Friday, January 31, 2025

Yoo-Hoo, Cdl. Dolan!

The USCC and Cdl. Timmy are crying rivers over illegal immigrants that their "Catholic" Charities lured to the USA with housing, food, clothing, and transportation to anywhere.  (In moral theology, that's called Indirect Proximate Cooperation With Evil.)

Meantime, right under the nose of an alleged "Catholic" Archbishop in D.C........

Pro-life (political) prisoner:

..."We went over 2 weeks without toilet paper..." "Some of the guys mentioned that some of the men who were there with gender dysphoria wearing dresses, they could get mascara, lipstick, and perfume..." "But we couldn't even get toilet paper or basic needs, so there was a lot of neglect."...

Did +Wilton give a flying damn about that?

Hell, no.

Clean out your own house, Cdl. Dolan.

The New USCC Excuse!

These guys are nothing if not semi-honest.

In an interview broadcast on Italian television station TV200, Archbishop Broglio said the Conference was struck by attacks from Trump officials “because they are not true.” “The words used are false,” he said, “and we have decided to respond in a very chaste manner, without going into the substance of speeches, but telling the truth.”

The Archbishop noted that the Church has always insisted on respect for the laws, but explained that in concrete circumstances, the Church has to assist those in need, even if they have entered the country illegally. “We must help them, because it is Christ Himself who is asking us to do so.”...

 So, Excellency:  why not provide a meal, a shower, and $25.00--and put them on a bus back to Mexico?


In fact, "Catholic" Charities garners a lot more Federal dollars by keeping the illegals in the country, doesn't it?  

You have zero respect for "laws," Excellency.  Stop lying.

Democrats Love the Rapists and Killers

There is no other logical reason for this, other than that Democrats love them some rapists, drug mules, and murderers, not to mention Tren de Aragua-like thugs and thieves.

Democrats are proposing legislation to prevent state and local officials from detaining illegal immigrants in wake of the Trump administration's immigration crackdown.

In Madison, Democrats and advocates held a press conference to highlight their bill. That would restrict state and local agencies from cooperating with federal immigration officials, like ICE. ...

It's their voting base, after all.

Like the Democrats said about warrant-less spying on all Americans:  "If you've done nothing wrong, you have nothing to worry about."

Goose, gander, sauce.

Transgenders In the News

Who'd-a thunk?

Three transgenders made the news in the last 10 days:  two of them killed a state trooper in the Northeast, and one was nabbed in an attempt to kill a few of Trump's appointees.

Maybe people with grave mental disorders should be locked up in a safe place.

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Dear Cdl. Dolan

Really, Your Eminence?

You REALLY want to make this about "profit" rather than moral rectitude?

Of course you do, Eminence.

That's because your Catholic Charities is IM-morally providing refuge for ILLEGAL ALIENS, and arguably placing "Catholic" Charities in the position of indirect proximate aiding the evil of illegal immigration.

So by all means, let's not talk about morals.  Just as you were radio-silent about Biden's Abortion-for-All and Tranny Mutilation schemes, you want to be a tinkling bell over the morally correct position of Trump regarding immigration.

Your Mommy wanted you to be the Pope.

Your Mommy got a disgrace instead.


 The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has officially halted all grant funding to non-governmental organizations (NGOs) accused of assisting illegal immigration into the United States....

...Speaking with Cain, Noem confirmed the immediate halt of federal grant funds that have been funneled to NGOs allegedly aiding illegal border crossings....

Remind me.........what were the last two words of the phrase "Squealing like a.........xxxxx xxx"!

Don't be that guy, Eminence.

On the Milley Portrait

The portrait of Gen. Milley was removed from the Pentagon wall shortly after Trump took office.

Some are wailing and whining that it should be re-hung.

Our suggestion?

Re-hang it in Peking's equivalent of the Pentagon Milley was their pal, not ours.

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Susan Crawford's "Sell the Seat" Whoring

 Earlier, we posted the Susan Crawford campaign slogan(s).

But Susan's total lack of ethics--whether "judicial" or "personal" outdid even our expectations.

Apparently, Crawford is willing to sell her "judicial" vote on re-districting for......say........a few shekels in  campaign cash.

It's not a surprise to learn that her major money is coming from LinkedIn founder Hoffman.  He's as dirty as they come, rivaling Mark Elias for lowlife of the century.

But it is very rare indeed for a "judicial" candidate to sell her Supreme Court vote for a couple of Congressional districts. 

