Wednesday, October 09, 2024

Evers' DPI Fails Kids. Again.

When the State is run by a Union Man official, you can expect the State will favor Da Union.

...what last school year’s Forward exam results don’t show is whether some learning outcomes in Wisconsin are improving. That’s because the Department of Public Instruction (DPI) changed how it evaluates student performance on the test last year.

The new benchmarks for reading and math make it almost impossible to compare data from the 2023-24 school year with previous results, and the department is warning against drawing comparisons.

DPI officials emphasize that the changes were made to get a better picture of how students are doing, not to boost flagging test scores....

They're lying, of course.  Even Allan Borsuk--NOT a 'conservative'--calls them out.

... Alan Borsuk, a senior fellow at Marquette University Law School who has researched and written about public education in Wisconsin for decades, says that standards have, in fact, been lowered.

“It’s easier to become defined as proficient now for a Wisconsin student taking the state test,” Borsuk said. “So, I would call that lowering the bar.”...

The irony here?  Evers actually raised the bar.  His successor, Jill Underly, lowered it.  But it's Evers' watch, and he knew what was happening.

Biden Screams at Captive Audience

Feeble, super-annuated, corrupt, and dementia-addled........

That's "81 Million Votes" Joe.

He showed up to scream at reporters and Milwaukee DPW personnel today.  Go to the video, get to around 1:00, and ...

(Notice that none of the "press" mentions his rant/rave routine?)

Kammy tells us that she would do nothing different, by the way.  Does that mean we have to listen to a screaming cackle?

FEMA Illegals-Spend? Tammy, Fitzgerald, Steil Voted "Yup!"

This was one of those votes where certain people did what they were told to do.

Fitzgerald (R-WI) and Steil (R-WI) bent you over the table and said "Yes, Sir!!" to Deep State Johnson.  Tammy, (Dummy-WI) did what Schumer told her to do.  It's all she knows.

 ...Here is how all U.S. Representatives and Senators voted on the Further Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2024, the bill which authorized approximately $650 million in funding for FEMA’s immigration programs called Shelter and Services Program (SSP). ...

So Tammy:  did those illegals move into your neighborhood in D.C.?  Yah, didn't think so.

Steil was not voting in the best interests of Whitewater, was he?

And Fitz thinks he's in a safe seat........

Monday, October 07, 2024

"Cops Blocking Rescues"? Not Really

 Vox got an email from a pal of his in western NC.

Facts worth knowing, top to bottom, but here's a graf which is important:

...90% of all the reports of “police kept me out and refused to let me save people!!!” are all nonsense and are actually examples of police exercising good judgment. Right now DoT contractors are trying to reconstruct roads so large recovery teams can get into places like Chimney Rock but have to constantly avoid killing GoPro Bros on 4 wheelers and dirt bikes. One equipment operator at church yesterday said they had to double back to re-repair a stretch of road that was rutted out and left unusable by a group on ATVs, no one knows who they were. There are hundreds of local, able bodied men that know the lay of the land and exactly who they are looking for. Do not bring your lifted jeep to NC to try and save people because TikTok said you should. Its really hard to believe how much disaster rubber necking is happening out there right now...
Yes, that's not about FEMA. They have their own problems.


Sunday, October 06, 2024

Belloc's "Heresies", a Revival, Democrat Campaigns, and the Deep State

 A number of short excerpts from Belloc's "Seven Great Heresies" are given in an Amazon review.  The reviewer is antagonistic to the Catholic Church, but the excerpts expose the general flaws in the modern West (the book was written in 1938.)  It is not surprising that Hoffer agrees with Belloc (see below post on Hoffer); what is surprising is that Belloc's clear vision and concerns about 'modernity' have only recently become a serious national issue by, of all things, the rise of Trumpian Populism.

[In the following, Belloc's words are italicized and in color; the reviewer's are not.]

Human society cannot carry on without some creed, because a code and a character are the product of a creed. In point of fact though individuals, especially those who have led sheltered lives, can often carry on with a minimum of certitude or habit upon transcendental things, an organic human mass cannot so carry on.’’...

... “Unfortunately, in the modern world the habit of such a definition has been lost; the word “heresy” having come to connote something odd and old-fashioned, is no longer applied to cases which are clearly cases of heresy and ought to be treated as such.’’

This religio/theological foundation is foreign, even unrecognizable to the modern ear. However, modernity has belief, opinion, passions, that are just as controlling as the old religious ones. That enables Belloc’s insights to resonate.

...“For instance, there is abroad today a denial of what theologians call “dominion”—that is the right to own property. It is widely affirmed that laws permitting the private ownership of land and capital are immoral; that the soil of all goods which are productive should be communal and that any system leaving their control to individuals or families is wrong and therefore to be attacked and destroyed. That doctrine, already very strong among us and increasing in strength and the number of its adherents, we do not call a heresy. We think of it only as a political or economic system, and when we speak of Communism our vocabulary does not suggest anything theological. But this is only because we have forgotten what the word theological means. Communism is as much a heresy as Manichaeism.’’...

