Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Birds, Feathers....and Chaos

 The common denominator between these two men is "Chaos."

Outgoing U.S. President Joe Biden awarded Pope Francis the nation's highest civilian honor, [the Medal of Freedom.]

The first rule of the Universe is OrderThe opposite of Order is Chaos.

Draw your own conclusions.

Monday, January 13, 2025

401(k) ESG "Investing" Is Illegal

No way to write a short headline to describe this story, so....

A federal judge in Texas on Friday said American Airlines violated federal law by basing investment decisions for its employee retirement plan on environmental, social, and other non-financial factors.--AOSHQ quoting NYPost

Pilots sued, showing that AA's inane pursuit of ESG cost the 401(k) plan about $15 million or so.

Judge wrote thus:

... “The facts here compellingly established fiduciary misconduct in the form of conflicts of interest and the failure to loyally act solely in the Plan’s best financial interests. BlackRock’s ESG influence is evident throughout administration of the Plan. The belief that ESG considerations confer a license to ignore pecuniary benefits is mistaken. ERISA does not permit a fiduciary to pursue a non-pecuniary interest no matter how noble it might view the aim. Plaintiff therefore proved by a preponderance of the evidence that American [Airlines] disloyally acted with an intent to benefit a party other than Plan participants and in a manner that was not wholly focused on the best financial benefit to the Plan."...
So if your Corporate Masters are directing your 401(k) dollars into ESG crap-stock, sue the bastards.

Schlitz Brewing, Redux in California

Why, yes!  Schlitz has been gone from Milwaukee for a few decades.  So why do I bring it up?

There were rumors that Schlitz (then owned by Stroh's) would be closing its Milwaukee brewing operations.  That would put a lot of Milwaukee residents on the unemployment line and have serious negative effects on its supply chain--many of which were also in Milwaukee.   

A mouthy Milwaukee alderman who believed that being in office gave him a lot of power, ordered Schlitz to remain open.

Stroh's shut it down a few months later.

So what?

In California, prior to the beginning of the fires:

 ...State Farm non-renewed approximately 1,600 policies in the region in 2024, of approximately 30,000 homeowners and 42,000 apartment policies it dropped statewide, citing rising costs and risks.

“This decision was not made lightly and only after careful analysis of State Farm General’s financial health, which continues to be impacted by inflation, catastrophe exposure, reinsurance costs, and the limitations of working within decades-old insurance regulations,” the company said in a statement.

“State Farm General takes seriously our responsibility to maintain adequate claims-paying capacity for our customers and to comply with applicable financial solvency laws. It is necessary to take these actions now.”...

So what?  That was then.

...Ricardo Lara, commissioner of the state’s Department of Insurance, issued a one-year moratorium on Jan. 10, preventing non-renewals and cancellations for households in and adjacent to the fire sites.

“I am using my moratorium powers ... so people don’t face the added stress of finding new insurance during this horrific event,” he said in a statement. “I am working on all fronts to make sure wildfire victims get the benefits they are entitled to, and they get it as soon as possible.”...

State Farm will comply, of course.  But Every.  Other.  Area.  in California may see State Farm (and lots of others) pull out.  Little Ricardo will be waving his widdle fists, screaming at the sky.........and there will be no insurer there to hear him. 

HT:  Wauck--who also raises the Big Question:  which States will pay for those fires?

Paranoia? Nope.

 There's an old saying:  Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't after you.

They ARE after you.

The Government's Secret Police Intel people absolutely must have Section 702 FISA courts in operation.  That's why the Senate Intel Committee jackals (Cotton, e.g.) demanded that either Tulsi Gabbard back S.702 or go home.  Suddenly, Gabbard accepted 702, so she will become DNI.  (Integrity?  WHAT "integrity"?)

...The FISA system is a designated secret court system that is said to only pertain to “foreign nationals.”

Ok, so if we accept the premise. Foreign nationals do not have U.S. constitutional protection. So why does the surveillance and intercept of them require secret U.S. courts?...

...There is no need for a secret court for either foreign nationals or U.S citizens. The former do not have constitutional protection, and the latter should not lose it under arbitrary determinations of U.S govt officials....

