Sunday, June 09, 2024

Cong. Steil's Spying Program

Most of you know that Brian Steil (R-WI) voted to eradicate the Fourth Amendment, along with Speaker Johnson and many other Republicans Deep State Cooperators.

One of the results of S.702--which Steil voted to keep in force--is this:

Lunden Roberts, the mother of Hunter Biden’s daughter, Navy, claimed Friday her phones “crashed” and “just about everything” with Hunter Biden on the device was “gone” after she discovered she was pregnant. 

Roberts claimed to Sirius XM’s Megyn Kelly that both of her cellphone screens “crashed” at the same time in front of both she and her friends the night she learned she was pregnant with Navy.


“You know how the little, like, black, with those lines and stuff across them? The green and the purplish looking lines?” Roberts described.

  “Yes. It looks like a total meltdown,” Kelly said.

Roberts said “a lot of stuff” involving Hunter Biden was missing from her iCloud when she got a new phone the next day.

 “Just about everything with Hunter was gone,
” Roberts said....--Vox quoting Daily Caller

If you're stupid enough to think that this is only a "Biden Thing," you are, indeed, very dense.

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