 “It is the taking away from the moral scheme by which we have lived of a particular part, the denial of that part and the attempt to replace it by an innovation. The Communist retains much of the Christian scheme—human equality, the right to live, and so forth—he denies a part of it only.’’

As to the first assertion, 'without a creed,' see also Elon Musk w/Tucker.  Same assertion.

Belloc also had an acute perception about the Church's problems, although for some reason he did not mention Pp. St Pius X's term "Modernism."

“Equally, is it a heresy, a “change by exception,” to affirm that nothing can be known upon divine things, that all is mere opinion and that therefore things made certain by the evidence of the senses and by experiment should be our only guides in arranging human affairs. Those who think thus may and commonly do retain much of Christian morals, but because they deny certitude from Authority, which doctrine is a part of Christian epistemology, they are heretical. It is not heresy to say that reality can be reached by experiment, by sensual perception and by deduction. It is heresy to say that reality can be attained from no other source.’’

This loss of authority has thrown modernity into the stormy sea of uncertainty. There is no ‘rock’ to stand on.

“We are living today under a regime of heresy with only this to distinguish it from the older periods of heresy, that the heretical spirit has become generalized and appears in various forms. It will be seen that I have, in the following pages, talked of “the modern attackbecause some name must be given to a thing before one can discuss it at all, but the tide which threatens to overwhelm us is so diffuse that each must give it his own name; it has no common name as yet. Perhaps that will come, but not until the conflict between that modern anti-Christian spirit and the permanent tradition of the Faith becomes acute through persecution and the triumph or defeat thereof. It will then perhaps be called anti-Christ.’ 

Moving on.....

 ...“I say again, the Modern Attack on the Faith will have in the moral field a thousand evil fruits, and of these many are apparent today, but the characteristic one, the one presumably the most permanent, is the institution everywhere of cruelty accompanied by a contempt for justice.’’...

Remember what Hoffer said in the (linked only) interview? (Begin at 3:20 or so.)  "The institution of cruelty .........a contempt for justice."  What Hoffer says is congruent with Belloc's claim.

 “The last category of fruits by which we may judge the character of the Modern Attack consists in the fruit it bears in the field of the intelligence—what it does to human reason. When the Modern Attack was gathering, a couple of lifetimes ago, while it was still confined to a small number of academic men, the first assault upon reason began.’’

“Today reason is everywhere decried. The ancient process of conviction by argument and proof is replaced by reiterated affirmation; and almost all the terms which were the glory of reason carry with them now an atmosphere of contempt. See what has happened for instance to the word “logic,” to the word “controversy”; note such popular phrases as “No one yet was ever convinced by argument,” or again, “Anything may be proved,” or “That may be all right in logic, but in practice it is very different.” The speech of men is becoming saturated with expressions which everywhere connote contempt for the use of the intelligence.’’...

The Obama-Biden-Harris campaigns are THE exemplars of 'contempt for the use of' logic, reason, and intelligence. 

There's a reason for the rhetoric of those campaigns, which happens to coincide with the Communist heresy--the Totalitarian praxis:

“There is no God. So the words “God is Truth” which the mind of Christian Europe used as a postulate in all it did, cease to have meaning. None can analyze the rightful authority of government nor set bounds to it. In the absence of reason, political authority reposing on mere force is boundless. And reason is thus made a victim because Humanity itself is what the Modern Attack is destroying in its false religion of humanity. Reason being the crown of man and at the same time his distinguishing mark, the Anarchs march against reason as their principle enemy.’’...

See also a critique of the Frankfort School:

... the Frankfurt School believed that as long as an individual had the belief – or even the hope of belief – that his divine gift of reason could solve the problems facing society, then that society would never reach the state of hopelessness and alienation that they considered necessary to provoke socialist revolution. Their task, therefore, was as swiftly as possible to undermine the Judaeo-Christian legacy....

For the last 20-30 years, there have been signs of another "Great Revival" in this country.  The policies and rhetoric of Trump are contributing to the rise of that revival--and as Belloc intimates, that "revival-populism" scares the bejabbers out of The Blob/Deep State.  

Democrats attack "Christian nationalism" (whatever that is), but it's the "Christian" part they most fear and must eradicate; to them, it's the silver crucifix, as it is to the Mammon-ites in the (R) party and the power-mad intellectuals of the Deep State. Think otherwise?  Then why the (D) attack on free speech?

Trump is just in the way. 

A Warning From Eric Hoffer

Eric Hoffer was a longshoreman.  And also a philosopher and historian.

Nothing is so unsettling to a social order as the presence of a mass of scribes without suitable employment and an acknowledged status…The explosive component in the contemporary scene is not the clamor of the masses but the self-righteous claims of a multitude of graduates from schools and universities. This army of scribes is clamoring for a society in which planning, regulation, and supervision are paramount and the prerogative of the educated.

