Saturday, October 19, 2024

Walgreen Tells Truth: It's a CRIME Problem

We knew that the Walgreen's on 27th/National was going to close due to crime, but Walgreen avoided mentioning that in their formal press release of a few days ago.

But the store closed yesterday--a few weeks early--and Walgreen stepped up and told the truth.  It's crime, pure and simple; something about which the local alderwoman did nothing.  Zero.  Zip.  Nada. In the video, a customer acknowledges the crime problem.

Another customer--who may not be able to read very well--rants and raves about the closing, declaring that she will not be able to obtain her prescription.  Really?  She's shaking her fist at the pharmacist behind the drive-in window WHICH IS OPEN FOR BUSINESS AND WHICH ALSO SERVES WALK-UP CUSTOMERS.

The woman is obviously a Milwaukee Public Schools graduate.....

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