The NYC machete-man apparently was influenced by the Black Hebrew Israelite bunch.
So NYC, Philly, D.C. and little old Green Bay are sharing a virus of racism which, in 2 of the 4 cities, has turned murderous.
Bears watching, eh?
Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Mean Girl "Hotpants" Cries for the Camera
Poor, poor, little Lisa HotPants.
Typical mean-girl crapola. Being on the other side of the fence, she now cries and wails. Soon, a guest appearance with Morning Joe.....if Mika trusts Joe, that is.....
...Comey, who put himself above the law and tried to destroy Trump dares complain that Trump is angry with him.
As does former FBI lawyer Lisa Page who raised her victimhood status above Comey’s because she is a woman, you see.
“Yes. 1000 times this. Plus one big difference: I am not just an FBI target of the President, but a female one. So his followers understand that I’m therefore different, and “deserving” of a special kind of hatred, a vile reduction of my whole existence into body parts and sex acts. It’s incredibly degrading and dehumanizing, but I suppose that’s the point, isn’t it.”...
Typical mean-girl crapola. Being on the other side of the fence, she now cries and wails. Soon, a guest appearance with Morning Joe.....if Mika trusts Joe, that is.....
MI5, MI6, and Durham(?)
Although Vox Day is a bit more coy about it....
Stiff upper lip, you bloody bastards!
The heads of both MI5 and MI6 are due to step down in the new year at a time of ongoing threats from Islamist extremists, Russia and the rise of China, The Telegraph is compelled to infer that Mr. Durham will be calling them in the coming year.
Two new top spies, who could be posted in from outside the agencies, will face immediate global problems in these “dangerous times,” a former intelligence official has told the Telegraph.
Sir Alex Younger, the Chief of the Secret Intelligence Service (SIS), better known as MI6, and Sir Andrew Parker, his opposite number at MI5, are both thought to be standing down in 2020....
Stiff upper lip, you bloody bastards!
Gaffigan, the "Catholic"? Really?
Gaffigan, who claims to be "Catholic" can't understand why there are Trump voters.
But not what she should have said to a Catholic.
See, Catholics (not CINO's) know that Trump is the most Pro-Life President since Roe v Wade.
Economy, nice. Borders, nice. America First trade policy, nice.
Pro-life: EXCELLENT.
Note: Gaffigan and his wife are seriously charitable, coming to Milwaukee around the holidays to prepare and serve meals to the homeless and poor. Kudos. Of course, those poor and homeless were not killed before birth.
Help me here. I'm being sincere. This is STILL your guy? Forget the news source. Forget that this part of a pattern. Forget the lies & the bluster. Forget the impeachment stuff. I'm curious why you are still behind someone who consistently behaves like this? Help me.Somebody named Christian Toto responded here. Good letter.
But not what she should have said to a Catholic.
See, Catholics (not CINO's) know that Trump is the most Pro-Life President since Roe v Wade.
Economy, nice. Borders, nice. America First trade policy, nice.
Pro-life: EXCELLENT.
Note: Gaffigan and his wife are seriously charitable, coming to Milwaukee around the holidays to prepare and serve meals to the homeless and poor. Kudos. Of course, those poor and homeless were not killed before birth.
Child-Sex Perv Also Ex-KMSD Principal
Found this on Channel 4 and one national news outlet.
...The Neenah Police Department says 39-year-old David Arnold Hay, with help from the Milwaukee County Sheriff’s Department, was arrested at the airport on Sunday.Well, if you're into child sex, go where the children are, eh?
Hay was booked into the Winnebago County Jail on a charge of Use of a Computer to Facilitate a Child Sex Crime.
The New York Times reports he worked under New York City's Department of Education. Authorities in Wisconsin notified New York City officials hours after the arrest....
...According to Hay's LinkedIn page, Hay previously worked as a high school principal in the Tomah area school district as well as Kettle Moraine School District....
This Was Suicide, Not "Accident"
May God have mercy on the souls of the innocent and may He comfort their family.
That said: the driver here was committing suicide and homicide.
That said: the driver here was committing suicide and homicide.
The Hyundai Elantra carrying a family of five appeared to be traveling faster than 70 miles per hour Friday when the driver lost control, causing the vehicle to hit a tree and split in half, according to reports released by the Milwaukee Country Medical Examiner’s Office on Monday.Four of the five occupants, including a 5-month-old boy and a 2-year-old girl, were killed. A 1-year-old girl was in stable condition and expected to survive.Police say the driver, Larry G. Williams Jr., 29, had just gone through a yellow light at high speed about 8:15 p.m. when the car spun and hit a tree on West Townsend Street near North 26th Street. ...
Seventy miles/hour on a city street is suicide-driving, period.
Pack Should Not Be Rodgers-Centric
During the game on Sunday, it looked to me that Aaron Rodgers was determined to be the hero quarterback who saves the team and gets the victory.
The team won, but Rodgers was not the high-school hero QB. And I wasn't the only one who noticed.
The team won, but Rodgers was not the high-school hero QB. And I wasn't the only one who noticed.
...Playing against a feisty Lions team with a lot of players on injured reserve (17) and nothing to lose, the Packers came out throwing and didn’t stop until Rodgers had attempted 55 passes, six short of his all-time high set against the Lions on Nov. 15, 2015 in Green Bay....
... here they were again, coming out throwing like this was the NCAA national semifinals.
The NFL’s official play-by-play makes subjective decisions on whether a pass is “short” or “deep.” But for argument’s sake, let’s say they’re close in their assessment. A total of 25 of Rodgers’ 55 throws were listed as “deep,” which based on the passes he completed probably are defined as 17 or more yards down the field.Of those 25, Rodgers completed six (24%) for 134 yards and two touchdowns with an interception. He only completed 49% of his passes overall for 323 yards, finishing with a passer rating of 72.0....
So what does State Farm Aaron have to say about it?
Yes, his receivers (except Adams) were not great. But his throwing was ........well.......QB 72.0 says it all.....Rodgers was way off the mark. There were at least a half dozen throws that he threw behind, beyond or low of his target, and he spent almost the entire first half completing one and then missing the next three or four.Rodgers couldn’t explain his misses other than saying a few were timing issues.“Other than that, I can’t really tell you,” he said. “Just sometimes the ball is coming off really good. Today was one of those days, really too good at times where I felt good about a number of those throws and I’m missing by a yard, yard and a half, two yards. Just one of those days.”...
Milk-Carton Tom Should Eliminate the Cops!
Nah, that's not MY idea; it's coming from the 'no-longer-fringe' Left.
Good and hard.
BONUS: It will also pay for your trolley!!
The latest call to action from some criminal-justice activists: “Abolish the police.” From the streets of Chicago to the city council of Seattle, and in the pages of academic journals ranging from the Cardozo Law Review to the Harvard Law Review and of mainstream publications from the Boston Review to Rolling Stone, advocates and activists are building a case not just to reform policing—viewed as an oppressive, violent, and racist institution—but to do away with it altogether. When I first heard this slogan, I assumed that it was a figure of speech, used to legitimize more expansive criminal-justice reform. But after reading the academic and activist literature, I realized that “abolish the police” is a concrete policy goal. The abolitionists want to dismantle municipal police departments and see “police officers disappearing from the streets.”Look, Tommy, abolishing the entire Milwaukee Police Department would go a long ways toward paying for the Democrat Convention, and since Democrats thought this up, they should appreciate it.
One might dismiss such proclamations as part of a fringe movement, but advocates of these radical views are gaining political momentum in numerous cities....
Good and hard.
BONUS: It will also pay for your trolley!!
Next "Cancel": Margaret Court
This lady was Da Bomb in women's tennis. 24 Grand Slam singles championships.
Now 77, she preached a sermon at her church in Australia. She will be Cancelled.
Now 77, she preached a sermon at her church in Australia. She will be Cancelled.
...“You know, even that LGBT in the schools, it’s of the devil, it’s not of God…”...It is "of the Devil," as are all the attempts to re-define Nature according to the will of man.
Court is known as an opponent of gay unions and stated in the past that lesbianism on the women’s tour has a corrupting influence on young players, as Breitbart Sports reported.
Twelve-times grand slam champion Billie Jean King last year called for Court’s name stripped to be from the Australian Open showcourt in Melbourne because Court’s views on sexuality, including the claim that “tennis is full of lesbians”, are offensive to her....
...For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil....There is no "new" sin. And in the end, they're all the same.
"Everytown" Script for Bloomberg
Here's a nice little sample script for Mike Bloomberg's "Everytown for Gun Safety" bunch.
Yah. It's a gift to Mike from the Chinese Communist Party.
Note that the Communists, just like Mike's bunch (and all the rest of the disarmament crowd, NEVER mention the real reason for the Second Amendment--which is to keep the Government from outgrowing its britches?
Huh. How could they have forgotten that?