Are we clear there?


So what's really going on?

...Real ID, Digital ID, AI used in facial recognition systems, and the larger issue of track and trace capability of U.S. citizen data (connecting your physical identity to a digital fingerprint), requires some legal justification to create a surveillance network DESPITE the 4th amendment.

FISA-702 is the proverbial camel’s nose under the tent of privacy....

 ...Finding a way to surveil Americans, while working around the constitutional protection in place to stop it, is why the FISA-702 issue has become more important for those who are building the surveillance system under the guise of national security.

Challenge the legal justification for FISA-702, and you throw a massive wrench in the machinery of a growing surveillance state.

If you are secure in your papers and effects, you cannot be forced to “show your papers.”

Right now, the monitoring system [is being] designed so they can get the answers to your identity, without having to ask you to show your papers, which is unconstitutional....

They ARE after you.  Maybe not today, or tomorrow, but.....

 ...However, what happens at the checkpoint (bank, atm machine, employment verification, port of entry or even voting booth) when government identifies you (for whatever arbitrary reason they construct) as a “politically exposed person.”...

But some animals are more equal than others!

 ...Don’t think congress is stupid about this, they know exactly what is going on. They understand just how dangerous this is; that’s why in the last FISA-702 reauthorization, congress literally wrote into the renewal that federal representatives cannot be subject to the FISA-702 rules.

All members of congress must be notified in advance, if their private metadata is going to be reviewed by the FBI, DOJ or any entity with access to the NSA full spectrum database library. They exempted themselves and secured their 4th amendment protections exclusively for themselves....

Watching Zuckerberg pretend that F**kBook is 'going straight'--a flat-out lie that will be copied by Musk, Google, (etc.)--should have provoked intense bitter laughter, as it did among a lot of people I know.   Watching Rogan swallow that at face value was truly disgusting. 

Think this is 'tempest in a teapot' territory?

Ask any of the J6 prisoners about that.

Birds, Feathers.....

 Fox brings you the news!

Michael Cohen wants Joe Biden to be his daddy.

The former Trump lawyer and prison resident went on MSNBC to grovel to the departing president on Saturday, begging for a pardon similar to his son Hunter’s. 

His reason? “I put in the application for a presidential pardon because I believe that Joe Biden has the same responsibility to me that he had to his own son…" Cohen said. "I’m somebody’s son also, by the way."...

Nobody has stepped forth to admit that, Michael.  Are you sure you have a mother?

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Grim the Ripper

"Jack" the Ripper has nothing on Grim the Ripper.

At this link, Grim demolishes some pointy-headed AEI Cloud-Person.  Here's a very brief excerpt which gives you a flavor for the real discussion:

... Americans don't exist to give the American government the power to govern the world. Rather, the American government exists to protect the natural rights of Americans. We often talk of the loyalty that Americans owe America, but loyalty is always a two-way street. Rural America is hurting because it has been shown disloyalty by its governing class and institutions for decades. China didn't hurt rural America, not directly. Mexico didn't. Congress and several Presidents did. The State Department did. NAFTA and similar treaties did. ...

Not that the Cloud-Person will pay attention, although he is well-advised to do so.  Maybe he studied American history long enough to know the text on which the red-highlighted passage rests.  He can find it in the Declaration.  

One more thing:  that Declaration wasn't restricted to telling off a King.  It works for other petty tyrants, too.

The "Experts"

Yesterday we were looking for the results of the NCAA football playoffs.

The first item that arose was a graphic with the TOP FOUR RANKED football teams:

1)  Oregon

2)  Georgia   

3)  Texas

4)  Penn State 

Experts picked those teams, and experts ranked them.

Yah, well.........none of them won their last gameNot one

Does Fauci also pick NCAA teams?

Hiroshima Revisited

We all know that a million Americans would have died if the US had to invade Japan to stop WWII.

No doubt about it.

But that's only The Narrative.  Here's another Narrative that you never heard.......didja?

