Monday, December 11, 2023

"Ace" Gets It Dead Wrong

Generally, "Ace of Spades" is a libertarian, but has Actual Conservative moments.

Here, his Libertarian blinders are on and he is an embarrassment.  Commenting on an NPR story wherein youth (13-24 years old) are quizzed regarding sex in movies, "Ace" has this to say:

...A new story claims that Gen Z doesn't want any sex or romance in movies. What they want, supposedly, is more stories about platonic relationships.

I mean, yes, we'd like to see young people not having casual sex like animals but it is probably not a good thing when a generation loses a normal healthy interest in sex altogether....

Is that what the NPR story said--that 'a generation has lost normal healthy interest in sex'?

No, of course not.

"When there's media with too much sex, me and my friends often feel uncomfortable," said survey respondent Ana, age 16...

 ..."My friends are I maybe awkwardly bear through it," said 20-year-old respondent Joseph.

The research team said Gen Z's chaste entertainment preferences stem from a craving for feel-good character relationships following the isolation of the pandemic years....


... "It's not that young people aren't interested in TV, movies and other media with sexual content, it's that they want to see more and different types of relationships," said UCLA Center for Scholars and Storytellers founder Yalda Uhls....

That's not exactly 'losing interest in sex.'  What it hints at is perhaps the sex-soaked hookup scene is just not what these kids understand to be ideal.  It has always been ideal for Hollywood, where it mimics casting-couch life and the fantasies of aging producers and directors.

But not for normal people.

Revisit the story and check your prejudices, Ace.  Being uncomfortable with hot passion is actually normal for teens and even for young adults.  Maybe you're just too old, or your need for pudding is outside of the norm.  


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