Sunday, June 06, 2021

Local Pravda to Get Tax Money?

 Oooohh.  This is nice.

From Democratic lawmakers to journalists, a campaign is being waged to treat local news outlets as "civic infrastructure" that would be eligible for $2.3 billion in taxpayer aid in the American Jobs Plan infrastructure bill.

Sen. Maria Cantwell, D-Wash., is leading the charge to secure the money in the legislation being negotiated between President Biden and bipartisan members of Congress. 

"Broadcast journalism and news journalism are part of [our] critical infrastructure," Cantwell told the National Association of Broadcasters last month...

The Bai-den Regime would like to purchase some loyalty, although such a purchase is totes unnecessary with the local Pravda and Izvestia outlets. 

However, since it's YOUR money, who cares?  Just SPEND it!

1 comment:

Mike said...

Their print subscription is only $600 per year. They don't need any help.