...Eisenhower also was the only president who's openly critical of the US dropping the atomic bombs in 1945. You know, and he said at the top what he said, he said when Stimson briefed him at Potsdam that the United States was about to use the atomic bomb. Eisenhower wrote on a couple occasions that I got more and more depressed just listening to them. But I didn't volunteer anything because my war in Europe was over. Then he asked me what I thought and I told him I was against it for two reasons. Number one, the Japanese were already defeated and tried to surrender and we didn't need to use it. And number two, I hated to see our country be the first to use such a weapon. The U.S. at age five, star admirals and generals in 1945. Seven of the eight are officially on the record saying the atomic bombs were the militarily unnecessary, morally reprehensible or both. And the other the eighth was Marshall, who said that the Soviet invasion alone would likely leverage the Japanese into surrender by itself. So they all knew that the atomic bombs were necessary. Truman knew it as well as anybody. When he went to have lunch with Stalin. Potsdam on July 17th, he goes back and writes in his journal said Russia Stalin will be in the Jap war by August 15th. Sydney Japs when that occurs, he writes home to his wife Bess the next day, say the Russians are coming in. We'll end the war a year sooner now. Think of all the kids who won't be killed. He knew it. He refers to the intercepted telegram on July 18th as the telegram from the Jap emperor asking for peace. They knew that the Japanese were defeated...
(Transcript, Tucker Carlson interviewing Oliver Stone and Peter Kuznick)

Stone and Kuznick are not my cup of tea, and Carlson is obviously discomfited with some of their chatter.  But Kuznick read the f*n memos and letters. 

Was Ike lying?  Truman?  Were all those flags and 4-stars stupid?

Good questions.


The "Catholic Relief" Fraud

Bet you thought that giving money to "Catholic Relief" was actually going to provide "relief" to people hit by hurricanes, floods, and fires.

Wrong, pew-sitting source of funds!!!

Only 52% of the funds expended by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Catholic Relief Services Collection in 2023 were allotted to Catholic Relief Services, according to the collection’s 2023 annual report, which was released in early January 2025....

Only half?  Did the other half pay salaries?  Benefits?  Bar bills?

Nope.  Even better!!

Much of the collection was allotted to offices of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), though some funds were directed elsewhere:

15.4% ($2,031,216) of the total expenses were allotted to the USCCB’s
Migration and Refugee Services

13.5% ($1,775,187) was allotted to the USCCB’s Secretariat of Cultural Diversity in the Church

6.1% ($801,732) was allotted to the USCCB’s Department of Justice, Peace and Human Development (now the Secretariat of Justice and Peace)

6% ($787,866) was allotted to CLINIC, the Catholic Legal Immigration Network, Inc.

3.8% ($500,000) was allotted to the Holy Father’s Relief Fund

The immigration-related offices are problematic, as they provide a "landing spot" for immigrants who will be sex-trafficked or labor-trafficked by the cartels who control ALL illegal immigration.  You really want your money to finance that?

And of course, the "Justice and Peace" and "Cultural Diversity" offices are useless appendages, much like the FedGov's Department of Education.  It's a comfortable salary for '60's hippies who sit in D.C. yammering about "justice and peace."  Someone needs to cut off those cancers.

If you're wondering why other "Relief" money was funneled directly into USCC.....well, that's a very good question for you to ask your local Bish.

See if he answers.

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Great Jobs Report (For H-1Bs and Illegals)

We're in the world Donald Trump wants!

Native-born American employment remains 716,000 below pre-pandemic levels as President Joe Biden leaves office, while foreign-born job numbers have soared since December 2019, Federal Reserve data shows.

What a Country!!

"Dropping Garbage in a Field"? Trump Is Correct, Again

 You've seen the wind farms in Washington and Dodge Counties in Wisconsin, and maybe the humungous one in Indiana bridging I-65.

Trump calls them 'garbage in a field,' and he's right.

...Trump compared wind farms to “dropping garbage in a field” and said wind developers are “getting rich” off of government subsidies that the projects receive. 

Trump also argued that wind energy is the most expensive form of energy, far more expensive than “clean natural gas.” Experts doing full analyses of all the costs associated with putting wind and solar farms on the grid tell Just the News that Trump is correct. ...

