Sunday, June 16, 2024

'Souls To the Polls' or Money for Voters?

 Vincent Everett Ellison is a thorough historian of the black community and a man raised up right.

And he has the number on "Souls To the Polls" (and Tupac, and Snoop--whom he calls a dope fiend.)  "Souls" is a Democrat racket; black pastors are paid to get out the vote.  Yes, they also get lots of uncritical press coverage in Milwaukee.  Do you think that's coincidence?

If you think that the Communists had a lot to do with the "civil rights" movement, you're correct, by the telling of Ellison.  They also had a lot to do with Martin Luther King, Jr.; his movement had more than a few active Communist Party members near the top.

Tucker spent a couple hours with Ellison.  If you do, you will learn a LOT, and what you learn is not what the Publick Screwels or the Presstitutes tell you.



Anonymous said...

President Trump mentioned abolishing the Federal income tax at a House GOP meeting today

Who could possibly be against this?!

Who doesn’t want an extra 20-37% more in their paycheck?!

This would create an economic boom the likes of which this country has never seen

Do it

Anonymous said...

After the income tax is toast, then start firing the deep state! the EPA, all the three letter agancies!

Dad29 said...

He proposed a consumption tax: tariffs. Also the original Constitutional tax, by the way.

That "extra" 20++%? Don't be silly. The increased prices of every imported item you buy will make up for quite a bit of that. However, like any consumption tax, the more frugally you spend, the less you pay.