Monday, May 06, 2019

Can You Grok "WARNING!!" Signs?

A California EMT has spent some time keeping up with the news of Ebola.

It's not good news.

...We have no wild idea where or from what species Ebola sprung, resides, or spreads, other than people once there's an outbreak.

We suspect bats, but there's zero empirical evidence of this.

Humans are a target species, not so much the host species.

We do have the capacity to spread the disease once it's acquired, and thus far, every "survivor" of the disease tests positive for the disease as far out as we've re-checked, AFAIK.

IOW, it never goes away, and re-infection and subsequent outbreaks may be spawned by "survivors" from prior outbreaks....

Well, yah, but does it kill?  Why, yes!!  With great efficiency and efficacy!!

...Roughly, 8 out of 10 people who get it will die outright, and the 2 out of 10 who don't will almost always be lifelong victims of Ebola Virus Syndrome, with blindness and other problems being a virtual certainty over time. And they'll be contagious carriers pretty much for life (blood, semen, breast milk, vaginal secretions, etc.)....

It's in Africa.  What's the big deal?

...To find a representative population here like that, you'd have to sample the homeless. Now, imagine Ebola gets here, and gets to the homeless population...
By the way, a NYC doctor and 2 Dallas RN's have survived.  And are permanent contagious carriers.

Still like "open borders"?

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