Naturally, the New York Times went into Full-Misinformation/SQUIRREL!! Mode, yapping about the percentage of power wind generates in Iowa.  

But that wasn't the point, was it?

...While they provided figures of the growth of wind energy in the U.S., the Times reporters never discuss electricity rates, which would be expected to be falling if increased wind was producing cheaper electricity. ...

... The Times article also didn’t discuss why the wind industry needs so much ongoing federal taxpayer support — a point Trump stressed during the press conference — if it is producing much more cost-competitive electricity. ...

The Department of Energy Lies produced a "report" claiming that wind power is cheapest.

But people who live and work in the real world blasted that DOE propaganda to smithereens.  You'd best be sitting down when you read this next graf:

...Most recently, the pair calculated the cost per megawatt hour of new wind and solar farms compared to existing natural gas in New England. Their modeling shows that onshore wind costs $240 per megawatt hour, solar costs $357 per megawatt hour and offshore wind costs $436 per megawatt hour. That’s compared to $98 per megawatt hour for a natural gas turbine, or $37 per megawatt hour for a gas peaker plant, which are natural gas-powered plants turned on as needed when demand exceeds supply....
 ...The highest hidden costs, according to Rolling and Orr, is the cost overbuilding and curtailing generation. The grid has to have lots of wind and solar farms to utilize the right weather conditions when they happen, and then when the weather is such that too much electricity is produced, it has nowhere to go and must be curtailed. ...
Oh yah....Wisconsin Electric, now run by Chicago interests, is putting up a huge solar farm.  You noticed how much your rates have gone down recently?

Which Chicago interests are getting the bazillion-dollar FedGov kickbacks for this crap?

Lazard Freres, a major international brokerage/financing firm (like Goldie) wrote a study "proving" that wind farms were a cheap source.

But they they said.....

As with the EIA, Lazard also explains on page 8 of their report the limitations of its study. 

...“Other factors would also have a potentially significant effect on the results contained herein, but have not been examined in the scope of this current analysis. These additional factors, among others, may include: implementation and interpretation of the full scope of the IRA; economic policy, transmission queue reform, network upgrades and other transmission matters, congestion, curtailment or other integration-related costs; permitting or other development costs, unless otherwise noted; and costs of complying with various environmental regulations (e.g., carbon emissions offsets or emissions control systems),” the report states. ...

That's like the used-car salesman telling you the car only costs $1,000.00 unless you include the body, engine, steering, and transmission.

Think your Public Service/Rates Commission pays attention to these little details?


How much do you want to bet?

Gabbard Caves on S. 702 We-Spy-On-You! Law

As of last Thursday, Gabbard's nomination to Director, National Intel, was in trouble.  The Senate Intel committee wanted nothing to do with her, as she actually insisted on Constitutional governance and less Perma-War.

So what did she do?

Caved on the "We-Spy-On-YOU" act, which allows the Feds uncontrolled access to all your phones, texts, emails, contacts, travels.........whatever.  There's a Kangaroo Court involved, so it looks real pretty, too!

But you are not Congress, you see.

...It should be remembered, in the last reauthorization of FISA-702 congress exempted themselves from the warrantless search and surveillance system used by the U.S. Intelligence Apparatus.  Congress forbids the FBI or any entity with access to the NSA database, from being allowed to use the process to search themselves or their staff.  However, every other American does not enjoy this same protection....
Tulsi doesn't think you deserve the 4th Amendment, peon!  Only Congress gets that protection.

Face It: Ms Geyser Is Still Nuts

...Morgan Geyser, now 22, has been held in the Winnebago Mental Health Institute after pleading guilty to attempted first-degree intentional homicide in 2018 for stabbing her classmate, Payton Leutner, with friend Anissa Weier in 2014, CNN reported.

Investigators found that Geyser and Weier had lured the unsuspecting Leutner to a park in Waukesha after a sleepover, where Geyser brutally stabbed her 19 times while Weier encouraged it, leaving the girl in critical condition.

The motive behind the seemingly random attack was to impress “Slender Man,” a fictional horror character that originated from an online meme in 2009....

