Saturday, December 05, 2020

Another (Lefty) Assertion Without Evidence

The Lefties do their damndest to control The Narrative.  So they make s**t up.  At the end of a pretty solid story on election reform in Wisconsin, marred only by a quote from Doddering Old Murder-City Mayor Barrett, we find this:

...Lawmakers may impose more restrictions on absentee voting, citing concerns about fraud, such as those laid out in the Trump campaign’s recount petition. Studies show fraud is exceedingly rare in Wisconsin — and around the United States...

Sure.  "Rare," as in never really studied.  So "fraud" only arose THIS year?

Actually, it didn't.  It was found--rather easily--in 2008.  And it was found in Murder City, Wisconsin, run even then by Doddering Tom Barrett!

...In February 2008, the Milwaukee Police Department's Special Investigation Unit released a stunning report that should silence skeptics who say vote fraud is not an issue in Wisconsin. The investigators found after an 18-month probe that in 2004 there had been an "illegal organized attempt to influence the outcome of an election in the state of Wisconsin."...Among the problems cited were ineligible voters casting ballots, felons not only voting but working at the polls, transient college students casting improper votes, and homeless voters possibly voting more than once. The report said the problem was compounded by incompetence resulting from abysmal record-keeping and inadequately trained poll workers.

So yah.  The Lefty Press asserts its bulls**t without evidence--or simply contradicting the evidence.  No difference!

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