Sunday, August 09, 2020

WiggyWailing Over Kanye West

Wiggy's latest offering paints the Republican party as 'racist dirty players' while Wiggy (Mr. Clean-Jeans?) decries having an independent black man on the ballot.  Perhaps Wiggy (and his pal, Sykes) is the racist here?  You decide.

“Politics ain’t beanbag” we’re told, but less-than-surreptitiously propping up a third party candidate to siphon off votes from your opponent goes beyond hard ball tactics. One Republican told the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel the party hoped West’s candidacy would attract as many votes as the Libertarian candidate received in 2016. This is not about the promotion of a candidate or set of ideas but an attempt to undermine the candidacy of Trump’s opponent by fraud.

Fraud, eh?  Pretty strong word; but then, this is a guy who supports the Romney/Ryan/McCain school of politics which is "Lose Happily." 

For his next trick, Wiggy goes racist:

...the attempt seems to be an appeal solely upon race, as the supposed target of the West candidacy is young Black male voters. Republicans are hoping that Black voters will vote for the Black candidate, regardless of the circumstances....

(Note the Utterly P.C. use of the capital "B"?  That's the tell.)

Just curious, Wiggy:  does West have a platform?  Could that platform attract voters?  Did you bother to look, or are you intent on NeverTrumping your way to the Promised Land of "Lose Happily"?

As a matter of fact, West has expressed a number of positions.  He's against the death penalty, against police brutality, against the racist focus of BLM, for legalizing weed, for education reform, and against Planned Parenthood's principal income source:  abortion.  Those positions (and others) may or may not attract "young Black male voters," but they certainly are not--as a whole--congruent with Trump's positions except on abortion.

So what's Wiggy's real objection here?  West's hiring of a crackerjack election lawyer?  Having an independent black man in the race?  The condemnation of Planned Parenthood and abortion?  Or is Wiggy just objecting to the smiles that Republicans are wearing because Democrat race-mongering is falling apart (remember LBJ's 1957 quote)? 

Inquiring minds, and all that.


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