"I will always do what's right for Wisconsin the Democrat Party"--(signed) Susan "Buy Me, I'm a Cheap Whore!!" Crawford.

Common Sense in Oklahoma Education!

Well, lookee heah, Rosemary!

The Oklahoma Board of Education has approved a proposal to require parents to prove their citizenship when enrolling new students....

Think Evers or Ms. 'Dumb-Em-Down'  Underly would approve?

The Ignoramus Harry Dunn

This guy is an ex-Cap Cop whose understanding of Constitutional Law  We would say "non-existent" but maybe he knows there is such a thing as "the Constitution."   Maybe.

...Former Capitol police officer Harry Dunn said Supreme Court candidate Brad Schimel should clearly denounce President Donald Trump's pardoning of about 1,500 people convicted for their roles in the Capitol riot.

"You can't support an individual that believes it's OK to pardon people who attack police officers," Dunn said at a news conference in the Wisconsin Capitol. "You can't support that and also say you claim to back the blue."...

One problem, Harry:

...  I represented dozens of people – somewhere close to 90 in the end -- charged with crimes related to the events at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021. Now, in the aftermath of President Donald Trump’s broad pardons of all persons who were charged and/or convicted in connection with January 6, a hue and cry is ringing out from his critics over the idea that so many obviously guilty people have escaped the legal consequences of their criminal behavior.

But the criminal justice system is only partly about the evidence of guilt offered by the prosecution against the defendant.  The criminal justice system is also about the process – "due process" – that is guaranteed under the Constitution before the government can deprive any person of their liberty by jailing them....

"Due process" is not "Shoot-and-Kill", which is the solution used by your butt-buddy Byrd, Harry.

... It is simply assumed by the public – and by the commentators on both the left and right criticizing the pardons -- that January 6 defendants received the due process normally provided defendants in federal courts across the country.

But that is not true, and the deficiencies in the "process" – regardless of the views expressed by the judges in Washington on the subject – are the strongest reasons justifying the broad sweep of Trump's pardons. If a defendant’s due process rights are not afforded to him or her, then any conviction that might result is suspect. It is no different from the basis for suppressing evidence when a defendant’s Fourth Amendment rights are violated by an unlawful search – the process would violate the Constitution....

The author of those grafs is a 20+-year-experienced Fed prosecutor who represented a large number of the men and women who were railroaded into prison by the US Attorney and a couple of jackass judges in D.C.

Plenty more at the link. 

Finally:  Harry, shove it up your ass.  Brad Schimel knows all about "due process" and will be a great Justice.  You and your butt-buddy will make great parking-meter checkers.  Go for it!

"Green" Batteries Are Toxic Killers

California is a "green" State, ya'know.

...San Jose State University-affiliated researchers from the Moss Landing Marine Laboratories detected substantially higher-than-usual concentrations of chemicals like nickel, cobalt and manganese in the Elkhorn Slough, a large intertidal area approximately one mile away from the Vistra Energy battery storage facility that caught on fire on Jan. 16. The investigators say they observed concentrations of the metals that are between 10 and 100 times higher than typical levels in the Elkhorn Slough, raising concerns that the blazes may have caused more environmental damage than initially indicated.

“Those three metals are toxic,” Ivano Aiello, a professor of marine geology who led the sampling process, told Mercury News. “They are hazardous to aquatic life....

Those batteries are used to store electricity generated by windmills and suncatchers, the reliable ridiculous and extremely-expensive energy sources we all need.

The Susan Crawford Campaign

 Abortion abortion abortion abortion abortion abortion abortion abortion abortion abortion abortion abortion

Lying lying lying lying lying

(Back to the important stuff):

 Abortion abortion abortion abortion abortion abortion abortion abortion abortion abortion abortion abortion  Abortion abortion abortion abortion abortion abortion abortion abortion abortion abortion abortion abortion Abortion abortion abortion abortion abortion abortion abortion abortion abortion abortion abortion abortion

More lying lying lying lying.

Vote for MEEEE!!!

--Signed, Susan Crawford

Can Trump DO That?

 Please refer to the first sentence of Article II of the Constitution, herewith pasted:

The executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America. 

Yes, he can.

Kohl's Cuts Staff. A Question......

 News item:

Kohl's corporate office in Menomonee Falls has confirmed the company reduced approximately 10% of their corporate positions. 

They say more than half of the reduction will come from closing open positions, while the remainder of the positions were currently held by associates. ...

Here's the question:

Is Kohl's cutting the H1-B bunch in its IT area?  Or just the native Americans?

