Saturday, June 08, 2024

Mayor Blames Voters for MPS, Forgets Da Union

 Mayor "Corvair" (unsafe at any speed) Johnson blames the voters for the Milwaukee Public Schools disaster.

..."We need more top-notch school board directors here in Milwaukee. Some school board elections in Milwaukee have shamefully low turnout," Johnson said. "We need more from the people in this community."...

Only a union-elected and union-servant Democrat twit would blame voters for the crimes of MPS.

Astute observers--which are hard-bitten conservatives--know that Corvair is very carefully navigating the MPS Swamp.

Those NOT 'top-notch' school board directors?  Milwaukee Teachers' Union pals, members, or camp-followers.  The NOT 'top-notch' fired Superintendent?  Teachers' Union member.

Johnson knows that the Teachers' Union runs the show in MPS and that the Teachers' Union has great influence over all City elections, including a Mayor's election. 

So "Teachers' Union" is never going to pass the lips of Corvair.  He's in over his head, but he's not totally stupid.

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