Thursday, October 17, 2019

Sensenbrenner Confused on Kurds

Jim Sensenbrenner (who voted with Gwen Moore and Mark Pocan), is confused on the issue.

"...we've been backing the Kurds for a very, very long time and all of a sudden that backing was pulled out almost without notice..."
No, Jim.

We were not "backing the Kurds."  We were fighting ISIS, and the Kurds joined that effort, doing exactly what the Kurds always do:  acting in THEIR self-interest.  We gave them a metric crap-ton of money and equipment in the effort.   Now, the US is acting in its OWN self-interest and getting the Hell out of Dodge.

Now, Jimbo, the Kurds are also fighting Turkey (a NATO ally, remember??), Iran, Iraq, and Syria.  If you want to assist them, stop playing the lottery, buy an AR, suit up, and go over there.  Keep my grandchildren out of it, thanks.

I'll send you some cookies at Christmas. 

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