Sunday, December 02, 2018

Pp. Francis: 'Do Not Ordain Homosexuals'

Well, well, well.

As we noted below, preventing the vast majority of sexual abuse problems in the Church requires one simple rule:  do NOT ordain homosexuals.

Yes, there are a lot of homosexual priests who are already ordained, and yes, many of them are fine priests, living a chaste life, shepherding their flocks toward Heaven.  Pray for them!!

But it ain't prudent to continue ordaining homosexuals.

Take it from Pp. Francis (or Benedict XVI, or Pius XI).

Yes, I was happy to see that Francis agrees.


GOR said...

One could say about PF: “Too soon old - too late smart” in this context. But this ‘smartness’ is not what one expects in the Vicar of Christ. Some honesty, transparency and demonstrable piety would be a start – not to mention true humility.

If Pope John XXIII was viewed as the amiable grandfather, Francis more resembles the crusty old uncle.

Dad29 said...

Frankly, I don't believe that Francis actually believes what he said. But it's good PR at this time, no?

GOR said...

Well he does some head-spinning turnarounds betimes (“Who am I to judge – ye filthy, rigid neoPelagians…?”). I see Parolin’s (he who would be Pope…) hand behind this - being more diplomatic, don’t you know.