The Wisconsin system figured her out and put her in the Loony Bin (Winnebago.)

Now ...

...[Judge] Bohren finally agreed to let her out on Thursday, after hearing testimony from a panel of experts, including one psychologist who said that Geyser now “identifies as a transgender male,” the Daily Mail reported....

So she's still nuts, but now adopted the Acceptable Nuttery.

Trans people do kill a lot.  One hopes Bohren's mercy is deserved.

Friday, January 10, 2025

"Sex" Means "Sex"--Fed District Court

The Mashed Potato and his coven attempted to put men into women's room.


Joe Biden’s radical Title IX rules change suffered another serious setback Thursday after a federal court blocked the policy from going into effect nationwide....

Appeal is unlikely, given that Mashed Potato and his cabal-coven are gone in a week.

 ...The latest decision echos that from a case in June, where U.S. District Judge Terry A. Doughty ruled in Louisiana that Biden’s Title IX rules were an “abuse of power” when he blocked the rules from going into effect across six states....


Thursday, January 09, 2025

"Religion of Peace"? The Lies of Esposito

 Grim noticed that a Big Shot Professor at Georgetown has been lying about Islam for a long, long, time.

Georgetown is a sewer, by the way.  It should be destroyed, root and branch, along with the US State Department which gobbles up its slop.

For Property-Owners in Asheville

Most of you have heard that Buncum County and Asheville have issued demand letters for property taxes, no matter if your home is still there or it went away in the floods.

Here's the proper response to the public "servants":

Bird Flu? Nope

Every once in a while it's fun to read statistics.

...Now Wokepedia tells us that in twenty one years between 2023 and 2003 the “World Health Organization has recorded 948 cases of confirmed H5N1 influenza, leading to 464 deaths.” Confirmed, you will have noted. This is 22 deaths per year, for an annual global death rate of about 0.0000000028. Which means many more people die yearly of scooter accidents than of bird flu....

There is the usual wailing and gnashing of teeth from "experts," who are offended that nobody takes them seriously any more. 

They earned that.

Crybaby Crenshaw Gets Rich on Stocks

Only a few weeks ago, Crybaby Crenshaw (R?-TX) was wailing and snorting about his terrible, dreadful, awful, salary.  He hasn't gotten a raise, ya'know, and he deserves one.

So he says.


...Establishment Republican Dan Crenshaw (TX) again ranked among the best at trading stocks in Congress, a study by Unusual Whales found Tuesday.

Crenshaw sat in 2024 on the House Intelligence and Energy and Commerce Committee, prime slots to gain key bits of information for both personal and legislative development.

“You have no way to better yourself” as a congressperson, he previously said about his stock trades.

Crenshaw ranked in the top 15 of congressional members who traded stocks last year (2024), up from the top 25 best stock traders in Congress in 2023 with a portfolio increase of over 34 percent.

The Texas congressman’s stock portfolio in 2024 spiked over 60 percent, according to a weighted percent change calculated by Unusual Whales...

He's so damn talented at stock-picking that he should really retire from his poverty-level job and just day-trade!

Wednesday, January 08, 2025

The Lies About J6

 Of course the extreme Left & press (BIRM) repeat the lies.


Tuesday, January 07, 2025

Solzhenitsyn on Today's Government

In the middle of Searcy's absolutely MUST-SEE movie on J6, he flashes a bit of Alexander Solzhenitsyn:

In our country, the lie has become not just a moral category, but a pillar of the State.

If you have eyes to see, you'll say the same about the government of the USA and its States.

In Madison, WI

 The Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights (once headquartered in Milwaukee in the Knights' Tower building) put up a billboard in Madison, WI., visible from the Beltway.

It got response!

...It was a short statement against atheists who have tried to neuter Christmas; we chose this beltway location because Madison is home to the headquarters of Freedom From Religion Foundation, an anti-Catholic atheist organization known for its annual attacks on Christmas.

While our members were happy that we responded with vigor, we received dozens of hateful emails. Here is a short list of the remarks.