They hanker for the scribe’s golden age, for a return to something like the scribe-dominated societies of ancient Egypt, China, and the Europe of the Middle Ages.
There is little doubt that the present trend in the new and renovated countries toward social regimentation stems partly from the need to create adequate employment for a large number of scribes." - Eric Hoffer, The Ordeal of Change


...Some of the worst tyrannies of our day genuinely are "vowed" to the service of mankind, yet can function only by pitting neighbor against neighbor. The all-seeing eye of a totalitarian regime is usually the watchful eye of the next-door neighbor....

 Or Ford, GM, Chrysler--the ones who build listening systems into your car.  Or MS and Apple with their listening/watching systems.

(Quoted at AOSHQ)

More:  a short interview conducted by Eric Sevareid.  Hoffer pretty much despises "intellectuals" who become power-mad (and 'maddened).

Maybe we'll have to read more Hoffer.

Saturday, October 05, 2024

Who's Getting the Kickbacks?

 Over the last 90 days, I've thrown away at least 100 mailing pieces from Trump and Hovde.  Letters, stupid 4X8 glossy one-pieces, larger glossies.............

Who's getting the kickbacks for all that crap?


Iranian Assassins!! Oh--Really??

 We've mentioned this before, but it's important.  Ex-FEEB Wauck thinks so.

The FEEBS want you to believe that "Iranian assassination teams" are in-country to dispose of Donald Trump.


Federal prosecutors on Wednesday requested an indefinite delay in the upcoming trial of Ryan Routh, the man accused of attempting to assassinate former President Donald Trump, claiming that a massive trove of evidence has emerged in recent weeks rendering the case "complex," ABC News reports.

According to a Wednesday filing with Florida District Judge Aileen Cannon, prosecutors have gathered too much evidence to proceed to trial - ....

Blah, blah, blah.

Does "indefinite delay" mean until long after the election?

How much of the evidence will never be seen by the American public?

You might say "Pish-posh!!  You--Dad29--are a Conspiracy Theorist Trumpf-Voter Whiteness-practitioner, hetero, Latin-Mass-going HATRRRRR and you don't believe in man-made climate change, either!!!  Therefore it's likely that Google will take down your post and we hate you!"

Not so fast, girly-man!

Here's another writer with similar questions. quoted at Wauck's place:

The second assassination attempt on the life of Donald Trump in the past two months is already being memory-holed by the mainstream media....

…Increasingly, it appears that the U.S. government operating through the Secret Service, FBI and CIA is at least complicit in the Trump assassination attempts.

They may be actively creating the conditions for an assassination through intentional gross negligence by Trump’s security detail and nurturing mentally deranged Trump-haters in a way that leads directly to the sniper’s nest....

Ask yourself this:  Who the Hell was Thomas Crooks?  Why did the FEEBS cremate him so quickly?  Why are his parents totally lawyered up?  Have you heard anything from the FEEB 'investigation' on him?  His phone(s)?  

Back to Routh:

Routh told the court on Monday, Sept. 16, that he had no material financial assets and owned no property. …

It seems clear that Routh has a hidden source of financial support. The CIA typically deals in cash while running covert operations. Was Routh a CIA asset turned loose on a rogue mission with a predictable outcome?...

...It’s impossible that a high-profile American like Routh could run around Ukraine recruiting mercenaries without coming to the attention of the CIA and coming in direct contact with CIA assets...

"No material assets," yet living in the highest-COL area of the US, flying to Florida, "finding" a car and a rifle, spending (how many) days waiting for the golf game that was a surprise to everyone in the Trump camp?

Nothing to see here.  Move along.  Suckers!

Surber Groks Paul Ryan

What's your preferred mode of murder?  Rapier?  Handgun?  Surber Wit?

...ITEM 30: Trending Politics reported, “Democrats In Panic Mode As Top Senator Appears To Be On Track For Loss.”

That would be Tammy Baldwin of Wisconsin. Time to bring in Paul Ryan to rescue her....

But Don, Paul's not in Janesville any more.

Deep State Samantha Power Rubs It In

Samantha Power is the Deep State Queen.  She epitomizes what the Deep State thinks of American citizens.

Samantha Power, who serves as the administrator for the United States Agency for International Development CIA front organization put out a tweet today in which she explained how Americans are keeping the lights and the heat on in Ukraine....

The US is "doubling our investment [read: SPENDING] on replacing auto-transformers....." she says.

Some US citizens reacted.


Hey, Asheville. Look. “Americans are helping Ukraine keep the lights and heat on”!

 So you are making sure the lights stay on in Ukraine while thousands of Americans are currently still sitting the dark

Cleaning those stables will take at least THREE terms.  

Let's hope Vance's eyes are open, especially the ones in the back of his head.



Here, Kitty Kitty