Saturday, June 15, 2024

The Acerbic Mr. Surber vs. Pubbie Twits

 Don Surber notes this item.

ITEM 15: MAGA Congresswoman Anna Paulina Luna tweeted, “I am introducing legislation today to make our foods less toxic. Millions of Americans consume poisonous food dyes and sweeteners like high fructose corn syrup daily. I’m putting an end to that. I urge my colleagues to join me in this VITAL legislation.”

Not a ban on tranny surgery for kids.

Not a ban on government agencies using social media companies to censor conservatives.

Not a ban on the FBI spying on critics.

No, she wants to outlaw Peeps, a snack that make people happy. Maybe she believes MAGA is an acronym for Make America Grumpy Again....

Luna is a typical Republican congress-twit.  Next, she'll intro legislation requiring tire-pressure checks before traveling in your car.  If you can't prove you did them, you'll be fined and incarcerated. 

And she'll talk about "safety."

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