  • “No one is ‘striking out’ at Christmas! Clear-thinking, non-brainwashed and non-deluded people” know better.
  • “And you wonder why more and more people are calling bull**** the worthless Bible and its monstrous God who condones slavery and rape. So how are you doing with your altar boys?”
  • “When was your mythical savior born? Certainly not in December.”
  • “Good day to you, have a happy solstice, and hail Satan!”
  • “I hope you find some peace in the coming year before you meet the devil in hell.”
  • “We are celebrating Solstice before your God started leering at thirteen year olds.”
  • “You are a fascist, racist, nazi organization.”
  • “It’s Christians who usurped the winter solstice as part of its scheme to indoctrinate the ‘heathen pagans.’”
  • “Your behavior is equal to the evangelical Christians worship of a sexual predator and felon. God has nothing to do with your business model and behavior.”
  • “You really need to f***ing kill yourselves, you baby raping monsters.”
  • “You don’t own winter, you child raping motherf******.”...

That from the "civilized" and "highly educated" home of the University of Wisconsin.

And the location of the latest mass-murder in a school.

Money Talks Through Sen. Cassidy's Big Mouth

 For some obscure reason, Sen. Cassidy (R-LA) doesn't like RFKjr's stance on vaccines.

...Federal disclosures reveal an influx of campaign donations began on February 10th, 2023, shortly after Cassidy’s appointment as the ranking member of the Senate Health Committee.

Notable contributions from the period included $5,800 from Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla, $5,000 from Eli Lilly CEO David Ricks, $2,900 from Bristol Myers Squibb CEO Giovanni Caforio, and $2,500 from Biogen CEO Christopher Viehbacher, all of whom are members of the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA) board.

Further support came from various pharmaceutical companies’ political action committees, with contributions like $2,500 from GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), $1,000 from Boehringer Ingelheim, $1,000 from Novartis, $2,500 from Takeda, $2,500 from Alnylam, $1,000 from Bristol Myers Squibb, $5,000 from Astellas, $2,900 from Eisai, and $1,000 from Gilead. Individual contributions were also made, including $5,800 from Gilead CEO Daniel O’Day, $1,500 from PhRMA COO Lori Reilly, and $1,000 from PhRMA Senior Vice President for Federal Advocacy Anne Esposito.

More comprehensive information logged by OpenSecrets shows that the health professionals and pharmaceuticals/health products industries are among Cassidy’s top backers. The former gave him $1,163,554 from 2015-2024, while the latter gave him $667,137....

I can't figure out why Cassidy has a problem with RFKjr's Vax-Stance.

Can you??


The "press" continues to push the alarm button over 'bird flu.'  One death is reported.

But as SCC suggests, you really should read the fine print.

...Health officials have said the person was older than 65, had underlying medical problems and had been in contact with sick and dead birds in a backyard flock. They also said a genetic analysis had suggested the bird flu virus had mutated inside the patient, which could have led to the more severe illness....

Kinda like the DOOM DOOM DOOM lines/lies around CoVid.  

Imagine that!

"How a Bill Becomes Law"? Not THIS Way....

Most of you are familiar with the Schoolhouse Rock propaganda about 'How a Bill Becomes Law."

It's not true, of course.  It has little to do with the reality.

...The important part to remember is that the origination of the entire process is EXTERNAL to congress.

Regardless of how much they frame their authorship, congress does not write the laws or legislation, special interest groups do. Lobbyists are paid, some very well paid, to get politicians to go along with the need of the legislative group.

When you are voting for a Congressional Rep or a U.S. Senator you are not voting for a person who will write laws. Your rep only votes on legislation to approve or disapprove of constructs that are written by outside groups and sold to them through lobbyists who work for those outside groups....

Oh, but Congress-slime is actually involved, ya'know.

...Lobbyists then take the specific elements of the law they need adjustment and go find politician(s) to support it. Politicians get support from their peers using tenure and status etc. Eventually, if things go according to norm, the legislation gets a vote.

Within every step of the process there are expense account lunches, dinners, trips, venue tickets and a host of other customary financial way-points to generate/leverage a successful outcome. The amount of money spent is proportional to the benefit derived from the outcome....

