Saturday, October 19, 2024

The (D)'s Now Threatening MAGA Folk?

Hasn't happened here.  Yet.

The story is half-credible.  Could be entirely made up by the alleged victim; could be a false-flag op.

But it also could be true.

A new report confirms that the dirty tricks appearing in the 2024 presidential election race now include threatening letters sent to supporters of President Donald Trump.

The letters say, “Your vote for this guy is seen as treading on my rights. You tread on me at your peril…” and then adds an obscenity.

“We look forward to visiting in the future,” the letter, signed by “Patriotic citizen and a true American,” threatens.

It is the Post Millennial that reports the letters have been appearing in the Philadelphia region....

Wait.......wait!!  It's Trump who is the terror-and-violence guy, right?

 ...Then the threats surface: “We know where you live, you are in the data base,” “There is no knowing what may happen,” and “Your family may be impacted, your cat may get shot.”

The letter rants: “Your candidate is a felon, rapist, desecrator, an immoral flawed man. He is major reason (sic) violence us (sic) up, remember January 6th and Charlottesville? By supporting him you are declaring your public support for a disregard of the law, civil discourse, and unity. You are indicating your hatred for minorities, immigrants, foreigners, women, education, the rights of your fellow citizens, the rights of women to make decisions of their own healthcare needs. Oh and yes a hatred for Taylor Swift, who has contributed nothing but joy to the world.”...

We're not sure that this story is accurate.

But then, neither were the "results" of the '20 election.

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