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Trump Bitch-Slaps CIA

It's indirect, but clear as crystal.

...USAID officials identified several actions that "appeared to be designed to circumvent the President’s Executive Orders and the mandate from the American people," according to acting administrator, Jason Gray.

"As a result, we have placed a number of USAID employees on administrative leave with full pay and benefits until further notice while we complete our analysis of these actions," he added....

USAID is a CIA front.  Always has been, always will be.

We are not surprised that they are in open rebellion.  We are not surprised that Trump is going to squash them like bugs.  It will be frosting on the cake if these jackwads are forced to disgorge the salaries they were paid before being indicted, tried, and imprisoned.

Stomping the Brakes on "Catholic" Charities' Money-Train

Looks as though the Gravy Train for the Bishops will run dry--at least for a while.

...This memorandum requires Federal agencies to identify and review all Federal financial
assistance1 programs and supporting activities consistent with the President’s policies and
requirements.2 For example, during the initial days of his Administration, President Donald J. Trump issued a series of executive orders to protect the American people and safeguard valuable taxpayer resources, including
Protecting the American People Against Invasion (Jan. 20, 2025), Reevaluating and Realigning United States Foreign Aid (Jan. 20, 2025), Putting America First in International Environmental Agreements (Jan. 20, 2025), Unleashing American Energy (Jan. 20, 2025), Ending Radical and Wasteful Government DEI Programs and Preferencing (Jan. 20, 2025), Defending Women from Gender Ideology Extremism and Restoring Biological Truth to the Federal Government (Jan. 20, 2025), and Enforcing the Hyde Amendment (Jan. 24, 2025). These executive orders ensure that Federal funds are used to support hardworking American  families.

To implement these orders, each agency must complete a comprehensive analysis of all
of their Federal financial assistance programs to identify programs, projects, and activities that may be implicated by any of the President’s executive orders. In the interim, to the extent permissible under applicable law,
Federal agencies must temporarily pause all activities related to obligation or disbursement of all Federal financial assistance, and other relevant agency activities that may be implicated by the executive orders, including, but not limited to, financial assistance for foreign aid, nongovernmental organizations, DEI, woke gender ideology, and the green new deal...

Fairly clear.  1)  Trump EO'd against The Invasion (supported by Catholic CPUSA Charities), and 2) the "Stop Funding" memo specifically includes NGO's who are supporting The Invasion.

Me O My.  What SHALL the Bishops do??

This MAY Be True

Unlike Democrats and media (BIRM), we'll put it out front:  the following MAY be an accurate copy of a memo from Eric Holder to his clientele.

DATE: January 24, 2025

TO: Valued corporate clients

SUBJECT: White supremacy strikes back / recommended course of action

Many of you have contacted me with questions regarding President Trump's recent executive orders and the legal implications for the DEI policies I allegedly advised your companies to implement. While stipulating that these policies were enacted solely at the discretion of a corporate executive who may or may not have been acting on the advice of outside legal counsel, I strongly urge you consider taking the following steps to reduce your risk of federal prosecution:

...Shred and burn all documents bearing the name of "Eric H. Holder Jr." and the "Covington & Burling" law firm.

...Eliminate race-based personal leave policies that permit unlimited time off for "trauma," "self care," and "cat maternity."

...Cease race-based hiring practices that classify Asians, non-Latinx identifying Hispanics, and Native Americans who voted for Donald Trump as "privileged whites."

...Cease bulk purchases of the bestselling memoir, Our Unfinished March: The Violent Past and Imperiled Future of the Vote: A History, a Crisis, a Plan, by Eric H. Holder Jr.

...Cease all payments to Alfred C. Sharpton Jr. and the National Action Network for "strategic diversity consulting."

...Cease all contact with Hamas freedom fighters and their affiliated "Islamophobia consultants."

...Destroy any and all shrines or monuments to Ta-Nehisi Coates and Ibram X. Kendi.

...Cease all DEI-related incentive programs, such as awarding gift cards and extra vacation days to white employees who attend WNBA games or leave five-star Amazon reviews of the bestselling memoir, Our Unfinished March: The Violent Past and Imperiled Future of the Vote: A History, a Crisis, a Plan, by Eric H. Holder Jr.

... Cease all DEI-related employee monitoring regimes including but not limited to "gayness" rankings, financial audits (to assess support for Black-owned businesses), and "Hardship Olympics."    

...Deep clean, remove all signage, and conceal all self-flagellation devices from designated "Privilege Atonement" rooms.