Next time your Congressman Blowhard shows up in town, ask it for an example of ANY law they, themselves, wrote.  Then ask it to prove that they personally wrote it.

"Next question!!" is the response you will get.


Capitol Cops = Neu SS

Just watch the video.  You'll see why we used the title above.

Biden's Surgeon General: Another Liar

 As it turns out, the Indian-American twit masquerading as a "scientist" lied to you.  Hideraker writes:

....I was concerned to see headlines about America’s Surgeon General saying that we should put warnings on alcohol products similar to those on cigarettes. Because moderate drinking is a “leading preventable cause of cancer in the United States.” That would be significant news, if true. Happily, it isn’t. In the Wall Street Journal, Allysia Finley explains. First, the Surgeon General, Vivek Murthy, is a left-winger who has repeatedly abused his office to promote a progressive policy agenda that has nothing to do with public health. His most recent press release is one more instance in a long sequence...

 Not only is is not true; it is a fact that moderate drinking prolongs life.

So the Biden/Democrat/Left retains its World Champion Liars title.

Not that the Republicans are a distant second, mind you.  See, e.g., the Republicans on any of the military or intel committees in Congress.


Monday, January 06, 2025

Illegal? Sex Offender? The Democrats Love U!

No surprise.

Gwen Moore and Mark Pocan voted AGAINST removing illegal-alien sex offenders from the US.

They need their voters, ya'know.

Sunday, January 05, 2025

Archie Bunker Was RIGHT

Glenn Reynolds wrote a foreword to a book.  In that foreword, he re-printed his blog-post of 9/12 (excerpted here):

...“Increased Security” Won’t Work.When you try to defend everything, you defend nothing. Airport security is a joke because it’s spread so thin that it can’t possibly stop people who are really serious. You can’t prevent terrorism by defensive measures; at most you can stop a few amateurs who can barely function. Note that the increased measures after TWA 800 (which wasn’t terrorism anyway, we’re told) didn’t prevent what appear to be coordinated hijackings. (Archie Bunker’s plan, in which each passenger is issued a gun on embarking, would have worked better). Deterrence works here, just as everywhere else. But you have to be serious about it....

That's the right plan for schoolteachers and admins, too.

But The 'Learned Ones' who have run this country into the ground disagree.  

That's their plan:  run it into the ground by any means.

Belling's Big Miss of '24

 We listened to Belling's show for a lot of years--over 20, at least--and he's made some big errors during that timeframe.  One was just a few months ago, when he remarked that 'you know the price of gold is going down when you hear more Buy Gold! ads.'

Yah, well, he should stick to race horses.

...Gold started 2024 at $2046 per ounce. On 1 January this year, it was priced at $2622 — an increase of just over 28%. For context, in that same period the S&P500 index only saw total returns of around 25%. ...

He's leaving radio for a "podcast" adventure.  Good luck to him.  My children think he's really hot stuff, but after listening to him for long enough you realize that he runs a 'rinse/repeat' cycle; the names of the perps are different, but that's all; the stories are the same.

Bon Voyage!  And consider buying some gold.

Now That Musk Is In Charge......

You damn fools thought that when the foreigner Musk purchased Twitter/X, that it would be a good thing for speech.  First Amendment (not available in South Africa) and all that.


Elon Musk and his Twitter (X platform) engineers have an Artificial Intelligence (AI) user engagement and information system known as Grok. Essentially, you can ask AI Grok questions, and it provides responses based on the coded values of the engineers who built it....

... When asked how to avoid the Twitter platform diminishing their user voice, a typical response from Grok:

Don’t criticize your government, don’t criticize foreign governments, don’t talk about conspiracy theories, stop telling people to fuck off in the comments, and don’t accuse government officials or members of the media of malfeasance or dishonesty.

These are the parameters built by Elon Musk and his Twitter engineers....

The Israelites were instructed to 'welcome the sojourner.'  But that 'sojourner' family did not become a citizen of Judah for at least a couple of generations.  Thomas Aquinas recommended the same for other countries.

But in Enlightened America of the Hart-Cellar Act, we get South Africans and Indians telling us how to run the country, and drug gangs killing the native-born citizens.

