Thursday, June 20, 2024

TWO Bad Actors in Trucking Homicide

 You've probably seen this story.

An illegal immigrant with a record of drug- and alcohol-related arrests and multiple deportations allegedly killed a 64-year-old Colorado grandfather named Scott Miller.

That is the first thing to get clear about this story: Another American has died in an incident involving a lawbreaker with no right to be in the United States.

According to KMGH-TV in Denver, Colorado, 47-year-old Ignacio Cruz-Mendoza lost control of his semi-truck on US 285 June 11, leading to an accident that resulted in Miller’s death. Cruz-Mendoza now faces vehicular assault and vehicular homicide charges....

This is the way Biden "enriches America."

But there's another part to this story which--frankly--only the linked source (Western Journal) bothers to report.

...Then there is the matter of Monique Trucking. According to KCNC, the company that employed Cruz-Mendoza had five safety violations. Might that company’s willingness (eagerness?) to hire a man desperate for work and thus cheap to employ have constituted its most egregious violation of all, especially when that man lacked a commercial vehicle license and could not work legally?

This will do nothing to quell suspicions that
illegal immigration persists because employers want desperate workers and Democrats want voters....

Only FIVE safety violations?

Hired an illegal who did not have a CDL?

Methinks Monique's ownership should be in Federal prison alongside their driver.


Anonymous said...

Your "Thinker" is absolutely correct.

Further, the owners and the illegal invaderr driver need to be flung back several miles into Mexico........ by catapult.

....A catapult is a ballistic device used to launch a projectile a great distance without the aid of gunpowder or other propellants – particularly various types of ancient and medieval siege engines. A catapult uses the sudden release of stored potential energy to propel its payload. Most convert tension or torsion energy that was more slowly and manually built up within the device before release, via springs, bows, twisted rope, elastic, or any of numerous other materials and mechanisms.

In use since ancient times, the catapult has proven to be one of the most persistently effective mechanisms in warfare.

Anonymous said...

More FJB enrichment!

Biden Enriches America even more!