Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Iowa Cancer? The Laugher-Explanation from "Experts"

They are desperate to cover up the obvious.

Researchers studying a sharp rise in cancers in Iowa have honed in on a number of factors that have made the state America's unlikely epicenter of new cases.  

The state has the fastest growing rate of new cancers and the second highest cancer rate in the country for the second year in a row. ...

Oh.  Cancers in the last two years or so.   Ummmmnnnnhhhhhh....what happened three years ago??

Here's the explanation from the Usual Suspects:

...It may be, at least in part, to do with a geographic anomaly - a radioactive gas that is leeching from the Earth thanks to geological changes that took place during the last ice age. ...


Well, of course!!  Radon's been around for a couple hundred thousand years, but only in the last 2 years has it become a cause of cancer.

Entirely believable.


Anonymous said...

Covid 19 death vax working as planned to depopulate ?

Remember you are the carbon that our betters want to get rid of

Anonymous said...

I have a theory that indigenous radon is interacting with an invasive species causing them to mutate. Imagine carcinogenic Burmese pythons slithering silently up the Iowa sewers at night and flicking their tongues up the nostrils of sleeping Iowa children.

If I could get an NIH grant to study this theory I’m sure I could produce a computer simulation which local media could utilize to increase public awareness of this brand new health threat. I’m thinking $457,000 to start.