We won't copy and paste the whole thread here, but the author makes it clear that: 1) he read a LOT of primary sources on Churchill's instigation of WWII; and 2) Churchill is a war criminal.
And--by the way--he intensely disliked Jews, which is why he encouraged the Zionists to go to Palestine and carve Israel out of the territory. Hitler was extremely bad. But Churchill--well, maybe he was worse.
...Let's rewind the clock to World War 1. Churchill is boss of the British Navy, and in 1915 he implements a hunger blockade of Germany and Austria-Hungary. Over the course of the war, up to three-quarters of a million Germans would die of starvation and hunger-related causes...
...Germany agreed to an armistice in 1918, expecting to meet at the table of peace to discuss terms. Instead, Britain maintained the blockade - even after the Kaiser had abdicated and a republic was declared - and starved Germany for eight more months. Some 100k more were killed....
(It is noted that Churchill was out of the Admiralty sometime in 1918 (when, exactly, is important) and that Lloyd George was Prime Minister at the time. Of course, Lloyd George's position is irrelevant to the discussion above; Chamberlain, while Prime Minister, had no control over Churchill's blood-lust, either.)
Moving along....
...Its 1920, and Britain is busy pacifying Iraqi tribes. Churchill insists the RAF must "proceed w/work on gas bombs, especially mustard gas, which would inflict punishment on recalcitrant natives... I am strongly in favor of using poisoned gas against uncivilised tribes."...
That's the "kinder, gentler" Churchill.
What about those Jews?
...On the other hand, he said Trotsky had "the organizing ability of a Carnot, the cold detached intelligence of a Machiavelli, the mob oratory of a Cleon, the ferocity of Jack the Ripper, the toughness of a Titus Oates... (And finally) he is still a Jew. Nothing could get over that." ...
...Like Hitler, Churchill blamed Jews for communism, and revolutions dating back to 1789, describing the Bolsheviks as a band of underworld Jews "(gripping) the Russian people by the hair of their heads and have become practically the undisputed masters of that enormous empire.".....
And Britain's favorite gambit: forgeries of deceit!
...During the 1924 election, Churchill circulated a forged letter purporting to be from Soviet leader Zinoviev, plotting revolution on the streets of London. Like Boomercons pointedly saying Barack *Hussein* Obama, Churchill cited "the letter of Zinoviev, alias Apfelbaum.....
(There is more than a little controversy about the true nature of the "Zimmerman letter" to Mexico. While Wiki doesn't offer the theory, some have claimed that the "letter" was created by the British in order to stir the US to action in WWI, which Wilson had studiously avoided.)
Hitler sent many messages to England asking the country to NOT go to war. He stated that he would negotiate a settlement with France and give back the parts of Poland which were not largely-Germanic occupied.
In response, Churchill began bombing civilian targets in Germany. He then escalated, bombing random cities all over Europe including Italy, and escalated again, bombing a French Navy yard.
What a gentleman!
After a while of this Chamberlain resigned, and Churchill became Prime Minister.
Then things got worse.
Note well: during all this time, Hitler did NOT allow the Luftwaffe to bomb England. That wouldn't begin until later, after Churchill had killed, starved, or maimed 100,000++ Germans with his bombing and blockades.
Read it all at the link.
The propaganda + baiting campaign is currently in play, too. It worked once, so......