Saturday, February 01, 2020

Lefty Lawyer Lying in Campaign. What's New?

Gee.  Another Lefty lawyer, another lying campaign.

Yah, I know.  Shocking.

Justice Daniel Kelly accused rival Jill Karofsky of lying, slandering his judicial reputation and insulting those who serve with him on the state Supreme Court.

During a Milwaukee Bar Association candidate forum Thursday, Karofsky said it “feels like corruption” when judges rule on cases involving companies or individuals who donated significant money to their campaign....

... But Kelly, a 2016 appointee of former GOP Gov. Scott Walker, called her remarks slanderous and “beneath contempt.”

“That’s a lie that you tell, and you tell it regularly, and it’s disgusting,” Kelly said. “I’ve never had my honor and integrity called into question until now when it suits your political ambition.”...
All Kelly-authored decisions were shared by at least 3 other SCOWI judges--so obviously, all of them are just as "corrupt" as Kelly.


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