Saturday, December 02, 2023

Pot. Kettle. GAS!!!!

 A couple of gas-bag Senators want to ban gas-operated AR's.  (They're late to the party, but not to gassing the public).

Sen. Mark Kelly (D-AZ) is pushing a ban on AR-15s by focusing on their gas operation system approximately 64 years after the gun’s design included such a system.

Breitbart News reported that Sen. Angus King (I-ME) and a group of Senate Democrats, including Kelly, introduced an AR-15 ban early Thursday. In so doing, they used new catchphrases such as “lethal capacity weapons” and “gas-operated semiautomatic.”...

See, "assault weapon" didn't work for long, so let's try "gas-operated" and "lethal capacity"!!

Better move:  ban gas-operated politicians.  That'll leave MTG as the only one in D.C.

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