...Cease all DEI-related team-building exercises including but not limited to "Evade Inequity" dodgeball tournaments, "Race War" cosplay fight clubs, and "White Slave Fridays."

...Hire a Jewish attorney.

...Flee the country.

Note: By reading this memo you have authorized Eric H. Holder Jr. and Covington & Burling LLP to charge your company for legal services rendered. Please wire the full amount ($21,595) to account GB54CITI18500808924309, Cayman National Bank.

The Mark of the Illegals: TB

 Catholic CPUSA Charities and Lutheran Social Services:  we have questions.  US citizens have been inoculated and don't get TB.  But the illegals (and some legals) DO get it, and they spread it. 

An 'unprecedented' tuberculosis outbreak is spreading through Kansas, with officials warning that it might get worse.

The outbreak is the 'largest documented outbreak in US history,' Department of Health and Environment officials announced on Monday, according to KSHB.

As of Friday, there were 67 active cases and 79 latent cases - meaning that people are infected with the bacteria, but do not have the disease, health officials said....

 ...'This outbreak is still ongoing, which means that there could be more cases,' Jill Bronaugh, communications director for the health department told the Topeka Capital-Journal.

She noted that 'there are a few other states that currently have large outbreaks that are also ongoing.'...

Cattle (beef and dairy) are very susceptible to TB; generally, they must be put down if they are infected.  This will be a much bigger problem than merely a few hospitalizations.

By the way:  WHICH "other States" are having "large outbreaks"?

Murder-by-Cop OK in DC? Yes!! Yes, Indeed!!

In The Narrative pushed by Emilee Fannon and the Leftists (BIRM), you will notice a glaring gap.

...A former Capitol police officer who was there on Jan. 6 will visit Milwaukee and Madison on Tuesday. Harry Dunn will be joined by community advocates to condemn President Trump's pardons surrounding the 2021 attack, according to a press release.

Dunn, who started a PAC last year to support candidates running against pro-Trump Republicans, also plans to call on Schimel and Crawford to "defend democracy" in the high stakes race.

Schimel will also be criticized by Dunn for comments he made on a conservative radio show earlier this month. During an appearance on the Vicki McKenna show, Schimel argued the Jan. 6 defendants didn't get “a fair shot” in court and accused Democrats of “abusing the court system."...

Note that Fannon and the Leftists (BIRM)--including this Dunn character--fail to mention the second-degree murder of Ashli Babbitt by a comrade of Dunn's:  Michael Byrd.   Byrd doesn't need a pardon because he was never indicted nor prosecuted for his crime.

See?  Some animals are more equal than other animals.  Emilee and Dunn are happy to tell you that.

Monday, January 27, 2025

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Massive Dump of USG-Owned/Leased Buildings Coming!

The speculators have already lined up the financing........maybe.

...“A recent report from Sen. Joni Ernst, a Republican from Iowa who chairs the Senate DOGE caucus, found that not one of the headquarters for any major agency or department in Washington is more than half full. GSA-owned buildings in Washington, D.C., average about a 12% occupancy rate. The government owns more than 7,500 vacant buildings across the country, and more than 2,200 that are partially empty.”...

Thus DOGE contemplates selling two-thirds of USG-owned buildings and terminating three-quarters of extant leases.

The homeless will have a lot of living space!

Remember "Operation Northwoods"?

Of course you don't.

...A 12-page report, signed by the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) in 1962, details a secret plan to commit heinous acts against American citizens to justify war with Cuba in the 1960s.

Code-named Operation Northwoods, this top-secret plot proposed enacting terrorism on US cities in a what is known as a ‘false flag operation’, before blaming Cuba in order to fool the Americans into supporting war efforts to oust communist Fidel Castro....

 ...JFK rejected Operation Northwoods when it came across his desk and was shot....Vox quoting Daily Mail

Israel is mentioned as a co-conspirator in the story.

The NutBag Bunch also includes the Vatican as a co-conspirator in the JFK assassination.  Those.......people........ignore the frosty history between the Vatican and the Zionists which was in place from 1948 until roughly 1966.  They also ignore the fact that the Vatican does NOT maintain full diplomatic relations with Israel to this dayThere's a reason for that.

Yes, The Zionists Lie

We mentioned that continuous outrageous lying is a Democrat ideal.

They're not the only ones.

...Israeli female soldiers released today by Hamas speak in Arabic and say that they were well treated, given food water and clothes.

