Friday, June 14, 2024

"Horrible" City? You Decide

 Trump referred to Milwaukee as a "horrible city," according to reports There is no attribution to a source in the original story, and people who were actually in the meeting state that Trump referred to Milwaukee's crime rate problem"Third worst" in the USA is horribleTo the Mayor of Milwaukee--who hasn't a clue how to fix that crime problem--the City's crime situation is not "horrible."  To him, Trump is "horrible."  But then, the Mayor is.......ahhh.......short on smarts.

To us who live outside of the City, well.......

In 2015, there were 230 non-fatal shooting victimsIn 2023 there were 313.  So far this year, "only" 95.

In 2022 (latest FBI Stats year available), there were 215 homicides, 439 rapes, 6,300 aggravated assaults, 8,000+ car thefts, and 28 cases of sex trafficking--but 0 cases of human slavery.

So far this year, there have been 7 homicides of children under the age of 15 and three of  children ages 15-17.  There have been a total of 51 homicides to date.

The Milwaukee Public Schools fired their Chief Financial Officer and their Comptroller after the State decided to hold back $16++ million in aid payments.  It is reported that the school district OWES THE STATE $35-50 MILLION dollars.

Then there's the firing of the City of Milwaukee's chief election officer following the highly-suspicious "central count" hockey-stick of 2020, wherein FJB got nearly every single vote counted after 10 PMCourts never adjudicated the fraud, despite MSM bleating to the contrary.

Oh, and let's not forget that the City of Milwaukee now charges a 7.9% sales tax Next door, in Wauwatosa, it's only 5.9%.  Just a step further west, the Brookfield sales tax is 5%.

Every driver in the State knows (or should know) that when driving on City of Milwaukee streets, you must slow to a crawl and look both ways before driving through ANY intersection.  Reckless driving in the City of Milwaukee is common--as are the accidents and fatalities due to high-speed (70 MPH) driving by the local vibrants.

One more thing:  the City of Milwaukee will be the location of the Republican convention in a few weeks.  The Usual Suspects (Communists and "Socialists") are expected to show up and "demonstrate."  Will it be "horrible"?

We report.  You decide.

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