Friday, January 01, 2021

Lying by Omission in the WaExaminer

The Washington Examiner is a NeverTrump outfit, so you can expect this sort of crap.

President Trump promised in the 2016 campaign to eliminate the federal debt over a two-term presidency. That pledge won't come to fruition, and, in fact, he will leave office having added massively to the debt.

“His tenure has been marked by a total disregard for any concern about mounting debt,” said Jim Capretta, a resident fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, a right-leaning think tank in Washington, D.C....


No mention of Paul Ryan's perfidious budget "management" during the first 2 years, nor any mention of 'continuing resolution' chicanery engineered by Pelosi and McConnell.  (The second-to-last graf mentions 'Congress' as part of the problem, without ascribing any names or numbers.)

Nope.  It's all Trump's Fault!! 

That's what passes for "reporting."  This is the crap that staff-puke Pubbies, their camp-followers, and the TDS crowd laps up to cover their DinDooNuffin' in the States and in DC as this election was stolen.

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