...Private gun ownership is a tradition from the early days at the founding of the US. In a modern society, the problems created by this tradition have already exceeded the benefits. Crime is one of the increasingly prominent modern diseases in several societies in the 21st century, and the spread of guns enables crime to unleash greater killing energy.Nice, eh?
American society has already seen serious problems caused by the private ownership of guns, but their massive number has contributed to an enormous inertia. Many interest groups have benefited from it and some ordinary people have truly gained a sense of safety....
Yah. It's a gift to Mike from the Chinese Communist Party.
Note that the Communists, just like Mike's bunch (and all the rest of the disarmament crowd, NEVER mention the real reason for the Second Amendment--which is to keep the Government from outgrowing its britches?
Huh. How could they have forgotten that?
Monday, December 30, 2019
Court Order?? Pfffffff!
Sure, a court ordered the removal of 230K or so names from voter rolls.
But it's only the law and some silly court, say the Democrats.
It never occurs to these idiots that Breaking Laws Ostentatiously leads to more of the same---and maybe the Democrats won't be the beneficiaries.
But it's only the law and some silly court, say the Democrats.
It never occurs to these idiots that Breaking Laws Ostentatiously leads to more of the same---and maybe the Democrats won't be the beneficiaries.
Saturday, December 28, 2019
CIA Thinks It's Better Than You. Surprised?
A few months ago, I mentioned that I had run across a former Company guy. Actually, I knew where he could be found and made it a point to see him. Our encounter was brief; I told him what I thought of the CIA's sedition and treachery vis-a-vis Trump, and he gave me a baleful stare, not saying a word.
This fits right in to that pattern.
Remember those old movies about The Mob, and how a debt-collector for them would chop off a finger as a reminder of Who's Who?
Bet you're thinking about that now, eh?
This fits right in to that pattern.
Intelligence community veterans say the Durham probe could force Haspel [current CIA director, appointed by Trump] to choose between protecting her agency from Trump’s wrath and bowing to Barr’s wishes; they point to FBI chief Chris Wray, who has found himself at odds with the president in recent weeks over a watchdog report about the bureau’s conduct in the Russia probe.So. What Jackwad One and his butt-boy Jackwad 2 said above is this: You don't and can't understand how dirty we have to be, especially when taking down a candidate/President who will not protect us from know...........justice. You are stupid. We are smart, and ABOVE 'justice.' Now STFU and sit down.
And they say the Barr-Durham probe represents overreach by an attorney general who seems to have already made up his mind and is bent on imposing his own skeptical view of the Russia investigation on the intelligence community…
“It is unprecedented and inappropriate to do this via Justice department prosecutors who will tend to apply the standards of a courtroom to the more nuanced, and often more challenging world of intelligence analysis,” said John McLaughlin, who served as both deputy director and acting director of the CIA from 2000-2004…
“I find this troubling and I suspect many inside the intelligence community do as well,” [CIA veteran John] Sipher said, specifically pointing to the CIA’s Brennan records review. The inquiry “was initiated and sold in a partisan manner and this news only highlights that concern,” he said...---Politico, quoted at Hot Air
Remember those old movies about The Mob, and how a debt-collector for them would chop off a finger as a reminder of Who's Who?
Bet you're thinking about that now, eh?
Friday, December 27, 2019
Trump Was Suckered Into Bombing Syria
We've mentioned this before, but even more evidence is emerging through Wikileaks.
...In one of the leaked e-mail exchanges, from February 27-28, between members of the fact finding mission (FFM) deployed to Douma and senior officials of the OPCW, the watchdog’s Chief of Cabinet Sebastien Braha ordered the removal of “all traces” of a report by Ian Henderson.I'm no fan of the Syrian dictator. But when our Deep State (CIA and State) is allowed a free hand to guide the President, bad things happen--like this one.
“Please get this document out of DRA [Documents Registry Archive]… And please remove all traces, if any, of its delivery/storage/whatever in DRA,” the email reads.
Henderson had inspected the sites in Douma and two cylinders that were found on the site of the alleged attack. In his report, he had concluded that the cylinders were more likely placed there — not dropped. His findings heavily indicated that the “attack” was staged.
US media and politicians uncritically claimed that the cylinders were dropped from the air by the Syrian government, killing civilians.
Since the cylinders appeared to be placed by hand, and the area was under the control of anti-government forces, Henderson’s findings lend credence to theories that the attack was staged to set up the Syrian president and prompt the US to attack....
The Gospel of Cdl. Dolan
We note Cd. Dolan's op-ed has an interesting graf-and-a-half:
Perhaps the Cardinal had a couple extra doses of Irish whiskey before he wrote that because it does not correspond with what ANY Gospel tells us. In the telling of the Gospels, the journey to Bethlehem was straightforward, but since the town was over-run with registrants for the census, they found a convenient--albeit not ideal--spot for childbirth.
Sure, the Holy Family had to skedaddle to Egypt--much later--because the Son of God was at grave risk of being executed by the local Roman authority.
It's possible that some ancient Irish bard 'enhanced' the story and Cdl. Dolan simply repeated what he'd heard.
It's possible. window, the main one in our living room, didn’t have a candle until Christmas Eve, when we would put a real, lit candle by it.
That was a candle, Mom and Dad explained, for the Blessed Virgin Mary and Saint Joseph, looking for a place to stay that holy night more than 2,000 years ago. Mary and Joseph — the Mother of God and her spouse most chaste — had to wander the earth, the tradition goes, looking for a haven in which to stay. There was no room at the inn in Bethlehem for them, and they were forced to find shelter in a barn, little more than a cave, really, for Mary to give birth to Jesus, the Son of God, the Savior of the World....
Perhaps the Cardinal had a couple extra doses of Irish whiskey before he wrote that because it does not correspond with what ANY Gospel tells us. In the telling of the Gospels, the journey to Bethlehem was straightforward, but since the town was over-run with registrants for the census, they found a convenient--albeit not ideal--spot for childbirth.
Sure, the Holy Family had to skedaddle to Egypt--much later--because the Son of God was at grave risk of being executed by the local Roman authority.
It's possible that some ancient Irish bard 'enhanced' the story and Cdl. Dolan simply repeated what he'd heard.
It's possible.
"St. Mitt"---Really??
Mitt Romney is the fore-runner of Buttplug with his smarmy 'morals' lectures. However, Romney--unlike Buttplug--has a metric ton of money.
So how did he get all that money, anyway?
Well, he put up $160K of his own funds, and then took in partner-investors, such as Robert Maxwell, whose daughter achieved fame by NOT hanging herself--yet. There were also a number of millions which came from the usual tax havens, Central American dictators, and another Brit--a fraudster named Lyons. That was Bain Capital, which was famous for eliminating jobs--and entire companies--to make money.
Not a savory lot of "partners" at all.
Plenty more at the link above!
HT: Vox
So how did he get all that money, anyway?
Well, he put up $160K of his own funds, and then took in partner-investors, such as Robert Maxwell, whose daughter achieved fame by NOT hanging herself--yet. There were also a number of millions which came from the usual tax havens, Central American dictators, and another Brit--a fraudster named Lyons. That was Bain Capital, which was famous for eliminating jobs--and entire companies--to make money.
Not a savory lot of "partners" at all.
Plenty more at the link above!
HT: Vox
Thursday, December 26, 2019
Trump Goes Overboard re: "Anti-Semitism"
The President allows his emotions to run away with him on occasion.
NeverTrumpers and Democrats often take Trump's offhand remarks as SERIOUS SERIOUS SERIOUS threats to the Constitution, free speech, all manner of rights......yah, sure. They don't have a life, so.....
But there are times when Trump is not Twittering to rouse the rabble, and his EO vis-a-vis the Jews is one of them. And it's a problem.
Well, that's not necessarily terrible. But it gets there, fast.
And that's just bullshit.
Trump would be well-off to stop playing to Israel. As I recall, the saying is "Make America Great Again." Americans can and sometimes should criticize Israeli policy and activities. Racializing that criticism is.........well........un-American.
NeverTrumpers and Democrats often take Trump's offhand remarks as SERIOUS SERIOUS SERIOUS threats to the Constitution, free speech, all manner of rights......yah, sure. They don't have a life, so.....
But there are times when Trump is not Twittering to rouse the rabble, and his EO vis-a-vis the Jews is one of them. And it's a problem.
President Donald Trump recently signed an executive order that interprets Judaism as a nationality or race—i.e., it should not be seen exclusively as a religion—so that the federal government can threaten to withhold funds from schools deemed to be fostering anti-Semitism in school activities, programs, curricula, and classrooms. The order was signed the day after a shooting of Jews at a Kosher grocery in New Jersey....
Well, that's not necessarily terrible. But it gets there, fast.
...This order would make the IHRA (International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance) definition of anti-Semitism the official guideline for Title VI...So what?
...What Trump’s order will effectively do is put a halt on speech, as skittish administrators shut down protests, screen speakers, and monitor classrooms for unsanctioned criticisms against Israel.This has been going on for decades. The "Anti-Defamation League", which is really a bunch of bigots with a huge megaphone (called the MSM), has denounced anyone and everyone who dares breathe a negative word about Israeli policy. See Patrick J. Buchanan for one example.
