Tuesday, June 18, 2024

"Souls To the Polls" Is a Biden Front Group

 A Biden propaganda-pusher named Harry Dunn, who retired from the infamous Capitol Police after their murder of Ashli Babbitt, showed up in Milwaukee to make the inane claim that re-electing Trump would bring on 'the end of democracy.'

It's possible that Dunn is so poorly educated that he does not know that the USA is a republic, not a "democracy,"  It's more likely that he knows but prefers to lie.  He's paid very well to do that, after all.

Here's the tell:

...Dunn joined local groups Souls to the Polls, Power to the Polls, and Voces de la Frontera to talk about why they believe democracy is at stake this November election....

...Dunn resigned from the U.S. Capitol police force in 2023. He now works for the Biden campaign at speaking engagements — but was at Monday's roundtable on behalf of Souls to the Polls....

Earlier we mentioned that "Souls to the Polls" is a pay-per-ballot-harvested outfit.  If you had any doubt about that claim, you only have to look at the others in the room at this event.  Birds, feathers, ballot-stuffing, election fraud.


Dunn's traveling partner shows identical confusion over "republic or democracy."  Sadly, the reporter who interviewed these two never bothered to ask why Capitol Police opened the doors to the building and escorted many of the crowd through the place, including to Pelosi's office.  Nor did he ask about the number of FBI and D.C. Police 'plants' in the crowd, some of whom were filmed urging the crowd to rush the building.

He didn't ask because that's not a Narrative that the Presstitutes want out there.

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