Friday, February 14, 2025

Tom Tiffany's GREAT Move

You may--or may not--find this in a SE Wisconsin "news" report.


Republican Wisconsin Rep. Tom Tiffany asked Secretary of Homeland Security (DHS) Kristi Noem to end a loophole that allows Chinese nationals to visit the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI), a US territory, without a visa, in a letter exclusively shared with the Daily Caller.

Specifically, Tiffany requested that Noem take steps to end the January 2024 rule called the “Guam-Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI) Visa Waiver Program Automation and Electronic Travel Authorization; Creation of CNMI Economic Vitality & Security Travel Authorization Program (EVS-TAP).”

The Biden-era rule continues an Obama program which allowed “‘categorical’ parole” to Chinese nationals to travel to CNMI, according to Tiffany.

As a result of the program, he wrote, Chinese citizens “were able to sidestep the legal requirement that they first obtain a tourist visa before entering the CNMI.”

The loophole, Tiffany continued, has led to a “troubling rise in ‘birth tourism.

Tiffany's action is Not Approved by Lefty Wankers.  If coverage emerges, look for the usual condescension and name-calling.

Thursday, February 13, 2025

BidenFlation Remains--and Is Worse

The Old Pervert left you his legacy (aside from the stains in his diapers):

 As has been the case for many months, today’s Producer Price Index for January included big up-revisions of the prior month, driven by a whopper up-revision for services which account for two-thirds of the overall PPI. On top of these upwardly revised December figures, the PPI rose further in January.

In January, the overall PPI accelerated to an increase of 3.51% year-over-year, the worst increase since February 2023, following a persistent zigzag line higher from the low point of near 0% in June 2023, driven largely by the services PPI.

And December was revised up to an increase of 3.48%, from 3.31% as reported a month ago. This up-revision was powered by a massive up-revision in services....

The PPI is, roughly, prices paid by the people from whom you buy YOUR stuff.

So like it or not, you're getting hammered in the next few months--again.

Trump USAID Cuts "Spoiling the Food"?? Nope.

 Peter, who has been there and done that, notes the frantic whines from the MSM.

 Almost $500 million in food aid is at risk of spoilage as it sits in ports, ships and warehouses after funding for the U.S. Agency for International Development, or USAID, was paused by the Trump administration, according to a Feb. 10 report from a government watchdog.

The report from USAID's inspector general highlighted the risks of "safeguarding and distribution" of $8.2 billion in unspent humanitarian aid after the Trump administration ordered almost all staff to be placed on leave and ordered a review of U.S. foreign assistance programs.
...--quoting SeeBS

Similar bullshit can be found at MSN.

Peter has a comment.

 ...I've worked in the Third World for decades.  I've seen USAID food distributed in several countries.  I've helped organize, and led, aid convoys into disrupted and/or disaster areas.  I know whereof I speak - and I can tell you that those reports are mostly bull****.

First off, the food that USAID distributes (or should that be "distributed"?) isn't broccoli and bananas, guaranteed to go bad within days.  It's dry grains such as rice, wheat, sorghum, and so on.  It's flour (in large quantities) from wheat, maize and other grains.  It's beans of any number of varieties.  The stuff lasts for months, if not years, and is selected with that as a primary requirement.  Since destinations for that aid seldom have luxuries such as refrigeration or air-conditioning, you send them food that can remain edible and healthy under such conditions.

Secondly, the "risks" of "safeguarding and distribution" are real, whether or not USAID is involved.  Have you seen photographs of tents made from or supplied by USAID, in use by terrorist movements such as Hamas, the Taliban and others?  Of course you have.  Have you seen TV footage of food for sale in African village markets, including sacks filled with USAID-supplied grain?  Yep, that too.  All those aid products were stolen by those selling and/or using them.  They don't pay for them.  They don't even ask for them.  They simply raid the warehouses where they're stored and take what they want, or hijack entire convoys loaded with aid products....

And yes, USAID knew about the theftsThey don't care.  It's not their salaries (until very recently) that are being pilfered.

Look for more of the DOOM DOOM DOOM BABIES DIE BABIES DIE GRANNIES COLLAPSE.  The CIA makes up very good fables, after all.

They're paid to lie.

Mr Ellison, Let Me Quote Mr. Musk!

News item:

 If governments want AI to improve services and security for their citizens, then they need to put all their information in one placeeven citizens’ genomic dataaccording to Larry Ellison, the Oracle database tycoon....

