Monday, June 10, 2024

Macron Gets Slapped in Election

The election for Euro Parliament, to be clear.

But it startled Macron enough that he called a snap election in France.

Le Pen’s populist-nationalist party got twice as many votes as the governing group of Emmanuel Macron’s globalist centrists in Sunday’s European Parliament election, prompting Macron to immediately dissolve the national parliament and call fresh French elections in a bid to regain authority for the remainder of his presidential term....

Holland recently elected a populist-conservative, Wilders.  The farmers are still in an uproar across Europe.  Hungary and Italy are governed by populist Conservatives and Germany has announced plans to forcibly remove criminal immigrants from that country--but the AFD (rightist) still made huge gains in that Euro election.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, it looks like things are going to change in Germany as well!

Wonder how this change will affect Victoria Nulands Neocon Jewish vendetta war against Russia and Ukrainian men?