Wednesday, June 19, 2024

FBI Worked FOR Biden in '20 Election

There's really no other way to phrase it.  The FBI was actively working to elect Joe Biden during the 2020 Election Fraud.

 ...The FBI learned as early as 2016 that Hunter Biden and his partners were working on a venture involving a $120 million investment from Nykola Zlochevsky, the controversial owner of Burisma Holdings. Documents obtained by Just the News reveal that this information, kept from the public for eight years, was uncovered during an investigation of securities fraud nearly a decade ago....Ace quoting Just the News

Yes, it gets worse.  Flaming Skull worse:

...Then, of course, they lied all through 2019 and 2020 when they staged war games with the media in which they gamed out a scenario in which falsified documents about Hunter Biden were pushed by Russia in a "hack-and-release" operation.

They did that. They prepared the media to reject any documents that got released about Hunter Biden through a "tabletop simulation" at the Aspen Institute. Bill Kristol was a participant.

They told the media in advance that false, fraudulent documents would be "hacked" and released by Russia, even though they had the laptop they knew these documents would be leaked from, and knew they were 100% real, and would not be released by Russia but by Rudy Guiliani and former FBI agents.

That's so incredible I can't believe it-- but that's what they did..

Doesn't Charlie Sykes have his nose buried in Billy Kristol's anus?


It doesn't appear that Trump is going to do the right thing, which would be to zero out the FBI.  Too bad.  The country's debt is so high, and its deficits so serious, that Trump has the perfect excuse.  But we doubt that he's going to make any sort of dent in the deficit, not to mention the debt.

This is where you bend over and kiss your ass goodbye.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I’m not kissing anything good bye….
That’s despair and a sin and sin makes you stupid. No thanks


Ask Mary. She is your mother as well.

Mary can help check the feebs….. A Simple humble request is what is required.

Consecration to 
Jesus through Mary