Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Barr Vetoes Some "Catch/Release"

This is big news.

Immigration judges cannot release migrants who are caught sneaking into the United States, even if the migrants ask for asylum, says a binding legal decision by Attorney General William Barr....

“The [text of the relevant] Act provides that, if an alien in expedited proceedings establishes a credible fear, he “shall be detained for further consideration of the application for asylum,” says Barr’s April 16 decision, titled. Matter of M-S-. Because of the law, “I order that, unless DHS paroles the respondent under section 212(d)(5)(A) of the Act, he must be detained until his removal proceedings conclude.”...
This was immediately followed by caterwauling and bullsh&& from professional  liars lawyers.

INS will be setting up tent-cities for the next 90 days or so.  That's exactly what Bernie thought should happen, by the way.

...Barr’s new ruling does not apply to the many “UAC” migrant minors who are being smuggled northwards by parents living illegally in the United States. It also does not apply to migrants who walk up to the nation’s official ports of entry to ask for asylum.

But the ruling will apply to the huge number of migrants who cross the borderline away from the ports of entry....

So you can expect more "families" with "children" to show up.  Next step:  DNA testing to verify actual "parenthood."

You can expect the liar's club lawyer's association to come up with new texts for the  Soros-funded illegals to recite, just as they do now. 

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