Friday, December 04, 2020

Fed/State/Municipals Are Screwing Small Biz

In another forum, there's some debate about "rich get rich, poor get poorer" concerns in the USA.

This won't make suspicions disappear.

...The FFCRA, passed in March of this year, requires businesses to provide two weeks of paid sick leave for quarantined employees and/or employees experiencing COVID-19 related symptoms. It also requires two weeks of paid sick leave at two-thirds the regular rate of pay for employees who need to care for quarantined individuals, such as elderly relatives or spouses. Furthermore, employers must also provide ten weeks of extended leave, also at two-thirds the regular rate of pay, for employees caring for their children due to school closures. 

The FFCRA only applies to employers with fewer than 500 employees.

It sounds absurd, but it’s correct; the businesses most capable of providing these benefits are under no legal obligation to do so, while those most affected by the pandemic are expected to incur the FFCRA’s additional expenses. While the actual cost of paid leave is reimbursed through tax credits, there is no reimbursement for lost labor and productivity, and the subsequent disadvantage compared to large, FFCRA-exempt competitors. This is not to say that businesses should or should not provide these benefits—only to point out how the policy singles out and targets small businesses....


It's widely-known that Target, Menard, Wally-World (etc.) were never required to close--but Joe's Hardware and Sally's Fashions--and innumerable restaurants and bars were shut down without so much as a fare-thee-well by little local dictators (whether State-level or city.)

And let's not bring up Jeff Bezos who--admittedly--built a better mousetrap long before CovidOOM, but has continued to steamroll brick-and-mortar establishments (most of them Mom/Pop) throughout.

Is this The End?

Not necessarily.  After all, Trump got elected--and re-elected--by a population which is near total revolt over Establishment/Deep State corruption and its Brownshirt "BLM/Antifa" troops.

By no coincidence firearm sales are again setting records.

"Voting your wallet" may be escalating, eh?

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