Americans should know that the IHRA, as adopted by the State Department, is deeply contested. Its critics say it is too vague and all-encompassing and can be a trap for honest critics of Israel’s domestic and foreign policies. The IHRA, for example, describes as anti-Semitic “denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination” under some circumstances, and offers as an example of such behavior “claiming that the existence of a State of Israel is a racist endeavor.”
This gives pro-Israeli associations and lobbyists a green light to compel the states to pass laws that would require any companies and individuals working for the government to sign “contracts” or other affidavits declaring that they would never boycott Israeli companies. Such endeavors have been halted on numerous occasions by Congress and multiple courts as unconstitutional since they would violate the First Amendment. This would incidentally mean that any criticism of the Israeli government, such as its continual suppression of Christians exercising their natural right to worship, would be classified as anti-Semitic....
And that's just bullshit.
Trump would be well-off to stop playing to Israel. As I recall, the saying is "Make America Great Again." Americans can and sometimes should criticize Israeli policy and activities. Racializing that criticism is.........well........un-American.
Impeachment Backfire #24,576
'Choppers' Pelosi and her gang of ankle-biting chipmunks have managed to fire up Trump's natural base; the volume dial is now at 'leventy' and rising.
But it gets better. A former Obama (!) fund-raiser, black man, and ex-NFL player observed that Trump is likely to get 20% of the black vote. If that's true, it's curtains for the Democrats at the Presidential ballot, and likely a major disaster in House races.
A snip:
But it gets better. A former Obama (!) fund-raiser, black man, and ex-NFL player observed that Trump is likely to get 20% of the black vote. If that's true, it's curtains for the Democrats at the Presidential ballot, and likely a major disaster in House races.
A snip:
...The Russia collusion investigation and now the impeachment hoax are, Brewer says, "causing black voters to view Mr. Trump more sympathetically. That’s what it feels like to be black. Black people have been abused and taken advantage of by the police and the FBI since the beginning of time. When you talk about the FBI changing up documents and pushing a narrative, and they don’t have any recourse? That’s very familiar to black people."...By the way, Mr. Brewer's "20%" is among blacks who actually vote. Another large chunk of them (and a lot of working-class Democrat whites and Hispanics) are simply going to sit this one out under the very understandable "Why bother?" rubric.
The Great Software Ripoff, Updated
Some of you recall that Massachusetts passed a law requiring the Big Three (and all the rest) to make their diagnostic-and-repair software 'open' for small repair shops to use.
The rest of the country followed suit, allowing consumers to avoid dealer repair pricing.
But then John Deere came up with a variant, claiming to own the software running Deere equipment, and THEN not allowing farmers to repair the stuff on their own.
So you spent $400K or so, but actually, you're only renting the damn thing.
Because "copyright law."
Enter Lockheed Martin, who claims the same privilege Deere does--except it's with the F-35 fighter.
But then--on top of those problems--to claim the US Armed Forces may NOT fix their pieces of crap?
I know where someone could try a full-bore strafing test.....
The rest of the country followed suit, allowing consumers to avoid dealer repair pricing.
But then John Deere came up with a variant, claiming to own the software running Deere equipment, and THEN not allowing farmers to repair the stuff on their own.
So you spent $400K or so, but actually, you're only renting the damn thing.
Because "copyright law."
Enter Lockheed Martin, who claims the same privilege Deere does--except it's with the F-35 fighter.
...Lockheed Martin claims that even though the Defense Department paid for ALIS, it still has to license the technology from the company. Given that ALIS in its current state is glorified malware, this might not seem like a big deal. But it is. Because one of the things Lockheed Martin has been using its ownership of ALIS to do is to prevent the U.S. government from fixing the software on its own. In other words, the Pentagon can’t use its own planes unless Lockheed feels like fixing the problem with the software.Lockheed Martin should be laughed out of business; the F-35 is a genuine cluster***k of a plane, doing little of what it should do, and then only doing it part-time.
This is bad enough, but it gets worse when you imagine that ALIS actually worked as advertised. In that situation, Lockheed arguably could refuse to license the F-35s to anyone they liked, for any reason.
Yes, the planes American taxpayers spent $1 trillion to build might not even be ours, thanks to a quirk of intellectual property law.
It gets even worse. Apparently, even when U.S. government documents get uploaded into ALIS, they come back with Lockheed Martin’s proprietary markings. In other words, Lockheed is trying to assert ownership not just over ALIS, but also over the data that is fed into it. ...
But then--on top of those problems--to claim the US Armed Forces may NOT fix their pieces of crap?
I know where someone could try a full-bore strafing test.....
Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Pp. Francis to "Normalize" Homosex Teachings?
Another straw in the wind....
Note well: Francis does not define the terms (nor will he, ever), so as to make the German demi-apostate Cardinals happy but at the same time, Francis doesn't step over the cliff. Very clever Jesuit, he is!
The author of the article goes on to highlight Francis' apparent obeisance to (some) German Bishops and Cardinals. There's a way to explain that:
The German Church, propped up by the German 'church tax,' is a major contributor to the Vatican. The only other nation in that league is the USA. And since many US Catholics are NOT happy with Francis' smoke-blowing and happy-dancing on matters of marriage, sexuality, and capital punishment (for starters) Francis has to tippy-toe a very fine line, indeed.
So you've noticed that Francis makes it a point to whack away at Americans, the Capitalist Pigs/Racists/Brain-Dead-Hidebound 'rigorists'. He's hoping that the common pewsitters will like him and his Fonzie "Aaaaaaaaay!!" toward morals. The idea is to limit the loss of US support to only a handful of mega-donors, thus preserving most of the cashflow.
Good luck with that, Francis. Watch the next election and you'll see just how conservative the US really is. Read 'em and weep.
Pope Francis announced the next revolutionary "resolution" for 2020: to "normalize" the relationship of the Catholic Church to homosexuality. On this point, too, he appears to be a compliant, driven man of the Church in Germany.
Pope Francis gave to understand that the "normalization" of homosexuality is in his program for 2020 on December 16th, the day of his 83rd birthday. The President of the German Bishops' Conference, Cardinal Reinhard Marx, Archbishop of Munich-Freising, immediately followed and announced the revolution as an early "Christmas present" in 2019:
"Homosexuality is normal".
The sequence confirms what insiders have long said: The pontificate of Pope Francis is not an Argentine pontificate, but a German one - albeit a completely different "German" than that of his predecessor Benedict XVI....
Note well: Francis does not define the terms (nor will he, ever), so as to make the German demi-apostate Cardinals happy but at the same time, Francis doesn't step over the cliff. Very clever Jesuit, he is!
The author of the article goes on to highlight Francis' apparent obeisance to (some) German Bishops and Cardinals. There's a way to explain that:
The German Church, propped up by the German 'church tax,' is a major contributor to the Vatican. The only other nation in that league is the USA. And since many US Catholics are NOT happy with Francis' smoke-blowing and happy-dancing on matters of marriage, sexuality, and capital punishment (for starters) Francis has to tippy-toe a very fine line, indeed.
So you've noticed that Francis makes it a point to whack away at Americans, the Capitalist Pigs/Racists/Brain-Dead-Hidebound 'rigorists'. He's hoping that the common pewsitters will like him and his Fonzie "Aaaaaaaaay!!" toward morals. The idea is to limit the loss of US support to only a handful of mega-donors, thus preserving most of the cashflow.
Good luck with that, Francis. Watch the next election and you'll see just how conservative the US really is. Read 'em and weep.
The Rat, the Money, and the Deep State
This should not surprise anyone who is paying attention.
Scum. And like all D.C. scum, he's done very well. CTH has lots more.
You didn't have to know that they were looking at Ukraine-money-corruption, though--all you had to do was pay attention to the MSM and the blogs. See, according to the MSM, Rudy is a crook and a conspiracy theorist, and Beck--well, he's nuts AND a conspiracy theorist, too!!
As CTH noted: this is how the deep state operates.
You better like it because they're not going away without a VERY big fight.
Former House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Rogers has resigned from Donald Trump’s presidential transition team. --news item 10/16/16Treehouse notes that the resignation happened after Adm. Mike Rogers (the GOOD Rogers) made an appointment to visit with Trump about the spy in Trump's campaign....and two days BEFORE Rogers showed up to point him out.
Scum. And like all D.C. scum, he's done very well. CTH has lots more.
...Congressman Rogers was part of the group who covered for Hillary Clinton and Leon Panetta in the outcome of Benghazi. Rogers motives on both fronts (cover Benghazi and surveillance of Trump) are part of the old fashioned motive, money. Mike Rogers’ wife, Kristi Clemens Rogers, was the president and CEO of Aegis LLC a “security” defense contractor – and her connections delivered a $10 billion contract with the State Dept.You may have noticed that Glen Beck has been hot on the Ukraine-money-corruption trail, as has Rudy Giuliani. Both can and will point the finger at CIA and State, with FBI as a supporting player and NSA as the 'shadowy' part of the bunch.
