Monday, December 04, 2023

The (Priest) Cavalry Is Coming!!

Nice to see this!

...The Catholic Project, which I direct at The Catholic University of America, published initial results from the largest survey of American Catholic priests in more than 50 years, the National Study of Catholic Priests (NSCP). Our initial report looked to answer several questions...

Alrighty, then!!  What do we know??


... Older priests are more likely to describe themselves as theologically “progressive” and politically “liberal,” while younger priests were more likely to describe themselves as theologically “orthodox” and politically “conservative.

          This result, in itself, was not especially surprising. Anecdotal evidence suggested a similar trend for decades. Other recent studies of American Catholic priests have shown a similar conservative trend among younger priests. Notably, recent comments from both Pope Francis and Cardinal Christophe Pierre indicate that Rome is uneasy about what it sees as conservative trends among younger American clergy.

          In short, our study demonstrated with hard data what everyone already knew: young American priests tend to be more conservative than their older peers....

Once those young 'uns are in charge............the FBI will be watching them.


Grim said...

Priest cavalry, you say?

Dad29 said...

You gotta love that stuff!

And--by the way--that's a thinly-disguised Defense Against Muslims group.