F**K yourself in the face, Ellison.

Another Christmas! Kill Dept of "Education"!!!!

 Trump wants to dump the Federal Department of "Education" into the trash-bin of history.

Another Christmas Day for actual taxpaying US citizens who are not members of one of the Marxist teachers' unions!

America is ranked as #40 in educational attainment.

But America is ranked #1 in per-student spending.

Let the States decide what's best for their own children--although in the case of Wisconsin that's another lost cause--and shutter the DEI/Tranny/Pervert-Love pusher outfit in D.C.

Soon, please.

Trump Wins on "Buyout" Plan

 A Fed judge had imposed a "pause" on Trump's buyout plan.

He lifted that "pause."

No standing, no harm done.

Resume popcorn munching!

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

The Grift IS Bi-Partisan

Nice little breakdown of USAID-funded NGO's which all promote "democracy."  

Or so they say.

Note the names of the principal officers--and that they are PAID officers--of these "democracy-promoting" NGO's.  You can smell "Republican" and "Democrat" flop-sweat. 

Note that the number here is greater than $1 BILLION.  Annually.

The gags.

FBI Fail? Or FBI Resistance? The Telephone

It is passing strange that the FBI has NOT 'cracked' the phone of Thomas Matthew Crooks, of failed-assassination fame.

Remember when the FBI said they were the premier crime-fighting entity in the world?

Remember when the FBI was clean as the driven snow cleaner than the Mafia?


Tuesday, February 11, 2025

States Lose "Who Runs Treasury" Battle

 A Fed "judge" named Engelmeyer prohibited the Secretary of the Treasury from accessing Treasury information and data very late last Friday night/Saturday morning.  We'll give him the benefit of the doubt and suggest that he was dead drunk when he signed the TRO.

Aside from the Sec/Treas, he also prohibited "political appointees" from access.

(Following relies on Shipwrecked Crew's X account relayed by Wauck)

Today he was reversed in 90++% of his drunk-order.  1)  There is no distinction between "civil servants" and "political appointees," said a sober (Biden!) judge.  2)  There is no "irreparable harm" shown, nor alleged.  There may be "risk," but that doesn't trigger a TRO.  3)  "Special Government Employees" (the DOGE boyzzzz) and "employees of other Departments" will remain banned until a final order is issued this Friday.

Based on the wording of today's judgment, it's likely that the DOGE Boyzzzz will be back in business on Saturday morning (while the usual bureaucrats are sleeping in) and a number of States have just blown a few hundred thousand dollars on stupidBut they're Democrats, so "stupid" is their middle name.


Monday, February 10, 2025

Heavy Metals in Sheboygan & MKE Valley?

Wisconsin Energy (Wisconsin Electric) brags about its battery storage facilities in Sheboygan and Milwaukee's industrial valley.

Should they?

... Days after one of the world’s largest lithium ion battery storage facilities burst into flames in Monterey County, researchers found alarmingly high concentrations of heavy metals at a nearby estuary that is home to several endangered species.

The concentration of
nickel, manganese and cobalt measured on the surface of the soil is hundreds to thousands of times as much as the levels in the surface soil prior to the fire or compared with levels measured deeper in the soil.

San José State’s soil samples suggest there could be long-term environmental and health effects from the toxic blaze… --
quoted at AOSHQ

Milwaukee and State taxpayers have already spent millions cleaning up the Industrial Valley.  So why not spend several millions more when that bunch of batteries spontaneously combusts?

We can call it "Death by Green."

"Overhead"? No. Theft.

 Cutting to the chase here, Trump now requires 'medical research' grant-takers to limit their "indirect expense" (overhead) charges to 15%.

This is NOT "chopping research so millions will DIE DIE DIE!!"  This is taking away the catered lunches and dinners, fleets of secretaries, limousines, first-class airfare, dozens of "conferences" in exotic locations, pretty buildings and primo office furnishings. 

Who's hardest hit by this?  You guessed right.  Harvard's Fun and Frolics were chewing up about $36 BILLION.  The sick people?  They got the hind-most, about $17 billion.


FBI Leaked ICE Raid Info

This outfit has been seriously evil ever since J Edgar (Gay-Boy) Hoover.

 ...There was a very disturbing article in the Los Angeles Times, warning criminal aliens of a pending ICE operation sweep that was coming to the LA area.  The source for the advanced tip-off were indicated within the reporting to be FBI officials in Washington DC.