In the height of the scrutiny over Benghazi HPSCI Chairman Mike Rogers and Ranking Member Dutch Ruppersberger authored a quick, and widely rebuked, intelligence committee report that provided the first line of defense for Clinton, Obama and Panetta. The media seized on the Rogers/Ruppersberger report to set the narrative.
Immediately following their efforts, Mike Rogers and Dennis Ruppersberger resigned from congress. Mike and his wife Kristi riding off into the sunset with multi-millions of wealth from the secured Aegis contract. [Oh yeah, and Kristi retired too]
This is how the deep state operates...
You didn't have to know that they were looking at Ukraine-money-corruption, though--all you had to do was pay attention to the MSM and the blogs. See, according to the MSM, Rudy is a crook and a conspiracy theorist, and Beck--well, he's nuts AND a conspiracy theorist, too!!
As CTH noted: this is how the deep state operates.
You better like it because they're not going away without a VERY big fight.
Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Who Is REALLY in Charge of US DoJ?
It appears that Epstein--who did NOT hang himself--was an Israeli (Mossad) asset.
In this article, his ex-business partner confirms it.
But the article raises another question: who is REALLY in charge of the US Department of Justice?
I'm sure that the girls and their parents are perfectly OK with that. Right?
In this article, his ex-business partner confirms it.
But the article raises another question: who is REALLY in charge of the US Department of Justice?
There is a problem, because [Alex] Acosta in 2008, the reason that Epstein didn’t get any time and got a non-prosecution agreement was because of the intelligence agencies involvement with Epstein, and the two Maxwells, in Israel. I know that for a fact from Epstein.So Epstein was given the sweetheart deal of the decade on his child-abuse/rape/trafficking crimes at the "suggestion" of Mossad?
I'm sure that the girls and their parents are perfectly OK with that. Right?
Packers' Baby-Killer Gift "Benefits" Latinos?
The Green Bay Packers' Foundation attempted to defend the indefensible.
They are right. It is NOT "normal" for mothers to kill their babies before birth.
Which Foundation Board member pushed this abomination?
The grant you reference is for Planned Parenthood of Milwaukee’s Cuidándonos Creceremos más Sanos (CCmáS) program, which means ‘growing healthier together.’ It is dedicated to reaching Latino families in southeastern Wisconsin, an underserved population, with language and culturally specific health education they would not normally receive....
They are right. It is NOT "normal" for mothers to kill their babies before birth.
Which Foundation Board member pushed this abomination?
Monday, December 23, 2019
Poverty and Disorder, the Deep State's Meal Tickets
What success has LBJ's "War on Poverty" had since 1968?
Not much.
What success has the US State Department had with the Middle East since.......say......1950?
Not much.
But there HAS been success!! Tens of thousands of bureaucrats and hive-members have found employment with very nice benefits and retirement packages!
The point of poverty programs and diplomatic programs is........what, exactly?
So when Trump comes along and simply settles the hash, he endangers a lot of rather comfy livelihoods.
Orange Man Bad, QED.
Not much.
What success has the US State Department had with the Middle East since.......say......1950?
Not much.
But there HAS been success!! Tens of thousands of bureaucrats and hive-members have found employment with very nice benefits and retirement packages!
The point of poverty programs and diplomatic programs is........what, exactly?
So when Trump comes along and simply settles the hash, he endangers a lot of rather comfy livelihoods.
Orange Man Bad, QED.
Ex-Packer a Cultist
It seems that Kabeer Gbaja-Biamila, a former Packer, is a member of the "Black Hebrew" (Israelite) cult--the violent and unpredictable bunch which was harassing the Covington (Ky.) high-school pro-lifers early this year.
They are also linked to the perpetrators of the Jersey City shootings.
Right there in Green Bay, WI.
Have NO idea what the two white kids were thinking; they won't ever be "Black Hebrew Israelites"--but maybe nobody told them that.
They are also linked to the perpetrators of the Jersey City shootings.
Right there in Green Bay, WI.
Have NO idea what the two white kids were thinking; they won't ever be "Black Hebrew Israelites"--but maybe nobody told them that.
Your Car, the Data-Collector/Seller
We've mentioned this a few times, and Peter found a WaPo video essay on the issue.
The YouTube can be found at this link.
OnStar has a couple of really useful features, but they are not severable from OnStar Spying services. Too bad, eh?
And don't think for a second that Chrysler, Ford, Toyota, KIA, (et al) are innocent little pansies. They hoover as much data as GM (or they'd like to) and they won't tell you where it goes, either.
Just think of it this way: your FedGov friends know everything your car tells them, which is quite a lot more than you want your FedGov friends to know.
Thanks, GM!!
The YouTube can be found at this link.
OnStar has a couple of really useful features, but they are not severable from OnStar Spying services. Too bad, eh?
And don't think for a second that Chrysler, Ford, Toyota, KIA, (et al) are innocent little pansies. They hoover as much data as GM (or they'd like to) and they won't tell you where it goes, either.
Just think of it this way: your FedGov friends know everything your car tells them, which is quite a lot more than you want your FedGov friends to know.
Thanks, GM!!
Sunday, December 22, 2019
LIGHTBULBS for Christmas!! Thanks, Santa Trump!!
Hell, this is almost enough to make up for his ridiculous spending!!
And--as you can expect--the GirlyGirls in Congress, in the MSM, and in the Green-Outside/Red-Inside movements (or cancers, depends on your outlook) are INFURIATED.
Screw them. They can buy all the candles they want, ya'know?
...the Department of Energy (DOE) announced Friday that it would block a measure designed to require more efficient lightbulbs, arguing the policy would be too expensive for consumers. ...
...Friday’s announcement follows a September decision from DOE to remove energy efficiency requirements for the other half of the market — bulbs that are not standard shaped, including those for recessed lighting and chandeliers....
And--as you can expect--the GirlyGirls in Congress, in the MSM, and in the Green-Outside/Red-Inside movements (or cancers, depends on your outlook) are INFURIATED.
Screw them. They can buy all the candles they want, ya'know?
Blame? Plenty to Go Around, Says Atkisson
Grim found this item. It deserves a wide audience.
Sharyl Atkisson--a victim of Obama-spying--rips several new a**hol** for the ones who deserve it.
So now that FISA Court hackette-in-black tells the FEEBS to "fix yourselves." No doubt that will happen, right?
As long as we're on the topic of the Hacks-in-Black who concur-with-unlimited spying "judges" appointed by Roberts (yup, the ObozoCare traitor)....
Speaking of losers, guess which Wisconsin Speaker of the House voted for Spy-On-YOU renewal? And let's not forget Grothmann--who plays a "conservative" on the radio--and RoJo, who may very well be regretting his kow-tow to The Turtle.
One of Trump's bigger errors makes the s***list!!
There's more! Read it all.
Sharyl Atkisson--a victim of Obama-spying--rips several new a**hol** for the ones who deserve it.
FBI Woods Procedures: One red flag came with the creation of FBI “Woods Procedures” nearly two decades ago under then-Director Robert Mueller. These rules were designed to appease the secretive FISA court. ....Facts that cannot be properly verified are to be removed from the application. The Woods Procedures were designed to prevent the very sorts of abuses that FBI officials committed in 2016 and 2017.
So now that FISA Court hackette-in-black tells the FEEBS to "fix yourselves." No doubt that will happen, right?
As long as we're on the topic of the Hacks-in-Black who concur-with-unlimited spying "judges" appointed by Roberts (yup, the ObozoCare traitor)....
FISA: The FISA court has documented numerous serious government surveillance abuses over the years, including a scathing review issued by the court in the fall of 2016 accusing the National Security Agency (NSA) of a problematic “lack of candor” that raised constitutional questions. Yet the court remained publicly silent these past three years amid questions, a crisis of confidence and evidence that it had in hand about FBI wrongdoing.The Alfred E. Neuman Court is now in session!!
Speaking of losers, guess which Wisconsin Speaker of the House voted for Spy-On-YOU renewal? And let's not forget Grothmann--who plays a "conservative" on the radio--and RoJo, who may very well be regretting his kow-tow to The Turtle.
Congress: Despite many public reports of government surveillance abuses, Congress passed up its most recent opportunity to exercise much-needed oversight. Two years ago, in January 2018, Congress reauthorized Section 702 of the 2008 FISA Amendments Act. It allows the U.S. intelligence community wide latitude to spy on U.S. citizens. Shocking abuses of this government authority were exposed by whistleblower Edward Snowden. Yet Congress voted down a measure to reform the law...
One of Trump's bigger errors makes the s***list!!
FBI Director Christopher Wray: As I have written, FBI Director Christopher Wray falsely testified to Congress that there have been no 702 surveillance abuses.Well, at least Wray fits right into the Tradition of FEEB Directors! "Truth? What IS truth??"
