Sunday, January 12, 2025

The "Catholic Relief" Fraud

Bet you thought that giving money to "Catholic Relief" was actually going to provide "relief" to people hit by hurricanes, floods, and fires.

Wrong, pew-sitting source of funds!!!

Only 52% of the funds expended by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Catholic Relief Services Collection in 2023 were allotted to Catholic Relief Services, according to the collection’s 2023 annual report, which was released in early January 2025....

Only half?  Did the other half pay salaries?  Benefits?  Bar bills?

Nope.  Even better!!

Much of the collection was allotted to offices of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), though some funds were directed elsewhere:

15.4% ($2,031,216) of the total expenses were allotted to the USCCB’s
Migration and Refugee Services

13.5% ($1,775,187) was allotted to the USCCB’s Secretariat of Cultural Diversity in the Church

6.1% ($801,732) was allotted to the USCCB’s Department of Justice, Peace and Human Development (now the Secretariat of Justice and Peace)

6% ($787,866) was allotted to CLINIC, the Catholic Legal Immigration Network, Inc.

3.8% ($500,000) was allotted to the Holy Father’s Relief Fund

The immigration-related offices are problematic, as they provide a "landing spot" for immigrants who will be sex-trafficked or labor-trafficked by the cartels who control ALL illegal immigration.  You really want your money to finance that?

And of course, the "Justice and Peace" and "Cultural Diversity" offices are useless appendages, much like the FedGov's Department of Education.  It's a comfortable salary for '60's hippies who sit in D.C. yammering about "justice and peace."  Someone needs to cut off those cancers.

If you're wondering why other "Relief" money was funneled directly into USCC.....well, that's a very good question for you to ask your local Bish.

See if he answers.

1 comment:

  1. I have long ceased giving to this collection and believe a lot more in the pews would cease also if they knew how the funds were used. Our Pastor simply states that the collection (usually the second) is being taken up with no information ever given.
