Thursday, June 06, 2024

The TRUTH About Kaul's Lawfare Gambit

We noted that Josh Kaul ("Doughboy"), with the approval of Tony Evers ("Dweeb") filed a criminal complaint against three Trump supporters in Dane County circuit court.  The complaint specified "forgery" related to their alternate-elector activity.  Doughboy and Dweeb are new at this, so they're making s**t up--as you suspected.

They are opportunists and whores.  Thinking that the NYCity Court of Star Chamber results with Trump will justify their Shiny New Lie, they proceeded.

...Kaul, as Democrats demanded, alleges attorneys Kenneth Chesebro and Jim Troupis engaged in a scheme to enlist 10 “false electors” to help Trump’s alleged attempt to overturn Biden’s victory in the Badger State. The attorney general’s charges against the attorneys, along with political operative Michael Roman, massage a state forgery-uttering law to accuse the defendants of knowingly promoting a false slate of electors as authentic, or at least uttering as much. ...

 ...the Wisconsin Elections Commission had twice rejected complaints from a leftist lawfare group about the Republican alternate electors. Interestingly, the Wisconsin Department of Justice said the Republicans who attempted to cast electoral votes for Trump did not violate any election laws. 

Kaul’s agency “concluded that Republicans were legitimately trying to preserve Trump’s legal standing as courts were deciding if he or Biden won the election,” the Associated Press reported...

That was then. This is Lawfare Season, so truth-be-damned and full speed ahead with taxpayer dollars!!

No other State AG--even the extreme Lefties like Kaul--could prosecute a case like Kaul's.

...As The Federalist recently reported, leftists have tried — and failed — to push their phony “fake electors” lawfare scheme elsewhere. 

...In Pennsylvania, even far-left Democrat Gov. Josh Shapiro, who was the Keystone State’s attorney general at the time, was forced by the facts to concede that “our office does not believe this meets the legal standards for forgery.” The Trump alternate electors there specified that if the courts later determine that they are the “duly elected and qualified electors,” their certification of the election for Trump would then be considered valid. ...

Same in New Mexico.

Looks like Doughboy & Dweeb didn't read the US Constitution very carefully (if at all):

In a statement, the attorney cited Harvard Law School Professor Lawrence Lessig’s report fully supporting the Trump team’s actions in Wisconsin.  In a related case, Jim Troupis cites a Harvard Law prof:

“He concludes, as we did at the time, that given the results of the 2020 recount were appealable (and were appealed) to the United States Supreme Court, it was a reasonable course of action and expected that the Trump-Pence electors would cast alternate elector ballots. Indeed, Professor Lessig concludes that ‘To find civil liability [as the Biden Elector Plaintiffs sought here] … would, in my view, violate the Supremacy Clause of the United State Constitution.’”

Troupis noted that Kaul’s DOJ reached a similar conclusion in its 2022 opinion to the Wisconsin Elections Commission. ...

IOW, it's all smoke and mirrors.  

Think the "press" will ask Troupis (or Kittle, the author of the linked essay) any questions?

Hell, no.

They manage, not "report" the news. 

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