Saturday, August 10, 2019

Arkancide, UPDATED

Why sure, he offed himself./sarc

No doubt about it.

Because the US Attorney in NYC is incompetent?  Or maybe the NYDept Fed Dept. of Corrections is incompetent?  This is just another unfortunate "Whoopsie!!!!"???????


But it's not fair to place the blame on a couple of former residents of Arkansas, yet.  There are plenty of others with easy access to both large dollars and occupants of prison--or their "guards"--who don't want pictures of themselves diddling little girls or boys all over Page Six.

On the other hand, certain former residents of Arkansas have a track record.

UPDATE:  The RenMan has very pertinent comments.  Since he was a prison chaplain, he knows the drills for "suicide watch."

Somebody associated with the NYC Federal prison system is going to be well-taken-care of, perhaps their own island and all the pizza one could eat for the next 30 years.

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