Saturday, June 22, 2024

Madison Liars, Lazy Tony's Legacy, HORRIBLE Milwaukee Schools

 Just so you understand the magnitude here:  the State of Wisconsin gave the HORRIBLE Milwaukee Public Schools about $600 million in the '22-'23 school year.


That's a big number, noSo is the enrollment of about 69,000 students.  So is the number of employees at 8,500.

It's the largest District in the State of Wisconsin.  By far.

So when the State Superintendent of Education says that she 

"first was alerted to MPS' financial mess in late April"

--only six weeks before Underly's agency wrote a very serious threat-letter to MPS--

Do you believe her

Here's what you can believe:

...She said, [in late April] DPI officials were not alarmed by that seven-month delay.

"[In 2023], MPS was late with different reports. They released one in the end of March, and then two in mid-April," Underly said. "So, by mid-April [of this year], we were still not concerned."...

"La-dee-dah.  Six hundred million or so.  No big deal.  Let's have a latte and vegan at Sookie's!!" 

Looks like Lazy Tony left a legacy there:  "No worries shall be had before the SHTF!"

For that matter, Lazy Tony (Evers) also claims he heard nothing, saw nothing, said nothing about this, after having led the DPI for eight full years of doing.......not much.......except distributing billions of dollars and pushing porn and masturbation lessons into K-5.

Don't believe him, either.  You can't tell me he didn't hear from his old cronies that MPS was both seriously delinquent AND lying about their numbers to get extra money.

They're like all Democrat politicians:  you know they're lying when you see their lips moving.

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