Worse:  they have a showboat LBJ Democrat as President, backing them up.

What a country!

UPDATE: TRUMP Will Bury the Bad Stuff.....

 A few days ago we thought that the Pubbie Congress was cooking up a plan to bury the bad stuff in a reconciliation bill (read:  "kitchen sink bill").

Turns out that it's Trump.

...Speaker Mike Johnson on Saturday told the House GOP that President-elect Donald Trump wants a single reconciliation package, pushing back against the two-bill plan that other Republican lawmakers are seeking....

Seems that Trump is doing a Rapid Adoption of Corrupt Practices act.  He started with H-1B and.....

Not what we thought we elected.

Saturday, January 04, 2025

Vegas Firebomber: Nuts, But.....

 If we are to believe what the Las Vegas cop-shop gave us yesterday......

Las Vegas Cybertruck bomber Matthew Livelsberger claimed his shocking suicide wasn’t a terror attack but a way for the US solider to “cleanse” his mind — while blasting the “feckless leadership” of a United States “near collapse,” authorities revealed Friday.

Livelsberger, an active member of the Army’s elite Special Forces, left behind two notes in a charred cellphone recovered inside the singed Tesla he rented that suggest his motive for detonating explosives as he “simultaneously” shot himself in front of the Trump International Hotel Wednesday, Las Vegas police said.

“This was not a terrorist attack, it was a wake up call. Americans only pay attention to spectacles and violence. What better way to get my point across than a stunt with fireworks and explosives,” Livelsberger, 37, wrote in a notes app....

Umnnhhhh.....sure, Matthew.  Let's be shrinks for a day:  the guy was nutso.  Batshit.

Moving on:

...In another letter recovered by police, Livelsberger implored his fellow servicemembers, veterans and all Americans to “WAKE UP.”

We are being led by weak and feckless leadership who only serve to enrich themselves,” he wrote according to authorities....

THAT part he got (mostly) correct.

Aurora Goes Full Dipshit, Again

The science says that masks do NOT work against a virus.

Never mind "science," says Aurora.

Aurora Health Care confirmed Friday to 12 News that it will institute a mask mandate next week amid a rise in illness.

In a statement, Aurora said the temporary requirement will begin Jan. 6 for patients or those in congregate areas, like patient rooms....

Next thing you know, they'll be forbidding you to carry chickens into the hospital, too.

Ironic? No; It's "Education"

It's Fundamental Change, ya'know.

...A reckless driver caught on camera darting in and out of traffic just steps from the school, with the passenger waving what appears to be a gun....

So which school was that one?

The  Barack Obama School of Career and Technical Education (and Fundamental Change).

Illegal Alien? You Be the Judge

Guy was driving the wrong way on I-94, about 10 miles, some at 100 MPH.

Illegal Alien?  See if you can spot the clues:

...When the deputy approached the SUV, the driver was later identified as Samuel Moran Soza. The complaint says Moran Soza "looked confused and began to speak Spanish." The deputy also noted there were "five adults and two infants in car seats in the vehicle."

A Wisconsin State Trooper who could speak Spanish arrived on the scene. The defendant stated "he was headed home to Milwaukee and had been coming from Johnson Creek. (The trooper) could smell the odor of intoxicating beverages coming from the defendant's person," the complaint says. Moran Soza was advised he was driving the wrong way on the interstate. The complaint says Moran Soza "looked surprised by the fact that he was going the wrong way. The defendant stated that his GPS on his phone told him to go the way he was going. The defendant stated that he does not know the area well."

The defendant was given field sobriety tests, but it was "determined to not be impaired. His PBT was 0.017. The defendant did not have a valid driver's license," the complaint says....

Can't speak English, can't read his GPS correctly, no "valid" DL.

So did the deputy notify Lutheran Social Services or Catholic Charities?

Just asking.....

Surgeon General's New (Asinine) Crusade

 The Surgeon General has announced that Beer, Liquor, and Wine cause cancer.  So give up drinking and WEAR A MASK, peasant!

That announcement falls directly in line with this: