Tuesday, December 05, 2023

The Arlington (VA) Nutbag-Home Exploder

 This little explosion went HUGH viral in less than a day.

But what about the nutbag--Yoo--who set it off?

[Journalist] Sortor revealed additional alleged information on Yoo: 

  • He's a far leftist that posts anti-white hatred and quotes Noam Chomsky

  • He accused his neighbors of being spies on social media just three days ago

  • He had a previous encounter with the FBI

  • He filed countless frivolous lawsuits against his own sister and wife

  • He was the former Head of Global Security at the US government's "Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS)

Reassuring to know that Uncle Sam hires nothing but the best and vets them real good-like, too, ain'a?


Anonymous said...

Bet he smokes marijuana…….. and is contemplating cutting his nuts off so he can be trans

Anonymous said...

From the article comments:

“CIFUS has a lot of evidence regarding how Obama and Hillary sold a big chunk of US uranium reserves to Russia”.

Dad29 said...

That uranium deal is at least 10 years old. They've sold a lot more of the US to other bidders since.

Anonymous said...

Yes. Good. Nothing to connect Hillary to anything. Statute of limitations and innocent until proven guilty and due process and legal fees. Paranoid tin foil moonbats are incapable of rational fear, by definition. You are almost certainly correct.

There is no reason to believe a Washington insider suddenly blowing up has tendrils into the history of other Washington insiders. Case closed. Look no more at this smoldering wreckage. Hey look! Warm weather in December is proof of global warming.

An old joke: What is a blown up building in DC? A good start!