Today, it appears that Dept of Homeland Security Secretary Kristi Noem is confirming the leak came from the FBI...

The new FBI building that Trump wants should be built at Gitmo, and everyone in the DC facility should be transported there wholesale.

Who Gets YOUR Info?

Good to have Sundance around to remind us that while DOGE may or may not have info on you, they certainly weren't the first.

 ...An FBI whistleblower came forth to inform Rep Jim Jordan and Rep Matt Gaetz that the FBI maintains a workspace inside the law firm of Perkins Coie.  {Direct Rumble Link}

In response to a letter sent by Rep. Matt Gaetz and Jim Jordan, Perkins Coie, the legal arm of the DNC and Hillary Clinton, admitted they have been operating an FBI workspace in their Washington D.C. office since 2012....

IOW, Perkins, Coie clerks, lawyers, and partners had access to the FBI's files on every American since 2012.

Do you trust a bunch of political-hack lawyers who work for the Democrat National Committee with your info?

Well, they have it.  

The Briar Patch??? Oh, NOOOOES!!

 Developing story

Host Kristen Welker said, “Are you prepared to shut down the government?

[Sen. Andy] Kim [D-NJ] said, “You have to look at what the Trump administration is doing right now. They are trying to dismantle the government. So yes

Please don't throw us in the briar patch!


Sunday, February 09, 2025

Bidenomics for Cars

A friend who recently moved from full-time to part-time employment, and who took Social Security to make up for the lost earned income, complained to me that 'It's not enough'.  What looked very nice only 8 months ago has turned to "not enough."

Yah, we know about Bidenomics.  

But here's another reminder.

Remember when you could buy a nice 'certified' used car for about $15-$18K?  That was a LONG time ago.  What you see on this chart is the wholesale price average.  Add about $3K for the retail price.


Signs of the (Secular) Times

This from an essay on the necessity of Christianity that Wauck dug up.  We've only excerpted the punchlines; the discussion previous to this graf is worth reading for context and nuance.

... In Germany, protesters are now beaten by the police for protesting against genocide as the protests are framed as being “anti-Semitic”. In France, the CEO of Telegram was arrested for refusing to abide by demands for censorship under the moral argument that “content moderation” is required to fight criminality. In Britain, the freedom of speech, freedom of assembly and freedom to protest have been criminalised to fight “hate” without a clear definition or consistent implementation of the laws. NATO argues that weapons are the path to peace in Ukraine, while the EU openly punishes member states attempting to restore diplomacy and restart negotiations with Russia as this allegedly appeases and emboldens Russia. Collective punishment is permitted under the vague assumption that the entire population contributes to some extent economically or culturally to “Putin’s war machine”. Germany thus makes a moral case for even seizing the private belongings of tourists due to their nationality. Unthinkable practices like legalising the theft of a nation’s sovereign funds are permitted under the guise of helping the victim. In the US, the Democratic Party argues democracy can only be preserved by voting for their candidate, and even sabotaging candidates from their own party as the new leaders should be selected by a well-intentioned elite and not elected by the uninformed public. In Germany, the political-media elites are openly discussing the need to ban the main opposition party altogether as it allegedly does not conform to liberal democratic values. Humanitarianism no longer constrains the use of force, but is instead used to legitimise the use of force and exempt the West from abiding by international law....

Europe is in the advanced stages of its demise, but the United States has the same cancer.  Here, it's beyond "nascent," but not yet terminal.

Why is that?

 ...The moral arguments made in society and by our political leaders do not have any solid grounding and are not linked to anything permanent. Anything can be put into laws, but without a shared moral foundation, these laws will rely excessively on coercion. As our most sacred values are now contested under the new moral relativism, should we question the durability of secular morality in terms of the ability to provide the foundation for a cohesive society?...

Doh.  We are seeing child mutilation, child murders (called "abortion"), a wide variety of publicly-practiced and -flaunted perversions, and many Government actions which are contrary to natural (and Constitutional) law--all from "our betters" on the East and West coasts.

Perhaps the election of a vaguely-religious President who retains the values of the ancien regime will be a turning point.

If not, things will be ugly, and soon.

A Reminder About USAID

Sundance highlights the really important part of the USAID problem.

....There are many ‘revelations’ certain to surface, including how the USAID priorities included the control of information on the internet through their partnerships in the private sector.  The larger objective was always information control and manipulating political outcomes both domestically and abroad. That is the impetus for the USAID spending....

