Thursday, June 06, 2024

For Speaker Johnson

Mike Davis attempts to help the hapless, cringing, balls-less, John Boehner acolyte with a clear Constitutional road-map on how to lay nuclear waste to the Democrat Party of Permanent Revolution.

We know that Johnson is too busy playing patty-cake with such as Mad Max Waters to view the clip (much less act on it).  What Johnson will do instead?  Send out Jim Jordan with tie askew and sleeves rolled up as though he actually means something.  Jordan can be relied upon to provide.......nothing.........except his tin-cup-monkey routine.

The D.C. Blob will continue as Speaker Johnson reads his Bible in a corner, sucking his thumb.

Gotta hand it to the Republicans:  they can do absolutely nothing better than anyone.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the Republicans are very good at getting rich in office?

So see, you’re wrong, they are good at something….