Saturday, October 05, 2024

Iranian Assassins!! Oh--Really??

 We've mentioned this before, but it's important.  Ex-FEEB Wauck thinks so.

The FEEBS want you to believe that "Iranian assassination teams" are in-country to dispose of Donald Trump.


Federal prosecutors on Wednesday requested an indefinite delay in the upcoming trial of Ryan Routh, the man accused of attempting to assassinate former President Donald Trump, claiming that a massive trove of evidence has emerged in recent weeks rendering the case "complex," ABC News reports.

According to a Wednesday filing with Florida District Judge Aileen Cannon, prosecutors have gathered too much evidence to proceed to trial - ....

Blah, blah, blah.

Does "indefinite delay" mean until long after the election?

How much of the evidence will never be seen by the American public?

You might say "Pish-posh!!  You--Dad29--are a Conspiracy Theorist Trumpf-Voter Whiteness-practitioner, hetero, Latin-Mass-going HATRRRRR and you don't believe in man-made climate change, either!!!  Therefore it's likely that Google will take down your post and we hate you!"

Not so fast, girly-man!

Here's another writer with similar questions. quoted at Wauck's place:

The second assassination attempt on the life of Donald Trump in the past two months is already being memory-holed by the mainstream media....

…Increasingly, it appears that the U.S. government operating through the Secret Service, FBI and CIA is at least complicit in the Trump assassination attempts.

They may be actively creating the conditions for an assassination through intentional gross negligence by Trump’s security detail and nurturing mentally deranged Trump-haters in a way that leads directly to the sniper’s nest....

Ask yourself this:  Who the Hell was Thomas Crooks?  Why did the FEEBS cremate him so quickly?  Why are his parents totally lawyered up?  Have you heard anything from the FEEB 'investigation' on him?  His phone(s)?  

Back to Routh:

Routh told the court on Monday, Sept. 16, that he had no material financial assets and owned no property. …

It seems clear that Routh has a hidden source of financial support. The CIA typically deals in cash while running covert operations. Was Routh a CIA asset turned loose on a rogue mission with a predictable outcome?...

...It’s impossible that a high-profile American like Routh could run around Ukraine recruiting mercenaries without coming to the attention of the CIA and coming in direct contact with CIA assets...

"No material assets," yet living in the highest-COL area of the US, flying to Florida, "finding" a car and a rifle, spending (how many) days waiting for the golf game that was a surprise to everyone in the Trump camp?

Nothing to see here.  Move along.  Suckers!

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