 ...The Senate held oversight, and they knew exactly what was going on, who was doing the orchestration of the agenda, and what the priorities of the USAID operation was all about.

Senator Marco Rubio sat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.  Secretary of State Marco Rubio advanced with a confirmation vote of 99-0.  Secretary Rubio now controls USAID.

To understand the issues as they are now surfacing it is very important to retain clear context.

USAID was a sub-silo, a child of the parent organization, the CIA.  The CIA controlled the Big Picture, and USAID was the institution to carry out the objective.

When you see a controversial issue within the USAID operation reaching sunlight, always remember it is the CIA behind it.  When USAID targeted a foreign government for removal, it was the CIA behind it.  When USAID engaged with domestic and foreign media to control mis-dis-malinformation, it is the CIA behind it.  The CIA is defining the information.

When USAID pressured various global news agencies and organized advertiser boycotts against information sources averse to the interests of USAID, it is the CIA behind it.  When USAID funds the Clinton Foundation, or McCain Institute, or any of the cause celebre’ NGOs you now see in the headlines, it is factually the CIA behind them.  When USAID funds media for influence control, it is the CIA behind it....

So when the media yammers about "humanitarian aid", they are covering for the CIA--who paid the media to censor what the CIA did not want known--and to promote "news" which was what the CIA did want known.

So..........what did you "know" or "not know" about Covid-19, for example?



Another New York Jackass-in-Black

One suspects that this "judge" ruled this way as a joke, and that on Monday, he'll say "Fooled you, Bert!!" and reverse or rescind it.

On the other hand, he's a New York judge.

... a Manhattan-based District Judge has just removed Secretary of Treasury Scott Bessent from his authority over the Treasury Department; blocked any political appointee from accessing records within the Treasury Department; blocked any “special appointee” of President Trump from records within Treasury; and demanded that all information previously extracted be destroyed....

"Well, then," you say, "the judge heard the arguments and so ruled based on those."

Wrong, sucker!

 New York Judge Paul Engelmayer just forbade all political appointees — including Treasury Secretary Scott Bessent — from accessing Dept. of Treasury data, all based on Blueanon conspiracy theories!! Those theories couldn't be challenged because the order was EX PARTE — meaning Trump's lawyers weren't warned, and couldn't weigh in. Only Democrat Attorneys General were allowed to argue

If that moron "judge" was focused solely on making judges look as bad as possible, he is succeeding.  This will not go well for him, nor any other judge, Federal, State, or local.  

So is anarchy the real goal here?


Re: USCC "Catholic Charities".....What We Said!

 The author here came to the same conclusion we did, for good reason:  it's the ONLY conclusion.

... The Catholic Church teaches that it is a mortal sin to facilitate a mortal sin. For example, if someone knowingly and willfully assists in facilitating an abortion by providing counseling, shelter, or driving the mother to an abortion clinic, the enabler is guilty of sin. The sin is even more egregious if the facilitator financially benefits. It is blood money.   

 Similar to the driver who committed a mortal sin by taking the expectant mother to an abortion clinic, the Church’s actions facilitating illegal immigration are committed with “full knowledge and deliberate consent.”

Making the matter even worse, the Church is accepting billions in what could reasonably be labeled blood money....

Did you write a polite letter to  your Bishop about this?

Better yet:  if you did so, what was his reply?

$50 Billion/Year in Fraud Entitlements

 That "I was told" means there's some squish-room in the numbers, but....

... Yesterday, I was told that there are currently over $100B/year of entitlements payments to individuals with no SSN or even a temporary ID number. If accurate, this is extremely suspicious. When I asked if anyone at Treasury had a rough guess for what percentage of that number is unequivocal and obvious fraud, the consensus in the room was about half, so $50B/year or $1B/week!!...Elon Musk/X

There's a REASON that Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid are going bankrupt.  That reason is Government Employee Laziness and Incompetence--plus--in many cases--outright malicious cooperation in fraud.  (Yes, there are other reasons such as under-taxation in the case of Medicare.)

Further, Musk tells us that there are agreed-upon changes which WILL be made.

 - Require that all outgoing government payments have a payment categorization code, which is necessary in order to pass financial audits. This is frequently left blank, making audits almost impossible.

 - All payments must also include a rationale for the payment in the comment field, which is currently left blank. Importantly, we are not yet applying ANY judgment to this rationale, but simply requiring that SOME attempt be made to explain the payment more than NOTHING! 

