Thursday, June 13, 2024

Perfect Description of Little Paulie Cry-Ryan

Remember that Paul Ryan never held a job outside government except for a short stint flipping burgers...

...The bureaucracy [and Little Paulie Cry-Ryans] of DC exists to sustain the career influence and affluence of a group of people who would never survive in the private sector. Their weak work ethic, selfish worldview, insufferably annoying character traits, flawed logic, silly outlooks and disconnected opinions created in a bubble that has no relationship to reality, are only useful within their echo-chambered system....

Why does Little Paulie Cry-Ryan hate Trump?

 ...President Trump has a skillset of commonsense accomplishment that runs completely counter to the mindset of the administrative state.  President Trump thinks like you and me; Trump finds optimal solutions. Washington DC simply cannot fathom successful policy outcomes that do not come from their creation. Trump succeeded with a doctrine that was entirely unfamiliar to the DC bureaucracy. {GO DEEP}  It is absolutely critical that we never forget this....


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Washington DC simply cannot fathom successful policy outcomes that do not come from their creation"

...and they are going to shove that solution down your throat whether you like it or not....

so the more of us telling them to f&$k off, the better off we will be