Sunday, November 14, 2021

The Vaxx vs. Pro Athletics

Not only is Aaron Rodgers a pretty smart guy; he's going to be a survivor.

Some others won't.

...All of these [professional athlete] cases have been properly reported and are documented. No mentions (except one case) of vaccinations since the press doesn’t want to create vaccine hesitancy. But the numbers speak for themselves.

It shows that there have been more “events” over a recent 4 month period than in over 20 years, which is more than a 60-fold increase in event rate.

All of these are in full public view so there is no “reporting bias” involved. And the numbers are big enough that nobody can say “oh, that’s just statistical noise.” Not a chance....

Go ahead and stuff that crap into your athlete-children.  Be a good little sheep.  Given the above, we can state that it is NOT 'for the common good.' 

So it's for whose good?


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