- The DO-NOT-PAY list of entities known to be fraudulent or people who are dead or are probable fronts for terrorist organizations or do not match Congressional appropriations must actually be implemented and not ignored. Also, it can currently take up to a year to get on this list, which is far too long. This list should be updated at least weekly, if not daily. The above super obvious and necessary changes are being implemented by existing, long-time career government employees...

How will ActBlue survive this?

Answer:  it won't.

Saturday, February 08, 2025

Wars and Rumors of Wars.....

The USG expects that there will be "kinetic" action on the drug-front.

 ...Flight tracking data from Flightradar24 shows a US Air Force RC-135V/W Rivet Joint reconnaissance aircraft conducted its second signals intelligence (SIGINT) operation near cartel-controlled territories within Mexico this past week. The SIGINT mission coincides with remarks from US Border Czar Tom Homan, who warned on Thursday that he "expects" a hot confrontation between the US military and drug cartels. 

Flightradar24 data shows the USAF RC-135V/W Rivet Joint taking off from Offutt Air Force Base in Omaha on Friday evening. The Spy plane arrived at the heavily fortified southern border hours later and flew a SIGINT mission in US airspace from El Paso, Texas, to the Big Bend Ranch State Park, located in west Texas. ...

Juarez is across the river from El Paso, home of the Army's Fort Bliss.  Going west from there, the White Sands missile range borders Army's Ft. Huachuca (in AZ).

Watch the activity in the State of Arizona, as it is rumored that the cartels have..........ahhhhhh..........quite a bit that State and in many of its cities.


Trump v. U of St Thomas in Minn.

The University of St Thomas in Minnesota has been left-ish for decades.  Now Trump cuts off some of their Free Money for Racism.  Maybe UST will learn something from this.

 The Department of Education on Friday canceled $15 million in federal grants that were used to fund diversity programs at three universities...

 ...At the University of St. Thomas, a "cultural assessment" quiz asked teachers whether they "understand how white privilege and racism affect me and others," according to grant applications reviewed by the Washington Free Beacon....


Normal people understand racism when they see itAnd it's the giant red flashing light in DEI/Marxist programs such as the one at UST.


Rancho Palos Verdes: Get a Clue!

At least one resident of Rancho Palos Verdes in California wants US taxpayers to bail her out of a problem.

 Residents of a California coastal community are begging for federal aid to stop a landslide from pushing their ritzy homes into the ocean.

Residents of Rancho Palos Verdes - which is the wealthiest retirement community in the US and also votes overwhelming Democrat - have been grappling with volatile land movement for six decades.

But unprecedented rainfall in 2023 and 2024 has created a dire situation, as landslide motion has accelerated and expanded to areas that were previously considered low risk. ...

Umnnhhh.....when you are living in a landslide area, it might be smart to pack up and get the Hell outta there.  You've only had SIXTY YEARS to think about it, honey. 

Ask Newsom for the money, not the rest of us.

All You Need to Know About Pocahontas


Catholic Relief Svcs To Chop 50% of Staff

After scoring $500 MILLION/year (2013-2022) from the virulent-disease-infested USAID......things came to a halt.

It's possible that Catholic Relief Services will dump half its staff into Learn To Code school.

... "We anticipate that we will be a much smaller overall organization by the end of this fiscal year,” CRS president and CEO Sean Callahan told staffers in an email....

Question:  will Sean Callahan reduce his salary from $600+K to only $300+K/year?

Inquiring minds, and all that.

Trump Saves WI Taxpayer Money!!

He dumped that 'roadside EV charger' program into the dustbin of history.  And that will save money for Wisconsin taxpayers!

... "The new leadership of the Department of Transportation (U.S. DOT) has decided to review the policies underlying the implementation of the NEVI Formula Program. Accordingly, the current NEVI Formula Program Guidance dated June 11, 2024, and all prior versions of this guidance are rescinded,” Biondi wrote.

“As result of the rescission of the NEVI Formula Program Guidance, FHWA is also immediately suspending the approval of all State Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Deployment plans for all fiscal years. Therefore, effective immediately, no new obligations may occur under the NEVI Formula Program until the updated final NEVI Formula Program Guidance is issued and new State plans are submitted and approved,” the official continued....

Among others hit:  KwikTrip.  Now they'll have to sell more doughnuts.

In Pictures.....