There's more! Read it all.
Saturday, December 21, 2019
What's the Matter With Iowa?
This is a travesty, assuming the reporting is accurate.
Adolfo Martinez, 30, of Ames, Iowa was found guilty last month of having committed a “hate crime” – arson – plus reckless use of explosives or fire.SIXTEEN YEARS' hard time for a "suspected" thought crime and controlled arson?
According to the Des Moines Register, Martinez stole the flag, which had been hanging at Ames United Church of Christ. Then, using lighter fluid, he burned it early on June 11, 2019 outside a strip club called Dangerous Curves Gentleman’s Club.
Story County Attorney Jessica Reynolds said in June that “hate crime” charges were added because Martinez “is suspected of criminal mischief against someone’s property because of ‘what it represents as far as sexual orientation.’”...
"Stressed" Cop Gets $57K/Year for Life
The cop-ette who shot an unarmed man has quit the cop business.
And is now collecting $57K/year because the poor little girl was "stressed" and that's a "disability".
Force her to work as a meter maid. She should be able to do that without shooting unarmed civilians.
Fortunately, her victim is suing the crap out of her and is likely to win, hands-down.
Maybe Evers should take a hard look at the State's "duty disability" rules.
And is now collecting $57K/year because the poor little girl was "stressed" and that's a "disability".
Force her to work as a meter maid. She should be able to do that without shooting unarmed civilians.
Fortunately, her victim is suing the crap out of her and is likely to win, hands-down.
Maybe Evers should take a hard look at the State's "duty disability" rules.
Friday, December 20, 2019
Clintoncide # 343
Jos. Mifsud, formerly CIA asset, missing for almost 2 years.
Italian prosecutors believe Joseph Mifsud, the Maltese professor who started Russiagate is ‘almost certainly dead.’Dead men tell no tales. Especially about the Clintons.
"Bible Commish" Still Ugly
Yesterday we mentioned a news item concerning a newly-published booklet from the Vatican.
Topic was homosexuality.
What we loosed into the pixels was not ..........quite.........100% accurate--largely because the booklet is not available in English, nor is it available in complete form on the Intertubes.
But others have taken a look at it, and Skojec summarizes the state of play very well.
Topic was homosexuality.
What we loosed into the pixels was not ..........quite.........100% accurate--largely because the booklet is not available in English, nor is it available in complete form on the Intertubes.
But others have taken a look at it, and Skojec summarizes the state of play very well.
The study is 300 pages, and does not exist in English, or even in a fully-accessible online format. There is no doubt it will be examined more carefully in the weeks and months to come. That said, the fact that homosexuality is discussed in a PBC document without clear condemnation and with a “marketplace of ideas” approach offering equal time to opposing views is sufficiently concerning in and of itself.
BangBang!! Adm. Rogers Helping Durham
Holy Indicted everybody!!
The Intercept is reporting that former NSA Director, Admiral Mike Rogers, has been working with U.S. Attorney John Durham for several months during his investigation into the origin of the 2016 intelligence operation against candidate Trump.Will Durham be indicting people whose last name begins with "O"?
This is particularly important because NSA Director Mike Rogers’ knowledge is at the epicenter of the origination of almost everything related to the FBI data-surveillance that was happening in 2015 and 2016....
FISA Hack-in-Black Jumps Ship
News report:
Presiding FISA judge Rosemary Collyer will be stepping down early due to ‘health issues’ reported NY Times’ Charlie Savage.Gee. Maybe her "health" caused her incompetence? Or did it cause .....perhaps.......her collusion?
Tony Myers for President!!
So you ask "Who's Tony Myers?"
Watch this, and you'll know why HE should be the Pubbie nominee in '24!
Watch this, and you'll know why HE should be the Pubbie nominee in '24!
Obama Don't Want Ol' Joe Nomination
Biden is running around telling people that he specifically asked Obozo NOT to endorse him.
Sure, Joe.
Now we have Obozo's doctor telling us that Ol' Joe is a physical wreck. (He doesn't have to tell us about the Alzheimer's.....)
Just offhand, I'd guess Obozo don't want no Ol' Joe.
Joe's not a Marxist.
Sure, Joe.
Now we have Obozo's doctor telling us that Ol' Joe is a physical wreck. (He doesn't have to tell us about the Alzheimer's.....)
Just offhand, I'd guess Obozo don't want no Ol' Joe.
Joe's not a Marxist.
Wisconsin to Lose a House Seat
Since the Census will continue to count ILLEGAL ALIENS as 'residents'--technically true, but only technically--Wisconsin will be losing a seat in the House of Representatives.
The prediction from the Center for Immigration Studies said that 26 seats overall will shift due to immigration increases since the last census was taken. And it said that a minimum of 19 of those seats will be added to Democratic states.From the original article:
“Immigration profoundly redistributes political power at the federal level by changing the apportionment of House seats and votes in the Electoral College,” said the report compiled by Steven A. Camarota, the center’s director of research, and demographer Karen Zeigler…
- Ohio will have three fewer seats in 2020, Michigan and Pennsylvania will have two fewer, and Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Utah, West Virginia, and Wisconsin will each have one fewer seat.
- California will gain 11, New York and Texas four, Florida three more seats, New Jersey two, and Illinois and Massachusetts will each have one additional seat.
Barr Between the Lines
While PowerLine's Elizabeth Vaughn dismisses this commentary as "generous," it's clear to me that Barr has Very High Powers in his sights.
Evidence for that? What follows that quote:
...she asked Barr what he would have done in 2016 if he were the FBI Director, given the information about Page and Papadopoulos. And this is something I have never heard before and it’s possible Barr was simply being generous. Here’s what he had to say:The key sentence here begins with the word "If." While leaving room for doubt, as is proper, Barr makes it clear that he does not believe for one nano-second that Lynch, Yates, and Obozo had ANY intention of "protecting the election." None. Zero. Zip.
Well, as I read the Horowitz report, the three reactions from Attorney General Loretta Lynch, Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates and President Obama appear to have been, ‘well, shouldn’t we give him a defensive briefing?’ I think that would be the natural impulse for anybody who was interested in getting to the bottom of things quickly and was skeptical of any notion that President Trump’s campaign was in cahoots with the Russians and also was concerned about protecting the election. If you’re interested in protecting the election, you give a defensive briefing....
Evidence for that? What follows that quote:
MacCallum asks “Why do you think they didn’t do that?”
Barr smiles and replies, “We’ll see.”
Jason Church Not Ready for Prime-Time
Jason Church is running for Sean Duffy's old seat Up Nort'. Unfortunately for him, Sean Duffy endorsed the other guy, Tom Tiffany.
When John Gard (a lobbyist) promised Church a bunch of money--which Church needed--Church made the Big Mistake: he flipped on a principle.
You can get away with that when you're already elected. Happens all the time, which accounts for Congress' SIXTY SIX PERCENT DISAPPROVAL rating.
Oh, well.
When John Gard (a lobbyist) promised Church a bunch of money--which Church needed--Church made the Big Mistake: he flipped on a principle.
You can get away with that when you're already elected. Happens all the time, which accounts for Congress' SIXTY SIX PERCENT DISAPPROVAL rating.
Oh, well.
Levin's Screaming Doesn't Make It So
Mark Levin (the Screamer) is telling the world that HE has 'the solution' to the impeachment question. To him, it's simple: have the Turtle call the Senate to order and move to dismiss--even though the paperwork hasn't arrived.
Well, it's simple-minded, anyway. Patently ludicrous is another description.
Which traffic ticket or criminal indictment has EVER been dismissed before the ticket (or charges) have arrived in a courtroom?
Yah. None. Zero. Zip. Nada.
There is no 'procedures manual' for impeachment in the Constitution, nor in law. There are plenty of lawyers running around with their hair on fire, all having Secret Knowledge Derived from Chicken Entrail-Reading (available at Harvard Law for only $120K/year, hurry!! Sign up NOW!!!).
None of their Secret Knowledge is worth the sidewalk-paving poop in Nancy's San Fran district.
Let Nancy sit on it forever. The longer, the better. After 30 days it will be zip, zero, nada in the minds of Normies everywhere in the USA.
That's exactly what's best for the country.
Well, it's simple-minded, anyway. Patently ludicrous is another description.
Which traffic ticket or criminal indictment has EVER been dismissed before the ticket (or charges) have arrived in a courtroom?
Yah. None. Zero. Zip. Nada.
There is no 'procedures manual' for impeachment in the Constitution, nor in law. There are plenty of lawyers running around with their hair on fire, all having Secret Knowledge Derived from Chicken Entrail-Reading (available at Harvard Law for only $120K/year, hurry!! Sign up NOW!!!).
None of their Secret Knowledge is worth the sidewalk-paving poop in Nancy's San Fran district.
Let Nancy sit on it forever. The longer, the better. After 30 days it will be zip, zero, nada in the minds of Normies everywhere in the USA.
That's exactly what's best for the country.