They also thanked Hamas for keeping them safe from Israel’s bombardment...

Contrast that (on video!) with this:

...Today brings to a close one of the first and main pillars of the genocidal atrocity propaganda "mass rape" hoax. Naama Levy, an Israeli Zionist occupation soldier who patrolled the Gaza concentration camp, is set to be released. She became the main symbol of the "mass rape" hoax, the "bloody pants" being the supposed "evidence", before being exposed as a lie.

Not only was it exposed as a lie, it was shown that the Israelis and her family knew all along that the pants had been bloodied/soiled by her hands that were tied behind her back, on which she had been sitting before the widely circulated video of her move to the car.

They had the full video showing her inside the building all along, and intentionally didn't release it to manufacture a fake symbol for their "mass rape" hoax. They all started wearing bloodied pants, performing rape-hoax plays with it across the world, making posters and paintings and drawings using it....

Trump knows that the Zionists are a collection of lying scumbags.

Do they really think they can play Trump much longer?

"Permanent Allegiance," Sucka!

 Ticker found an essay which clarifies that 'subject to.....' clause very well.

...The fundamental principle of the common law with regard to English nationality was birth within the allegiance—also called 'ligealty,' 'obedience,' 'faith,' or 'power'—of the king. The principle embraced all persons born within the king's allegiance, and subject to his protection. Such allegiance and protection were mutual,—as expressed in the maxim, 'Protectio trahit subjectionem, et subjectio protectionem,'—and were not restricted to natural-born subjects and naturalized subjects, or to those who had taken an oath of allegiance; but were predicable of aliens in amity, so long as they were within the kingdom. Children, born in England, of such aliens, were therefore natural-born subjects. But the children, born within the realm, of foreign ambassadors, or the children of alien enemies, born during and within their hostile occupation of part of the king's dominions, were not natural-born subjects, because not born within the allegiance, the obedience, or the power, or, as would be said at this day, within the jurisdiction, of the king....

Note the use of the term 'alien enemies.'  It is connected to 'hostile occupation.'

Ticker draws the correct conclusion (one that we can hope CJ Julia Roberts and 4 other members of SCOTUS draw):

... A person here unlawfully is by definition not within obedience or allegiance to the government as their presence here is not legal in the first instance.  In other words by their own deliberate acts they claim to be beyond the jurisdiction of the United States!

They are exactly equivalent in law to an invading army member who has crossed into the nation in violation of the border with intent to break the laws of the nation.  Such a person is not "subject to the jurisdiction thereof" that a tourist or other lawful entrant is since by their own hand they have acted to deny the right of the government to exert jurisdiction over them and thus DENY said jurisdiction exists....
"Birth Tourists"--even if here "legally"--cannot claim citizenship for their child, because there's this little problem of false swearing on your visa application.

False swearing is never a problem for Democrats (a lesson most conservatives MUST learn soon.)  But it is a problem for that little baby who will soon be re-united with Mommy and Daddy in a far-distant land.

Back To Obeying the Law With Trump!

Unlike the Democrats, who soak in babies' blood every night and flout the black-letter law...

...Trump signed an executive order enforcing “the Hyde Amendment and similar laws that prevent Federal funding of elective abortion, reflecting a longstanding consensus that American taxpayers should not be forced to pay for that practice.” By that order, Trump revoked two Biden-era orders protecting expanding access to abortion, accusing the previous administration of disregarding “this established, commonsense policy by embedding forced taxpayer funding of elective abortions in a wide variety of Federal programs.”

“It is the policy of the United States, consistent with the Hyde Amendment, to end the forced use of Federal taxpayer dollars to fund or promote elective abortion,” according to Trump’s executive order....

He also re-instated the Mexico City policy.


Greetings, Abp. Grob!!

 Milwaukee's new Archbishop should immediately make it clear that he will not direct Archdiocesan "charity" funds into the blatant human-trafficking racket called "Catholic Charities".

That's tied to the pro-life failure with Trump as Zmirak points out:

...One key reason why pro-lifers aren’t front and center of the MAGA coalition — even though most Trump supporters are also pro-life — is their organizational ties to the U.S. Catholic bishops. Those prelates, who lose 40% of native-born Catholics (and high percentages of migrants) to apostasy, are performatively pro-life some of the time. But their main issue since Trump first won in 2016 has been importing illegal immigrants into America to fill their emptying pews and generate hundreds of millions of dollars each year in federal contracts for serving them via corrupt, human trafficking nonprofits such as Catholic Charities.

