Sunday, October 06, 2019

Limbaugh: Lotsa Establishment People Do 'The Biden Thing'

On Friday's show, Limbaugh said what's been pretty damn obvious from the get-go:  it's not just Hunter Biden.  Mitch McConnell's wife's fortune started as "gifts" from her family in Red China while she was working for GWBush.

This can go on and on.  We've said it a couple of times, just as Limbaugh did (again):  the net worth of many Congressmen and Senators grows spectacularly while they are in office

It's a miracle.

Biden merely did what a lot of others are doing (and have done), with a twist, so now we have to look at the balance-sheets and income statements of Kiddies of Kongress and Kiddies of Executive Branch Players.

All very legal, by the way.  That will be the defense, so there will be no Club Fed.


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