Dingell Is NOT a "Devout Catholic"
Whether or not John Dingell (D-Babykiller) is in Hell, what IS certain is that he was not a "devout" Catholic.
Meantime, Donald Trump reminded all of us that salvation is NOT assured. For that he should be thanked.
Throughout John Dingell's nearly six decades serving in the U.S. House of Representatives, his many and varied achievements would have to include his support to advance the Culture of Death by pushing contraception, abortion pills for rape victims and using embryos for research.Perhaps his widow will counteract Dingell's horrific record.
In 2006, before he retired, the National Right to Life Committee (NRLC) rated Dingell as having a "pro-choice stance" with a score of 0 percent. ...
Meantime, Donald Trump reminded all of us that salvation is NOT assured. For that he should be thanked.
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Jesuit "Bible Commission" Finding: Ugly
Hilary White brings the queer news from Rome.
The Pope has NOT approved any dogmatic/doctrinal changes based on this "finding", and he won't do so. It'll be left hanging out there instead, so that buggery advocates can claim "Biblical authority" for their perversion. This Pope will avoid direct comment. That's this guy's M.O.
The Pope has NOT approved any dogmatic/doctrinal changes based on this "finding", and he won't do so. It'll be left hanging out there instead, so that buggery advocates can claim "Biblical authority" for their perversion. This Pope will avoid direct comment. That's this guy's M.O.

ObozoCare JingaTower Falling Down
Just like a Jinga tower.....
(Were it only so easy to flush the entire Obama oeuvre, eh?)
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit on Wednesday ruled that the Affordable Care Act’s individual mandate is unconstitutional, but sent the matter back down to a district court to determine whether that provision can be removed from the rest of the Obama-era healthcare law....Of course, if it's not "severable" then the whole piece of crap gets flushed.
(Were it only so easy to flush the entire Obama oeuvre, eh?)
Xi Jinping Is Sending a Message
Trump knows that he's being told something here.
That would be an act of war.
A Chinese national trespassed at President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago club Wednesday and was arrested when she refused to leave, police said, the second time this year a woman from that country has been charged with illicitly entering the Florida resort....Maybe Trump should send Nancy and Schitt over to Red China on a trade mission and forget to bring them back.
That would be an act of war.
WaPo: Nancy's a Liar on Guns
Well, yah, she lies all the time; that "devout Catholic" one is extraordinary, no? (Wouldn't it be nice if some Actually Catholic Prelate gave her 4 Pinocchios on that lie?)
This Lying Nancy Lie was called out by the Washington Post.
This Lying Nancy Lie was called out by the Washington Post.
...Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi has repeatedly and knowingly lied about the rates of child gun death to push an agenda. Consider this tweet from the California Democrat: “100 people die every day from gun violence — 47 of them children & teenagers.”...
...this isn’t true. It’s not even close. In reality, “seven children or teenagers are killed a day — not 47.” The Washington Post even reached out to the speaker's office, which claimed she “misspoke.” But then, Pelosi kept repeating the fake statistic. In response, the newspaper's fact-checker awarded her "Four Pinocchios," the highest rating saved for lies that are truly "whoppers."..."If you don't like this Big Lie, I have others!"--Nancy Pelosi
"Carbon Tax"? Nope. Re-distribution Scheme
No surprise that a "moderate" Pubbie and two geezers are leading this effort.
But if it doesn't Create the Most Perfect Climate, they'll re-distribute income!! That should attract the "stupids" vote. As to GM, Ford, and IBM, use the best thinking and FOLLOW THE MONEY.
A Republican-backed group pushing for Congress to pass a carbon tax has raised more than $5 million this year after adding new corporate funders Thursday, including America’s two largest automakers: GM and Ford.Nothing like "progress" in pursuit of Creating the Most Perfect Climate (we hope) .
The carmakers, along with technology company IBM, are giving $100,000 each to Americans for Carbon Dividends, the lobbying arm of the Climate Leadership Council, a group led by former Republican Secretaries of State James Baker III and George Shultz....
But if it doesn't Create the Most Perfect Climate, they'll re-distribute income!! That should attract the "stupids" vote. As to GM, Ford, and IBM, use the best thinking and FOLLOW THE MONEY.
...The Climate Leadership Council’s plan would impose a gradually rising carbon tax beginning at $40 per ton, increasing 5% every year, and return the money to taxpayers as quarterly payments of equal size for all households to offset higher energy prices....Wanna bet on that "offset higher prices" part?
This would cut U.S. carbon emissions in half by 2035,Wait!! Wait!! You forgot about Creating Most Perfect Climate part!
Yesterday's Real News? Heh.
Yesterday, the Senate confirmed 13 Trump-appointed District judges.
And the Democrat Party in the House pretty-near sealed their upcoming minority status.
And the Democrat Party in the House pretty-near sealed their upcoming minority status.
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
FISC CYA. Deep State Stench
Nunes is not wrong here.
Does this Intellectualoid Hack-in-Black really expect us to be impressed with her finger-wagging "orders"?
Dump it. Start over if necessary. Too bad Jim Sensenbrenner voted for this travesty, eh?
...Devin Nunes (R-CA) is ringing alarm bells about the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court [FISC], saying that it is culpable, along with the FBI, for the improper wiretapping of former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page, and needs to be dismantled.Either FISC was colluding with the sedition, or it has the dumbest of the dumb Fed bench members. Or both. Judge Collyer sent a Big NastyGram to the FEEBS demanding that the FEEBS construct a protocol to prevent lying. Noteworthy: she sent it to the lying Wray, who succeeded the lying Comey, who supervised the lying HotPants, HornDog, McCabe, .......(etc. ad infinitum)
...Tuesday night, Nunes argued that it is somewhat disingenuous for Collyer to claim today that she has concerns about fraud upon the court when the House Intelligence Committee notified the court of the substantial errors almost two years ago.
“I’m glad to see the FISC court come out and make a statement but your viewers need to know that the FISC court is also culpable in this madness, and I say that because we sent them two letters—very specific letters,”...
Does this Intellectualoid Hack-in-Black really expect us to be impressed with her finger-wagging "orders"?
Dump it. Start over if necessary. Too bad Jim Sensenbrenner voted for this travesty, eh?
Another Lying FBI Director. Surprised?
Now and then, Donald Trump makes a mistake.
He made one named "Christopher Wray." Wray is just another lying sack of FEEBshit.
Let's go with David Clarke, Mr. President.
He made one named "Christopher Wray." Wray is just another lying sack of FEEBshit.
...“The FBI is intimately familiar with ‘material omissions’ with respect to their presentations to both Congress and the courts,” he said. “Regardless, it’s clear that top officials used unverified information in a court document to fuel a counterintelligence investigation during an American political campaign. Once the truth gets out, we can begin taking steps to ensure our intelligence agencies and courts are never misused like this again.”
Unfortunately, it took until the Inspector General’s report came out in December of 2019, for Nunes’ work on the House Intelligence Committee to be vindicated. In the meantime, Democrats used the Intelligence Community’s opposition to the Nunes memo against Republicans for the rest of the 2018 midterm election year.
Nunes said that Wray in particular needs to explain why he sent that letter, saying it was “very harmful to me as someone who has to go before the voters.”...
Let's go with David Clarke, Mr. President.
Appeals Court on 234K Vote Matter
Just saw this:
The BridgeClub of Old Prune Voters is suing in Fed Court, of course. That court may well wait for a SCOWI decision before moving on the matter.
That was the Madison (4th Circuit) Appeals court !!!! This is hardly the last action here; no matter what the 4th Circuit decides, it will be appealed to SCOWI.
Wisconsin appeals court denies @WisDOJ request to immediately put on hold ruling that would purge more than 200,000 voter registrations
Instead, appeals court gives @WILawLiberty until Monday to respond to request
DOJ wanted an order without time for WILL to respond
The BridgeClub of Old Prune Voters is suing in Fed Court, of course. That court may well wait for a SCOWI decision before moving on the matter.
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Romney Gets It Exactly Backwards
Pierre Defecto, a secret Senator from Utah, manages to get "child tax credit" precisely wrong, insulting mothers across the country.
Surprised? I didn't think so.
Does Pierre think that raising babies is "NOT work"? Or--even worse--does Pierre think that moms should be out there being accountants (for Vulture Capital companies) or bakers, or whatever---because "being a Mom" is not sufficiently American?
Well, it fits right in with his disastrous "thought" on health care. We'd like it if Utahns would dis-elect him--but then he'd be in Utah full-time, and they probably don't want that.
Who could blame them?
Surprised? I didn't think so.
Romney's proposal, a bipartisan scheme with Sen. Michael Bennet (D., Colo.), would use the federal child tax credit to give parents at every income level $1,000 per child per year, with an added $500 for children under the age of six. To encourage work, the tax credit rises with income, up to an additional $1,000 per child...."To encourage work...."?
Does Pierre think that raising babies is "NOT work"? Or--even worse--does Pierre think that moms should be out there being accountants (for Vulture Capital companies) or bakers, or whatever---because "being a Mom" is not sufficiently American?
