Sunday, December 24, 2023

Republican Nat'l Committee $$ Shortage

Sundance explains this very well.

As the story is told, the “republicans” have the lowest amount of reserve cash on hand in the past seven years. However, as readers here are well aware, it’s not the republicans that are “running out of money,” it is the RNC Corporation that is running low on funds. These are two distinctly different things....

 ...The RNC and DNC are essentially private clubs, business entities that exist within a political system they create and control. In the era of Donald J Trump, this stark reality is now clear to almost every voter.

As a result, the RNC corporation does not receive most of its funding from the American electorate. The people have switched from funding the republican corporation, the RNC, to directly funding the individual republican candidates....

Y'all kinda knew that, but there it is, plain as day, in writing.

So what?

 ...The RNC is irrelevant to grassroots, small donors. Only the multinationals continue funding the RNC, which makes the candidate funding from the RNC an outcome of who the multinationals, hedge funds, and Wall Street billionaires choose to select.

The MAGA base does not fund the RNC, and in most instances the RNC funded candidates are antithetical to the objectives of the America-First movement. This inherent reality creates two types of Republicans, the RNC/Corporate republicans – beholden to the multinationals and millionaires, and the MAGA republicans who must serve the interests of the MAGA voters....

You don't have to like Trump's personality, nor all of his positions.  But you do have to like a guy who actually LOST a chunk of his net worth and did a tough job without getting paid for it, along the way exposing the rape of the American citizen by other Americans.

And despite everything but assassination being thrown at him (so far), running for the same position so he can expose even more corruption and stop a part of it, again.

He, friends, is a Patriot.


Thomas said...

hmmm...I guess I'm dumb, but when I try to contribute directly to one of the candidates, it still goes through "WinRed." Is that not the RNC corporation? controlling how the money ultimately gets spent? or does 100% of what I give actually go to the candidate to decide how to spend?

Tony Ambrosetti said...

Even though Trump has done some good things, it is important for Catholics to understand that we cannot vote for a man who is willing to "negotiate" on the point in a pregnancy when a woman can no longer legally butcher the child on her womb. Moreover, his attitude toward LGBT "marriage" also disqualifies him from the Catholic vote.

Anonymous said...

So who are you going to vote for? I’m so sick of the Catholic Church! Why don’t you do something about your pope who follows Satan and blesses same sex marriage. Trump has done my for our babies then any other President! Yeah don’t vote for Trump so we keep full term abortions. Great plan 🤪

Dad29 said...

Tony, the alternative to Trump is far worse.

It's very nice to be a Puritan, but taking yourself out of the game pretty much assures the other team of victory.

I'm holding my nose. Did it before, will likely do it again.

One more thing: Quit your High Holy Judgement routine. It doesn't look good on you.

Anonymous said...

Explain if you will- a better alternative . In good conscience, Can one vote for for an exceptions bill ( if it saves lives)? Or can one vote for a candidate if he/she saves lives- even though they take a position that has exceptions for abortion ?

Does a conceit of triage have any place in the debate?

Dad29 said...

First off, remember this: it is a STATE ISSUE, according to SCOTUS.

There will be a lot of posing-for-holy-pictures going on in Congress, almost all of it trolling for contributions.

Go to your State legislature for a solution.

Anonymous said...

Trump is responsible for the shots and lockdowns. He's a globalist. Anyone who comes near the presidency is. It's time to consider the idea that we really don't have the say we think we do in our government.

Dad29 said...

Trump is responsible for the shots and lockdowns.

Trump was told by "scientists" and "doctors" that unless he moved The Vaxx and ordered lockdowns, TENS of MILLIONS of AMERICANS "would die."

Trump did not know how evil his "scientists" and "doctors" were. And as President, he had responsibility to protect Americans.

Think about circumstances. Even a 6-year-old can use hindsight to look smart. Don't be a 6-year-old.

Chriss Rainey said...

Is there a way to subscribe to this blog?

Dad29 said...

Chriss, you've found it. Put it in your bookmarks or favorites. Hit the link every day.