Saturday, August 31, 2024

Another FEEB Fail: Child Abuse

The FBI is more disgusting every day.

A troubling report authored by the Department of Justice (DOJ) Inspector General Michael E. Horowitz reveals a staggering lack of action by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) when addressing hands-on sex offenses against children. The Inspector General—which acts as a watchdog over DOJ operations—found “significant issues with the FBI’s response to serious allegations involving suspected child abuse: under the BidenHarris government.

“[O]ur audit revealed instances where FBI employees did not comply with relevant law or policy for (a) mandatory reporting of suspected child abuse, (b) victim services, (c) transferring incidents between field offices, and (d) responding to allegations of active and ongoing child sexual abuse within 24 hours,” Horowitz’s report states. The Inspector General adds: ” In addition, during the course of our work, we forwarded 42 incidents, 13 percent of the incidents we reviewed, to FBI headquarters because of concerns that led us to believe that the incident may require immediate attention.

The Inspector General contends FBI employees have repeatedly failed to comply with mandatory reporting requirements. In almost half of the incidents investigated by Horowitz’s office, suspicions or evidence of child abuse were not reported to state or local law enforcement or social services....

These bastards can spend 7 days/week 24 hours/day tracking down grannies who walked into the Capitol (OUR HOUSE!) and infiltrating Old Rite Mass parishes, but child abusers get a free pass.

By the way, would you care to speculate on this phrase:

FBI employees did not comply with relevant law or policy for (a) mandatory reporting of suspected child abuse,
Umnnh.....who was the abuser?  Hmmmmm?  A friend?  Relative?  Another member of the "Fidelity, Bravery, Integrity" gang?

Inquiring minds, and all that.

Today's Dictionary Definition