Saturday, November 13, 2021

Like War? Addle-Brained Thunderbutt's Your Man!!

Yah, there's this "war" thing floating around.  Meaning mentions that, too....

...But another aspect of this is that the regime seems recklessly oblivious to the fact that the rest of the world—including China and Russia—have become very much aware of the disarray not only in the regime’s inner circles but also within the Deep State. And that includes the military. Just a few days ago I wrote about Putin’s Russia challenging NATO at the Polish border with Belarus....

Yup.  Then there's this:


...On Friday the Kremlin said it's observed NATO increasing air reconnaissance flights over the Black Sea, according to defense sources cited in Interfax and TASS news agencies.

"In the past 24 hours, several reconnaissance planes were detected above the Black Sea. There is no more doubt that the United States is exploring the region as a possible theater of war," TASS cites Russian officials as saying....

(Quoting ZeroHedge)

Flying around the Black Sea--and Putin's response--is standard blather.

But the Military-Industrial Complex has nothing to keep it occupied post-Afghanistan, and has plenty of Congressional allies, one of which appeared on Tucker's show the other night and damn-near DEMANDED that the US get into Russia's underwear (Ukraine) and that Tucker damn well better like that, too.

They never quit, just like the Communists.

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