Wednesday, June 19, 2024

MPS' Line of Bee Ess

Obviously, the Milwaukee Public Schools' official line of BS has not changed since it was used to screw City taxpayers out of $250 million a few weeks ago.

"Parents want more art, music, and gym, and smaller class sizes."  That's the line, and they're sticking to it.

No matter what.

There's another part:  'the State doesn't give us enough money.'

Of course!!  You greedy out-state bastards won't give us ALL THE MONEY!!!

MPS--really, the Teachers' Union--would like you to forget a few things:

...To appreciate the impact of fringe benefit costs, consider that in 2004-05 the overall MPS budget grew $27.3 million while fringe benefi t costs grew $45.8 million. In other words, every new dollar of spending plus an additional $18 million were needed to pay for higher fringe benefit costs...

 ...A new report from an independent consultant confirms the basic conclusion that MPS reached years ago, namely, the district’s fringe benefits are “considerably more generous” than in the private sector and among other units of government. As a consequence, cuts in classroom programs have occurred despite a substantial increase in per pupil spending, something verified more than a year ago in an independent report from the Wisconsin Taxpayers Alliance (WTA)....

"That's from 2004," screech the Union screechers.  "Remember Act 10?"

We do.  And we remember that MPS did not implement portions of the Act.

Lying.  It's what MPS, its Board, and the Teachers do!!

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