Tuesday, January 05, 2021

The Legacy of Paulie Ryan

Cadged from AOSHQ.  Certainly describes the utter uselessness of Paulie Ryan's tenure.

...What Americans have witnessed over the past four years, as I've written several times, is a textbook example of political power squandered. Republican senators, rather than maximize the unexpected gift of a Republican White House, Senate, and House of Representatives to advance long-promised "conservative" policies, wasted the opportunity while giving political cover to both the corrupt president who preceded Donald Trump and the one who will succeed him...

A once-in-a-generation chance to purge the Beltway of fossilized institutionalists was bypassed. Ditto for major reforms of immigration law, foreign affairs, trade agreements, federal regulations, and climate change activism. The president almost single-handedly retooled failed national policies through executive orders or administrative decree; in most cases, especially related to U.S. military presence abroad, Senate Republicans thwarted rather than aided the Trump Administration.

"Conservative" achievements over the past four years belong solely to the president and his team, not to congressional Republicans....

Paulie--no surprise here--immediately left his "home," Janesville, and went to where he belonged anyway--the Beltway.


Grim said...

I mean, he was useful to somebody.

Anonymous said...

Low life Ryan.