Well, it fits right in with his disastrous "thought" on health care. We'd like it if Utahns would dis-elect him--but then he'd be in Utah full-time, and they probably don't want that.
Who could blame them?
Can $700K Buy Friendship?
Joe Biden's son ...ahh........did very well in Ukraine.
Debbie Murcasel-Powell's (D-FL) husband.......ahhh..........did very well in Ukraine.
But that was just prior to her election and her placement on House Judiciary.
So it certainly didn't cloud her judgment.
Debbie Murcasel-Powell's (D-FL) husband.......ahhh..........did very well in Ukraine.
But that was just prior to her election and her placement on House Judiciary.
So it certainly didn't cloud her judgment.
Stunningly Stupid Old Joe
Does this guy know what planet he's on?
No, Joe. We want them to grow up just like your kid did.
Smooth move, Joe.
Joe Biden took a swipe at President Trump, insisting that no parent in America wants their child to "grow up like him."
No, Joe. We want them to grow up just like your kid did.
Smooth move, Joe.
Go Ahead. Send in the Blue Helmets.
As the most famous cop once said, "Go ahead. Make my day."
And the men (we exclude Pajama Boys from the category 'men') are reasonably handy with assault and sniper rifles.
Have you secured the UN headquarters, twit? Have you??
Fresh on the heels of a warning that the United Nations may use force against countries defying its climate-change mandates, the world body has just informed the United States that “it cannot avoid compensating poorer nations hit by climate change, despite Donald Trump honoring his election promise of leaving the 2015 Paris climate agreement,” reports Breitbart....Unlike the African women raped by the Blue Helmet "army," women in the US are often armed and more than capable with their weapons.
And the men (we exclude Pajama Boys from the category 'men') are reasonably handy with assault and sniper rifles.
Have you secured the UN headquarters, twit? Have you??
Yoo-Hoo!! Abp. Listecki!! Where Are You??
The silence over at the Puzzle Palace on South Lake Drive is deafening.
On the other hand, in Texas....
Once again, this commissioned officer of the US Army demonstrates zero leadership.
Merry Christmas.
On the other hand, in Texas....
Maybe Abp. Jerry is waiting for Cdl. Cupich's lead? We won't hold our breath.The Catholic bishop of Tyler, Texas, has denounced Netflix as blasphemous over its release of a Christmas Special titled The First Temptation of Christ portraying Jesus as gay.“Respect is the last thing they are thinking about, every Christian should denounce this film, it is blasphemy against the Son of God who suffered & died even for all who deny that He is Lord of the Universe,” said Bishop Joseph Strickland in a tweet Sunday. “His prayer for them…. ‘Father forgive them they know not what they do.’”...
Once again, this commissioned officer of the US Army demonstrates zero leadership.
Merry Christmas.
Dame Who Broke H-P Wails About Trump or Something
Ms. Fiorina is not aging well.
But maybe you don't grok that, Carly. Maybe that's why you didn't make the cut.
POPPY HARLOW: Do you believe President Trump should be impeached and removed from office?Then this woman says something very strange.
CARLY FIORINA: I think he is going to be impeached and I think he won’t be removed from office.
HARLOW: Should he be removed from office?
FIORINA: I think it is vital that he be impeached — whether removed this close to an election, I don’t know. But I think the conduct is impeachable and what I regret is that the principles that are being debated in this impeachment trial — separation of powers, abuse of power, obstruction of Congress — those principles are not as immediate or intense as partisanship...
...or people’s belief that the policies that I care about impact me personally. For example, there’s a large pro-life community in this country, and they feel disrespected by the Democrat Party, and my prediction is they will stand by Trump through everything because that issue is not only important to them, but it’s personal for them....Oh, I dunno, Carly. Murder of innocents is not 'personal;' it's like any grave injustice: an offense against society as a whole. Murder is among those crimes which tears apart a community, whether small or large.
But maybe you don't grok that, Carly. Maybe that's why you didn't make the cut.
Wm. Webster Goes Delusional
Going delusional often happens to superannuated folks, like William Webster.
Now it's time for the nice nurse to give you your pills, Bill. Open wide!
Former CIA and FBI Director William Webster declared in an op-ed Monday that the Federal Bureau of Investigation is not a “broken institution” and criticizing it threatens the “rule of law,” in an attempt to quell public outcry over agents’ misconduct during the 2016 election....We always thought that the "rule of law" applied equally, and we have found that to be flatly untrue. So we'll criticize who-damn-ever we please. Got that?
Now it's time for the nice nurse to give you your pills, Bill. Open wide!
Lindsey Graham: Confused
Lindsey Graham has always been.......ahhh........odd. His current crusade? Demolish privacy.
Curious that he forgot all about them, no? I mean, what's he going to be doing nest month?
Or you could trust the Government.
Apple is once again under fire from U.S. lawmakers, this time for designing the iPhone with such strong encryption to protect the data on the iPhone that it hampers the efforts of law enforcement....Graham doesn't mention that criminals exist on both sides of that privacy-divide, perhaps forgetting such luminaries as Comey, Brennan, Obama, Clinton, Lynch, Hotpants & Horndog, the Clap-per, and several dozen others yet to be indicted and imprisoned.
...As reported by ArsTechnica, committee chairman Sen. Lindsay Graham (R-S.C.) pulled no punches on insisting that Apple must incorporate a way for law enforcement to access any and all information stored on any iPhone that becomes part of an investigation, suggesting that Apple’s security makes the iPhone a “safe haven for criminals where they can plan their misdeeds”...
Curious that he forgot all about them, no? I mean, what's he going to be doing nest month?
Apple has long taken the stance that any weakening of encryption technology or backdoor created for law enforcement would weaken security for all users, and would in fact be the equivalent of software cancer. In short, the company maintains that it would be opening a Pandora’s Box that could never be closed, since no matter how many promises are made by lawmakers, such tools are all but guaranteed to eventually fall into the wrong hands, and even before they do, the security weaknesses that enable these tools can be exploited by other hackers.Since criminal activity exists on both sides of the divide, the tie-breaker is the 4th Amendment.
Or you could trust the Government.
Monday, December 16, 2019
Packers Fund Baby-Killers
The Green Bay Packers Foundation contributed to Planned Parenthood.
Here's the "Mission" of the Foundation:
Yes, that Board has Trustees--glad you asked.
Allow me to quote The Coach: "WHAT THE HELL'S GOING ON OUT THERE??"
Here's the "Mission" of the Foundation:
The Foundation, an entity independent of the Green Bay Packers, Inc., supports charities possessing one or more of the following goals: perpetuates a community environment that promotes families and the competitive value of athletics; contributes to player and fan welfare; ensures the safety and education of children; and/or prevents cruelty to animals.No small irony that the Foundation says it supports 'promoting families' while sending money to an organization which kills babies before birth. Or during birth.
Yes, that Board has Trustees--glad you asked.
The Green Bay Packers Foundation Trustees, in addition to [Tom] Cardella, include Marcia Anderson, Nancy Armbrust, Susan Finco, Jeffrey Joerres, D.J. Long, Jr., Larry McCarren, Dexter McNabb, Eric Torkelson and Mike Weller.
Allow me to quote The Coach: "WHAT THE HELL'S GOING ON OUT THERE??"
Keeping the Vote-Fraud Pot Boiling
As one might expect, the local kittylitter-liner continues to fuel the "Raaaaaaaaaaaacissssssssss!" fire.
A judge ruled that the State Election Commission should actually follow the law instead of ignoring it and doing whatever that Commission damn well pleases. Since it's black-letter law and clear as crystal, the judge didn't have to think too long or hard.
The newspaper, of course, wants to make this a racial matter, as do the Usual Suspects in the union, "pastoral", and rabble-rousing industries.
It ain't "racial." Milwaukee and Madison were the areas most affected because Milwaukee and Madison have the largest concentrations of transient voters--people who move a lot. The people who got the "Are you there??" letters got them because they had used a different address for US mail, or driver's license, or auto registration. Simple.
Meantime, we get the laugh-line of the decade here:
A judge ruled that the State Election Commission should actually follow the law instead of ignoring it and doing whatever that Commission damn well pleases. Since it's black-letter law and clear as crystal, the judge didn't have to think too long or hard.
The newspaper, of course, wants to make this a racial matter, as do the Usual Suspects in the union, "pastoral", and rabble-rousing industries.
It ain't "racial." Milwaukee and Madison were the areas most affected because Milwaukee and Madison have the largest concentrations of transient voters--people who move a lot. The people who got the "Are you there??" letters got them because they had used a different address for US mail, or driver's license, or auto registration. Simple.
