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

THIS Is Promising..........Not!

 National Pulse notices the rat in the woodpile.


Britain’s new Foreign Secretary, David Lammy, is refusing to apologize for calling former President Donald J. Trump a “neo-Nazi sympathizing sociopath” and “tyrant.” He argues, “You’re going to struggle to find any politician who has not had things to say about Donald Trump in his first term, particularly on Twitter.”...

The damn fool crab-walked recently.

 ...Lammy then completely reversed his past characterization of Trump, whom he has directly compared to Adolf Hitler, admitting, “There is a lot of rhetoric, but look at the action. He was the first to give Javelins to Ukraine after 2015. He talked about withdrawing from NATO; he actually increased troops to NATO.”

But he had more to say in the past.

Lammy, who pushed far-left identity politics for years in opposition, has also charged Trump with “grotesque racism” and branded him a “wannabe despot” and a “racist KKK and Nazi sympathizer. ” He derided Trump’s supporters as a “cult of white supremacists.”...

Yet he expects the upcoming Trump regime (and its citizen/taxpayers) to cover Britain's ass after they get whomped in Ukraine by Putin's forces.

Sure hope that damn fool knows how to use an Enfield, because the US should take back all the AR's we sent.

15 Minutes on Project 2025

Earlier this week we tossed up a very short post about the real intentions of Project 2025.

In this 15++ minute video, Beck interviews the President of Heritage Foundation about that document.

For the time being, Biden is lying--as usual--about the contents.

Russia Out. Iran IN!!

You've noticed that "EVIL RUSSIA!!!   EVIL PUTIN!!!!" has more or less sun-setted over the last few weeks.  A glow remains on the horizon, of course, to keep Certain People happy.  And billions of tax dollars are still flowing into Zelenskiy's pockets Congressional campaign accounts that country.

But The Empire must have its Eastasia, so Iran re-emerges as The Existential Threat to Democracy and the Entire Globe!!  (Or Israel, anyway.)

Iran's renascence happened beginning the day after Certain People blew their attempt at assassinating Trump.   Thus, the new Shiny Object was fingered by the CIA as a most-likely contender for Trump Assassin.  But since that announcement--which was so f'n clumsy that it drew nothing but laughter--they ramped up the game a bit.




OK, boyzzzzz.  Whatever. 

Foil the Stasi!!