Saturday, June 02, 2018

Yes, Obama Was Spying. That's the Playbook

By now it should be clear:  anyone running against a Democrat is most likely being spied upon by that Democrat.  It's happened twice UPDATE:  THREE TIMES to our knowledge, both on important offices, and both had similar but not identical procedures.

The Big One was Obama's spying on the Trump campaign.

...From the beginning of this farce, the Obama administration has shifted back and forth between taking pride in the spying and denying its existence. We are back in the denial phase. But at the height of the hysteria after Trump’s election and inauguration, members of the Obama administration wanted everyone to know they had been spying on Trump and feared that he would destroy their “intelligence.” They leaked to the New York Times in March 2017 that they had “scrambled” to preserve the supposed damning results of their spying, in order to leave a “clear trail of intelligence for government investigators.”

By “intelligence,” they meant their own feverishly partisan sifting through negligible, half-cocked leads. Had there been any substance to their “intelligence,” they would have leaked it out. Having failed, they still thought they deserved an A for effort....

The other Big One was the Chisholm/Falk Wisconsin scheme, immoral and unethical by any standard, but "legal."  Just like abortion....

UPDATING:  the third was against Goldwater, per orders of the Ultra-Corrupt LBJ.

Well, then.  If they intend to spy, retaliation is certainly fair.  What hits 'em and when?  That's for them to find out.....

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