Meantime, we get the laugh-line of the decade here:
So far, Mr. Thomsen, you've "built a reputation" as a lawless bunch of Entitled Snots in Madison. That's not exactly something you want your kids to know, is it??"This commission has never been run this way — it has never acted capriciously and it has never acted in surprise like this," Mark Thomsen, a commissioner appointed by the Democratic Assembly Minority Leader, said about the quick action proposed by Knudson. Thomsen said the move would create an unconstitutional burden on voters at the polls."It would destroy our reputation we've worked so hard to build," he said....
"Ill-informed Cheeseheads"? Maybe....
Wisconsin made it to Saturday Night Live.
Folks across the nation can argue all they want about whether President Donald Trump will survive an impeachment attempt and be re-elected in 2020.But at the end of the day, the president's fate hangs on the whims of just a few ill-informed Cheeseheads, according to the latest "Saturday Night Live" cold-open sketch....
Yes, well, sorta.
The "ill-informed" will use CNN/MSNBC/AP/MSM/Charlie Sykes/Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel fake news outlets as their 'information' sources.
The majority of us have two dozen other news sites--the ones with REAL news. That's how it worked in '16, ya'know.
G4S v. Holder: Who Lost More Guns?
The press, looking for something to blame on ANYBODY but Obozo and his junta, found G4S, which is a damn sloppy bunch of twits.
So how does that compare to Eric Holder's gun-running?
Not even close.
monitored made certain of sales to drug cartels by forcing gun dealers to push the sales through.
One of those Holder-sale guns was used to kill a Border Patrolman.
Here's the bottom-line question: Which idiot is worse? G4S, or Holder?
More than 600 G4S weapons have been reported lost or stolen since 2009, according to figures maintained, but never publicly revealed, by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. For perspective, the Drug Enforcement Agency has more than twice as many guns as G4S but loses about five on average annually, according to federal audits.Note how the presstitutes deflect from Eric Holder's infamous "Fast and Furious" by pre-emptively mentioning DEA?
So how does that compare to Eric Holder's gun-running?
Not even close.
During Operation Fast and Furious, the largest "gunwalking" probe, the ATF monitored the sale of about 2,000[1]:203[15] firearms, of which only 710 were recovered as of February 2012.[1]:203Under the direction of Holder and with the permission of Obozo, the ATF
One of those Holder-sale guns was used to kill a Border Patrolman.
Here's the bottom-line question: Which idiot is worse? G4S, or Holder?
Democrats Think Citizens Are Stupid
In Virginia, the Democrat legislature and "Blackface" Northam--the Governor--think the State's citizens are really quite stupid.
What's that old saying..........'He who laughs last.....', Governor?
Virginia Democrats are proposing a mandatory state gun registration measure after widespread public outrage forced them to back off a more aggressive plan to confiscate so-called assault weapons, a designation that gun experts have long rejected as arbitrary...."Mandatory registration" is a laughingstock in Connecticut, and based on the "Safe County" resolutions so far in Virginia, it will be a laugher there, too.
What's that old saying..........'He who laughs last.....', Governor?
Chick-Fil-A, Hallmark, Churchill, and More
Chick-fil-A and Hallmark have dived headfirst, after the ~3%.
Winston Churchill comes to mind.
The Hallmark Channel has reversed its decision to pull a wedding advertisement that features a lesbian couple kissing at the altar.Both are chasing a near-zero market segment for the purpose of increasing their revenues.
The channel decided to stop airing the ad for Zola, a wedding planning website, on Saturday after a group of conservative moms called "One Million Moms" complained that the commercial was not "family friendly." The company claimed the move was "in line with our current policy, which includes not featuring political advertisements, offensive language, R-rated movie content, and many other categories."
Zola, however, pushed back on the decision, saying, "The only difference between the commercials that were flagged and the ones that were approved was that the commercials that did not meet Hallmark’s standards included a lesbian couple kissing." The company also stated it would no longer advertise with the Hallmark Channel...
Winston Churchill comes to mind.
“Churchill: "Madam, would you sleep with me for five million pounds?"
Socialite: "My goodness, Mr. Churchill... Well, I suppose... we would have to discuss terms, of course... "And of course, Thomas More's (perhaps fictional) line:
Churchill: "Would you sleep with me for five pounds?"
Socialite: "Mr. Churchill, what kind of woman do you think I am?!"
Churchill: "Madam, we've already established that. Now we are haggling about the price”
“For Wales? Why Richard, it profit a man nothing to give his soul for the whole world. . . but for Wales!”It's a new game show: The Price Is Wales!! Wonder no longer why 'liberal capitalism' is an infection that cannot be cured.
Transgender 'Treaters', Disciples of Mengele
A few days ago, we mentioned the "transgender" phenomenon, which is a heavily-funded attack on human nature and, in essence, is a continuation of Nazi "medical" experimentation run by Dr. Mengele. The Nazis, like the transgender-enablers, justified their work by asserting that it was 'for the betterment of mankind'.
As if.
(Interesting that the 'educated class' has nothing but the 'best interests of mankind' at heart. They don't tell you about the drug-company profits, do they?)
In England, it begins with puberty-blocking drug treatments.
"Gender dysphoria" is very fancy terminology, no? Don't let that make you into a fool. Just because it's dressed up in psychobabble doesn't change the reality: these people are disciples of Mengele, seeking to alter the nature of man by whatever means necessary. They believe that man is merely an assembly of parts--mechanical dolls--and "repairs" can be made with a run to the parts store.
It's the Big Lie that Adam and Eve swallowed whole: "You can be like unto God."
How'd that work out??
UPDATE: More on this with Mark Steyn and Douglas Murray.
As if.
(Interesting that the 'educated class' has nothing but the 'best interests of mankind' at heart. They don't tell you about the drug-company profits, do they?)
In England, it begins with puberty-blocking drug treatments.
...Sky News reports that 35 psychologists have resigned in three years from the Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust, which runs the Gender Identity Development Service (GIDS) that deals with gender dysphoria. The service had treated 770 children a decade ago, compared to 2,590 last year. There are another 3,000 on the waiting list.Believe it or not, there is pending legislation in Congress which would make "transgendered" a protected class for purposes of employment, housing, etc. This will force us to recognize a lie as 'truth,' which happens to be a hallmark of tyranny.
Most of those treated are girls (74 per cent) who believe they are boys. Some are as young as three-years-old when their parents take them to the Tavistock. In the United Kingdom, cross-hormone therapy — where girls are given testosterone and boys are given oestrogen — is not normally given until 16 and gender reassignment surgery is illegal under the age of 18.
However, children as young as ten have received puberty blockers, with Sky News reporting around half of those seen by the Tavistock Trust are on puberty blockers before they go on to cross-hormone therapy and then gender surgery....
"Gender dysphoria" is very fancy terminology, no? Don't let that make you into a fool. Just because it's dressed up in psychobabble doesn't change the reality: these people are disciples of Mengele, seeking to alter the nature of man by whatever means necessary. They believe that man is merely an assembly of parts--mechanical dolls--and "repairs" can be made with a run to the parts store.
It's the Big Lie that Adam and Eve swallowed whole: "You can be like unto God."
How'd that work out??
UPDATE: More on this with Mark Steyn and Douglas Murray.
Sunday, December 15, 2019
Obama and His Criminals
Was it prima facie criminal activity in Obama's White House?
Yes. Yes, indeed.
Although this is a long-ish read, here is a key section:
Another question raised in the linked article: which FISA judge was (corruptly) complying with known violations of FISC regulations (and the 4th Amendment)??
Yes. Yes, indeed.
Although this is a long-ish read, here is a key section:
...It’s here that we tie back to The Strategic Delay of Section 2.3 of Executive Order 12333 – Obama’s NSA Data-sharing Order.
I’ve written about this twice – first on April 4, 2017. And again on December 17, 2017, as events provided greater clarity.
Section 2.3 had been expected to be finalized by early to mid-2016. Without notice, the order was delayed.
James Clapper, Director of National Intelligence, didn’t sign off on Section 2.3 until December 15, 2016. The order was finalized when Attorney General Loretta Lynch signed it on January 3, 2017.
Prior to the formal signing of Section 2.3, greater latitude existed within the White House in regards to collection of information – especially in relation to the Trump Campaign.
Thus, the delay in implementation. The Obama White House specifically delayed signing Section 2.3 until the final days of the Administration – after every possible byte of information had been collected.
Once signed into effect, Section 2.3 granted broad latitude to inter-agency sharing of information.
By the time the new order was signed on January 3, 2017, all information was already in the Obama White House’s possession.The bastards were spying on Ben Carson's campaign, too--which gives rise to THIS question; who ELSE'S campaign was being spied on by Obama, Yates, Lynch, Clapper, Comey, et. al.??
One other item to note.
In 2015, Inspector General Michael Horowitz requested oversight of the DOJ’s National Security Division (NSD). Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates responded with a 58 page Memorandum, that effectively told the Inspector General to go pound sand.
No NSD oversight would be allowed.
This is the same division where the Section 702 violations appear to have occurred under NSD Head John Carlin....
Another question raised in the linked article: which FISA judge was (corruptly) complying with known violations of FISC regulations (and the 4th Amendment)??
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