For months, we’ve been hearing from one bishop after another, denouncing Trump’s plan to remove the 10 million-plus illegal immigrants the Biden regime cynically waved in. Back in 2017, bishops were among the loudest denouncing Trump’s efforts to determine whether minor children’s companions were really their families or human traffickers. Under Biden, Trump’s DNA tests were suspended and traffickers had a field day. As a result, some 250,000 migrant children (just from 2024) are now in the wind — likely trapped in sweatshops or the sex industry.

The bishops were silent about that....

Of course they were, especially the Jolly One currently in NYC and the closeted twit-Marxist in Chicago.

 ...Want to get Trump’s attention, and maybe move him to back more pro-life laws? Be the pro-life leader who backs him on the issue that got him elected three separate times: securing our country from lawless foreign invasion. When your local bishop denounces you by name and disinvites you from the annual rubber chicken pro-life leaders banquet, laugh at him — personally, in public, in his face. Then call him out as the human trafficking profiteer he really is....

Frankly, Excellency, we don't want to hear the drivel about 'necessity of farm workers, fast-food workers, and toilet-cleaners.'  Yes, they are necessary.  But when they are stealing jobs from US citizens, Excellency, we have a problem.

Maybe those dairy farms will have to pay more to get Americans to do the job instead of TB-spreading illegals (as was the case last year in Dane County.)  How much did all those cows cost to replace, compared to paying a "living wage" (remember that phrase?) to actual US citizens?

The truth about the Archdiocese's spending will out.  Don't think you can bury it like +Cousins tried to bury his Big Spend on James Groppi back in the day.  Didn't work then, won't work now.

Enjoy your time here!!


Last week, the Trump Administration rescinded a guideline issued under the Biden regime which barred ICE from conducting enforcement in or near so-called “sensitive” areas. These areas included schools and churches, which have been known to harbor illegal aliens.

The US Conference of Catholic Bishops, which receives over $100 million to ‘resettle’ illegals every year, responded by complaining that the move will turn “places of care, healing, and solace into places of fear and uncertainty for those in need” while endangering “the trust between pastors” and “the people they serve.”

When Brennan brought up this disgraceful statement by the group, Vance delivered this brutal message to them.

“As a practicing Catholic, I was actually heartbroken by that statement. And I think that the US Conference of Catholic Bishops needs to actually look in the mirror a little bit and recognize that when they receive over $100 million to help resettle illegal immigrants, are they worried about humanitarian concerns?” Vance asked.

“Or are they actually worried about their bottom line?” Vance added. “We’re going to enforce immigration law. We’re going to protect the American people.”

 Vance went on to expose a glaring hypocrisy on the part of these bishops: while whimpering about Trump enforcing immigration law, they said NOTHING about 300,000 innocent children who were sex trafficked under the Biden regime thanks to the open southern border.

“Donald Trump promised to do that,” Vance explained. “And I believe the US Conference of Catholic Bishops, if they’re worried about the humanitarian costs of immigration enforcement, let them talk about the children who have been sex trafficked because of the wide open border of Joe Biden.”

They should also talk to the parents of dead-from-fentanyl kids, or people whose cars, houses, and bodies have been struck by DUI illegals.   No doubt Abp. Grob has scheduled several of those visits already, right?

Feds Who Won't Correct Payment Problems

"Payment problems" amounted to $161 BILLION in the fiscal year ending 9/30/24.

That's not the worst of it.  Several Federal agencies don't really give a flying damn about that; they have not bothered with 'corrective programs' mandated under the law.  (They'll probably claim that they don't have enough money to do that, ya'know.)

So which ones just throw your money into the toilet?





Homeland Security




Veterans' Affairs


Can't wait for Russ Vought to get into office and slam the door shut on these jackasses.

Trump Proposes Consumption Tax (!!)

The richer you are, the more you spend.

The more you spend, the more you're taxed.

Therefore, the rich will "pay their fair share."

That's a Consumption Tax.

President Trump said the U.S. could possibly eliminate the federal income tax if his tariff plans work out as intended.

"If the tariffs work out like I think, a thing like that could happen, if you want to know the truth," he said. "Years ago, 1870 to 1913, we didn't have an income tax. What we had is tariffs."...

The Left/Deep State hasn't yet invented any lies about the Consumption Tax.

But they will.  Somehow, "The Chilllllrrrrrrrren" will be starved, or "Granny will be thrown over a cliff" or .............whatever.

Count on it.

Saturday, January 25, 2025