Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Vos To Face Recall!!

 Announced on Bannon's show:  Vos recall petitions are sufficient.  Vos will take his 16% approval rating to a recall election.  Go to 16:00 on this video.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

New Gourmet Treat From Bill Gates!

Some of you have resisted eating the goodies afforded you by the New World Order types, such as crickets, mealworms, and weeds.

Bill Gates wants to overcome your stubborn resistance, so he has a new treat for  you:  maggot milk!!

...The new “EntoMilk” is described as a “dairy alternative” that is made from “black soldier fly larvae” or maggots.

The maggots are blended into a “rich and creamy liquid which looks and acts just like dairy,” according to its creators....--quoted at Moonbattery

It is not unusual for genius-level men to be loonies when they're out of their lane.  Beethoven wrote great music but was a slob.  Musk has twelve children, partly resulting from his serial monogamy, and partly .........not.  If you believe the movie's characterization, Mozart remained a 12-year-old personality throughout his life.  Thomas Edison had a family, but you wouldn't know it by the time he spent with them.

Gates' looney-tune ideas would be no big deal except for his fabulous wealth, which he uses to promote things--like maggot milk--which Normies regard as insane.  His insanity is apparently driven by his admiration for the 'thought' of Malthus, whose predictions have been proven wrong from the get-go.

Oh, well.  Like Malthus, Beethoven, and Edison, Gates will pass on.  At that time, he will learn some hard facts about nature, reality, and Right Order.  And maggot milk will be flushed down the toilet where it belonged in the first place.

Monday, June 24, 2024

"Climate" Hurricanes? Nope.

While SeeBeeEss is arguably the most prominent pusher of the "climate-change" drug, you'll hear the rants of the addicts on any TeeeVeee or radio outlet, and you'll see it in the Mind-Numbed Robot "press".

Current Hair-On-Fire crisis?  Hurricanes.  More than the average predicted for this year.

So obviously, you drive your car, heat your home, and cook with gas FAR TOO MUCH!!

Don't buy it.

...The 2024 forecast from [Colorado State U] calls for 23 “named storms,” in the Atlantic Basin (Alberto, Beryl, Chris, Debby, etc.). Named storms include both tropical storms (winds of at least 39 mph) and hurricanes (winds of at least 74 mph). The seasonal average number of named storms is 14.

The CSU forecast also calls for 11 hurricanes in the Atlantic Basin, whereas the average is 7. Of those 11 hurricanes, 5 are anticipated to be “major,” meaning a storm with sustained winds of at least 111 mph. The average number of major hurricanes each year in that region is 3.

Indeed, while it really might be a big season for hurricanes and tropical storms, Dr. Frank put the CSU forecast into perspective.

Hurricanes follow a multi-decadal cycle of about 60-years that cannot be linked to global warming. We are currently in a very active phase of a natural cycle. Not a surprise.”...

You can identify the problem immediately if you read the last graf with comprehension.  Dr. Frank mentioned a '60-year cycle.'


"Journalists" never think back more than one year, much less sixty.  Nor do they do any substantive research.  

Don't believe me?  Then look up the "journalist" takes on the water level in Lake Michigan someday.  When it was high, it was a CRISIS!!  When it was low, it was a CRISIS!!  The high- and low-water marks were separated by about 30 years, during which Lake Michigan slowly gained or lost.  There is no Hole in the Earth swallowing up water, nor is there a Big Stopper Cork keeping water high.

It's natural, just like hurricane cycles.

Now you know a lot more than the "journalists" do.  But they have prettier faces.  Mostly.

Sunday, June 23, 2024

The Good Old Days

 Sundance posts an image of three recognizable characters just hanging out.

Trump to Dump Department of "Education"

Trump finally gets to the topic of "must be killed" and promises to shut down the Department of "Education," which is pushing DEI (Didn't Earn It), Sex for Kindergartners (homo-, hetero- and lonesome-), and Critical Race Theory.  DoE is also the redoubt of both teachers' unions.  It serves their interests first, last, and always.  Your kids?  Not so much.

The DoE is one of the four most subversive agencies in the FedGov, the others being the FBI, the EPA, and the CIA.

Unfortunately, Trump is still kissing the ass of the FBI and hasn't commented on EPA nor CIA.

But there's always hope.

Lowlife Paul Ryan FIRST To Have "Dossier"

Widdle Paulie Ryan is still stamping his widdle feets after being humiliated by 1) being second fiddle to Mitt Romney,  and 2) losing that race bigly.

Turns out that Widdle Paulie was the first to get his hands on the "dossier" that was paid for by Hillary Clinton and while sitting on that "dossier," Ryan charged his Congressional investigators to dig into 'the possibility' that there was a "dossier".  (At the time, Widdle Paulie's BFF Reince Priebus was Chief of Staff in Trump's White House.  Priebus was fired for running his mouth 24X7 to the press.)

Here's a question:  who gave that "dossier" to Ryan?  Hillary Clinton?  Marc Elias?  Those are the two dirtiest names in D.C.; was Ryan a pal of theirs?

Anyhow, he was sitting on the document that he told them to find.  That's the kind of dirtball politics that he taught to "Mr. 16%" Robin Vos.

The Ryan-Priebus political love affair gets more interesting every day, ain'a?  Especially when you add Vos to that menage.  Remember, it was Vos who effectively killed the Brandtjen/Gableman election-fraud investigation.  Vos also killed the removal of Meagan Wolfe by lying (yes, lying) about the number of Assembly votes needed to impeach her far-Left ass.

Think Jay Weber or Jerry Bott will be talking about that Ryan-Priebus-Vos thing?   Hmmmmm???

Saturday, June 22, 2024

MIT Ph.D.........WHOOPS!!

Smart guy, eh?  M.I.T., Ph.D.

Dave Dussault loves coffee iced, but not watered-down. He also doesn't like cold brew, which he says eliminates complex flavors.

So a few years ago, the thermal engineer and MIT grad committed himself to making his coffee better. He launched his Watertown company, Snapchill, in 2019 after three months of trial and error to find the best of both hot and cold brew....

And in today's news:


The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) reports that Snapchill LLC out of Green Bay, WI, is recalling all canned coffee products out of concern the company’s current manufacturing process could lead to the growth and production of botulinum toxin, a deadly toxin. The company failed to file its process for manufacturing with the FDA....

Thanks.  I'll take my coffee hot.

The Usual Suspects, The Usual Con

 You thought the NeverTrump/Swamp twits just disappeared?

Think again.

...the DC system that created Mike Pence as the best option for Trump 2016 is the same system pushing Vance, Rubio and Burgum for 2024. ...

How about Steve Bannon?  TWO convicted criminals for the price of one!!!

After all, there's an un-indicted traitor in the White House now.....

The FBI Manual Says......