Saturday, June 08, 2024

MPS: It Gets FAR Worse, Plus the Evers Questions

Everybody knows that the Milwaukee Public Schools (MPS) failed their final exam by sending the homework more than eight months late.  That will cost them $16 million or so from the State taxpayers' treasury.

Everyone also knows that MPS has lost its Head Start contract with the Feds.  What that will cost has not been revealed.

Now Channel 4--exclusively--reveals that MPS actually owes the State "tens of millions" of dollars for overpayments made in the past few years.

...The Milwaukee Public School district was sent "tens of millions" of dollars more in state funds than it deserved and now faces an urgent crisis as that money must be paid back, according to a state senator briefed on the situation by the Department of Public Instruction.

State Sen. LaTonya Johnson said she was part of a Zoom meeting Monday between DPI and members of the Milwaukee delegation to the state legislature.

In that call, Sen. Johnson said, DPI revealed the district had been overpaid....

And that's not the complete and total story.

 ...The exact amount of the overpayment, she said, was not known even to DPI as MPS financial figures are in such disarray....

Question:  for how long as MPS been getting overpayments?  Two years?  Five years?  TEN years?

Question:  How will MPS pay it back?  Or will Evers pull a Biden and "forgive" the debt?

Note well:  Evers is now scrambling to look like a Tough Guy, demanding audits of everything in MPS including the number of potato chips in student lunches--all paid for by even more taxpayer money.  But let's remember that Evers was State DPI Superintendent for years and undoubtedly maintains a lot of very good contacts within DPI.  

So for how long did Evers know that MPS was seriously delinquent on its reports?  For how long did Evers know that Baker, Tilly--the outside auditors--would not certify MPS' numbers?  And for how long did Evers know (or suspect) that MPS was over-billing the State for aid dollars?

Oh--incidentally--how much did MPS steal from every other school district with its overbilling

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